Outside Jiangcheng Airport.

A middle-aged man in Tang suit and glasses came out carrying a canvas bag.


A middle-aged man in a suit walked up quickly.

"Where is the car?"

The man in Tang suit said expressionlessly.

"follow me!"

The man in the suit leads the way.

Soon, a Santana drove out of the airport.

"What is the background of this Jiang? Give me his information."

The man in Tang suit lit a flue.

"It's all here!"

Others immediately handed over a thick stack of documents.

I saw the man in Tang suit flipping through the information quickly, and within a minute, he flipped through the information to the end, and then returned it.

Others were astonished.

"Master, don't you want to watch?"

"I've finished watching."

The man in Tang suit said lightly.


The people in the car were unbelievable.

But the man in the suit sneered: "What do you know? My elder brother is one of the seven Dharma Kings of the Thunder Palace outside the Territory! His supernatural powers are beyond what ordinary people like you can imagine. It's easy to see ten lines with one eye!"

"I see!"

"so amazing!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again.

The man in the suit gave a disdainful smile, and looked at the man in Tang suit: "Brother, what's the matter? Is Doctor Lin easy to deal with?"

"I've been away from Dragon Kingdom for a long time, and I'm not very familiar with the affairs and people in the territory. According to your information, this divine doctor Lin wiped out an organization called Shengshan, and also defeated several masters who didn't know where he came from. Anyway, He has some skills."

The man in Tang suit thought for a while, and said calmly: "When does the Qi family want us to do it?"

"Now the Qi family is said to have been burned by the other party and has a bad reputation. He means to bring the other party to the Qi family and force the other party to compromise. If he can work for that person, it will be the best!"

"I see."

The man in Tang suit nodded, and said calmly: "Send someone to call that person first, say hello, and we will go directly to him!"

"Okay brother!"


Xuan Medical School.

Lin Yang was waiting in the pharmacy to develop the medicine sent from the Nirvana Realm.

There is no news from Ao Hanmei.

He can't just pin his hopes on Ao Hanmei alone, but also keeps sending people to other places to collect exotic flowers and herbs to synthesize the stubborn diseases in his body.

Tuk tuk.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Lin Yang frowned and shouted.

He has clearly explained that there is nothing important not to disturb.

The door was pushed open.

Xu Tian walked in quickly.

"Director Lin, I just received a call that someone is looking for you."

"Who? Is it from the Nirvana Realm?"

Lin Yang asked while preparing the medicine.

"No, the other party claims to be... Extraterrestrial Thunder Palace!"

"Thunder Palace?"

Lin Yang was startled, and looked at him in astonishment: "What is this?"

"I don't know! The other party said that they will be arriving at the Academy of Profound Medicine School soon, and they want you to go to the gate and wait for them immediately, and then get in the car and walk with them." Xu Tian said.

"What will happen if you don't go?"

"The other party didn't say anything."

Lin Yang frowned after hearing the sound, then waved his hand: "Forget it, ignore them!"

"This... Lin Dong, is it not too good, after all, he is a person from outside the territory, and I don't know what the status of this Thunder Palace is. If he offends..." Xu Tian hesitated to speak, and said cautiously.

"Is that so?"

Lin Yang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then let them come in, and let them wait in the living room first, and I will go there after I finish dealing with the matter here!"


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