See that person dead lock Lin Yang, people's eyes burst.

"Well done! Look at my Hercules An old man with a long beard and white hair yelled, and his thumb, which was bent like a branch, was directly buckled to Linyang's throat.


A strong storm arose.

Although the thumb is covered by chicken skin, it seems fragile, but at this moment, it shows the strength of Cang Jin Jue.

All the diamonds will be smashed here, right?

But the next second, Lin Yang suddenly force.

The arms of the master of foreign martial arts who locked him trembled wildly at once.

"No, i... I can't hold on!" The master of foreign martial arts clenched his teeth and cried.

But the voice falls, Lin Yang suddenly again will force a heavy.


The crackle came out.

The two arms of the master of foreign martial arts were directly smashed by Lin Yang. Because of the huge power in ancient times, his two arms were pushed and fractured.

"Ah The master of foreign martial arts made a sad cry.

Lin Yang stares at that hit thumb, suddenly backhand a needle, stab toward that thumb.

The needle, like a meteor, was swift and violent, and directly pierced the thumb.

In an instant, the fierce thumb like a missile suddenly slowed down, and the power on the top was like a balloon that was punctured and shriveled directly...


The old man breathed hard.


There was a low roar.

The old man suddenly looked up, but saw a thumb hit him.

That... Is Lin Yang's finger.

What's more, the power of this finger is even stronger than his power!

The old man was shocked and tried to dodge, but he was still slow in the end...


The thumb hit him hard on the chest.

All the bones in the old man's chest burst, and a large mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth. People flew out like a sharp arrow and smashed three big trees as thick as two people held in their arms. Finally, he broke a house and stopped.

"Yinghu grandfather!"

"Old lake!"

Ying's family exclaimed.

Everyone was shocked by the scene.

The rest of Yingjia elders all stare big eyes, staring at Lin Yang blankly: "you... How can you be Hercules?"

"And the Yinglong star boxing before... How did you learn it? I should learn from my family... Where did you learn it? "

People said trembling, at this moment, we look at Lin Yang's eyes is no longer resentment, but a strong fear.

"He's learning and selling now!"

At this time, Ying Huanian, who was helped up by others, stepped forward with a strong body and called out weakly, "everyone, stop now! Don't... Fight again! "

"Learn now, sell now?"

Ying's family were all frightened by Ying's words.

"And... And this freak?" Ying Pingzhu was shocked.

Next to should break the waves, the face is extremely ugly.

Others don't know, but he knows it clearly.

Previously, in the worship of religion, Lin Yang showed his evil talent of learning and selling now!

No matter who he is, as long as he demonstrates his unique skills in front of him, he will learn them immediately and use them now. Maybe he won't be so skillful in using them. However, with his terrible speed and brute force, the power of those martial arts will never be worse.

This Hercules finger and Yinglong star boxing is a good example.

Such evil spirits will only become stronger and stronger in the battle. Yingjia will never take advantage of it if they continue to fight.

"All the Ying family members, all... All of them, step back and let go of the Dragon hand. Don't... Fight again!" Ying Huanian called out feebly.

"Master, this..."

the elders seem unconvinced.

"Do you... Do you think there is something wrong with my eyes? If we fight like this again... Even if our Ying family loses the miracle Doctor Lin, it will only cause heavy losses. I saw this, so... That's why I advised you to stop... "Ying said, panting.

"But I'm so big that I'm afraid of this man? If you want to fight, you can fight. Besides, this person has killed so many people in my Ying family. Can't that be all? " A warm-blooded youth of Ying family said angrily.

"You want to do it? OK, you go and fight Doctor Lin yourself. "

Ying Huanian glared angrily at the young man.

The man was stunned, thinking of Lin Yang's move, he defeated an elder Yingjia, and he became timid...

"your courage is just based on the number of people. But you should know that once you start, you will die. Do you want to let our relatives of Yingjia die because of your quick pace?" Ying Huanian said angrily.The young man immediately lowered his head in shame.

"What do you say, master?" The old man frowned.

There is no denying that Ying is very rational.

However, in the eyes of Ying's family, Ying's reason has been somewhat inclined to cowardice.

After all, Yingjia has always been proud.

But at this time, who can still have a way? Who would like to die?

They still have to face the owner.

Ying Huanian stammered his lower lip and made a decision in his heart. He bit his teeth and said, "according to what I had agreed with Dr. Lin before... We should be at home... To his... Ministers..."

however, before Ying Huanian finished his words, he was interrupted by an old voice:

"wait a minute, Hua Nian!"

The whole audience was shocked.

Lin Yang also raised his head and looked at the sky.

Before the man arrives, the voice comes.

Who is this?

What's more, the sound seems to be ringing in my ears.

How is this sent out?

When Lin Yang was puzzled, a rickety old man came along the path leading to the yard.

The old man is very thin, as if the skin is covered with bones, there are not a few hair on his head, his eyes are sunken, and he looks like he is old.

At the moment, he is hunchbacked, coughing and coming here.

When the old man appeared, all his family members were overjoyed.

"Ancestor! You can count it

"My God, we should be saved, we are saved!"

"My ancestor, you must be a leader in my family."

"Your descendants have been slaughtered by this thief!"


many people kneel directly on the ground, kowtow to the old man, and others are crying and crying.


Lin Yang gazed at the old man and knew it.

This man... Was the old man who had called Ying Huanian earlier...

but he saw the old man walking slowly, standing at the gate of the yard, looking around the yard, and then looking at Ying Huanian.

After a moment, he shook his head and moved his muddy eyes to Lin Yang's body...

"young man, are you going to... Kill me and be home?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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