With the order of yingpingzhu, several Yingjia masters immediately rushed to the Dragon hand.

"What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it

The Dragon hand drinks urgently, wants to escape, but how can he escape from the encirclement of these masters? He was immediately arrested by Ying's family and taken to yingpingzhu.

"Let go of me, let go of me!" The Dragon shouts.

Ying Pingzhu's backhand is two slaps.

Pa Pa!

The Dragon hand's face swelled up immediately.

"Dragon hand, since you want to follow the immortal Doctor Lin, you are the enemy of our Ying family. I advise you to be honest, or I will kill you now!" Should flat bamboo light says.

"Yingpingzhu... Don't bully people too much!" The Dragon hand gnawed its teeth and incised its teeth.

"Too much bullying? Now it's not that we Yingjia bullies you, but you step on my Yingjia's head. No wonder we are! "

Ying Pingzhu said coldly, and then he yelled at Lin Yang, who was still fighting in the Yingjia crowd over there: "Doctor Lin!"

This word fell to the ground, and Lin Yang over there suddenly turned his head. When he saw the Dragon hand captured by yingpingzhu, his face suddenly sank.

"Teacher, leave me alone! You'd better try to get out of here The Dragon hand shouts.

Shut up

Next to should break the waves to come over, the face of the Dragon hand is a punch.


The nose of the Dragon hand immediately gushed out a large amount of blood, and people were also seeing stars, almost fainting.

Lin Yang's face was cold.

"What? Dog, see what happened to him? Later you will be like this, ha ha ha... "Should break the waves with a crazy smile, and then another punch hit the Dragon hand.


The Dragon hand is aching and curls up and wants to fall down.

But Ying's family immediately seized him and lifted his body.

Should break the waves as if crazy, again, a fist toward the Dragon hand hit the body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

the noise kept coming out and never stopped.

After a while, the chest of the Dragon hand was already bloody, and people were dying, so it was difficult to stand.

"Teacher... Quick... Go..." dragon hand consciousness fuzzy cry, sound like mosquito.

Lin Yang was angry and his face was black.

He stopped his hand and turned straight to the Dragon hand.

He ignored all the punches and kicks around him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Dong...

the fists and feet like raindrops hit Lin Yang fiercely.

But he seemed to be unaware of the pain, just staring at the other side of the wave, striding forward.

"Stop him!"

He should drink and shout.

The crowd rushed forward in a roar.

"Go away!"

Lin Yang is furious and drinks, a fist directly to a should strong person who pours over fiercely in the past.

This blow, Lin Yang exhausted all his strength.


A dull noise broke out.

Then he saw that the Ying family master's abdomen was directly pierced by Lin Yang's fist, and his internal organs and broken meat were splashed out with blood.


The audience was shocked.

Lin Yang suddenly shook off his hand, threw the man aside, and smashed a piece of people.


"I want you dead!"

Several strong yingjiaqiang came with their long swords.

Xiaoxiao sword shadow is like autumn water, with cold front.

But as soon as the blade arrived, Lin Yang hit several silver needles with his backhand and cut off the blades.

"What?" The swordsmen were appalled.

However, before the blade of the broken sword fell to the ground, Lin Yang raised his hand again, clasped the blade and chopped forward.




blood spatter, violent and extraordinary.

He saw that the broken blade was clamped in his hand by Lin Yang, and he kept waving the sword's edge which was bleeding like waves.

After each stroke, a member of the Ying family fell.

Their throat without exception, all appear a long and thin gap.

One blow to the throat!

The faces of the people turned pale.

Lin Yang has begun to die!

Although Ying's family tried to stop him, no one could stop Lin Yang's attack.

Soon, Lin Yang broke through the crowd and came to the side of the wave that should be broken only 10 meters away.

Should break the waves scared legs soft, quickly grabbed the neck of the Dragon hand, roared: "you stop! Or... Or I'll kill him! "

"If you do that, you will only let the whole Ying family bury him!" Lin Yang said coldly.

"Stop it..."

Ying Huanian over there wants to get up and stop him, but he doesn't have much strength and his voice is very weak. No one can hear him at this time."Let's bury him at home? Dr. Lin, do you really think you are invincible? Have you killed one person, ten people, 100 people in my Yingjia family, and killed my whole Yingjia family? "

The old men standing next to Ying Huanian were so angry that they all jumped over and blocked Lin Yang in front of them, and then all of them put on their posture.

Seeing this, Ying Huanian closed his eyes helplessly.

He knew that it was beyond redemption.

"If you want to deal with this dog, you don't have to do it. Look at us!"

Yingjia masters are not willing to give up, and then roar to kill the past.

"Lingfeng sword technique!"

"Look at my broken legs!"

"Eat my hand


there was a constant clamor.

Lin Yang's eyes were bright, and he suddenly turned to blow out his fist at those who came.

"Yinglong Xingchen boxing!"

With a cry, his fists turned into countless stars and flashed towards the family members.


The audience was shocked.

Yingpingzhu and others are staring at the terrible scene.

"This... It can't be... He... How can he do my best? It's impossible! " The bear roared.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

the shadow of the stars and fists covered the past, directly devouring more than a dozen strong Yingjia people.

When the shadow of the fist disappeared, the bodies of these people had been blasted into a state of disfigurement, all their bones were broken, and all their flesh and skin were cracked. When they fell to the ground, they were no longer breathing.

All the Ying family members around were scared to death.


The elders of the Ying family seemed to have collapsed, and rushed to Linyang with a roar and a mad killing.

"Good coming!"

Lin Yang was not polite. His eyes were ferocious. He stared at a big old man who was the fastest and blew out his fist.

Seeing this, the old man stopped immediately and roared, and his chest suddenly swelled.


With this blow, the old man suddenly retreated, all the skin and flesh of his chest were split, and three bones were broken, but the man did not fall.

It turns out that this man is a master of foreign skills.

The physical strength of the man can be seen when he can eat this punch.

However, after this blow was blocked, the other veterans seized the opportunity to kill all of them and took the lead of Linyang.

Lin Yang was about to stop boxing when the outsider suddenly put out his arms and hugged Lin Yang, trying to tie him down www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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