
Santana stopped at the gate of the Mysterious Medical School.

Looking at the gate with people coming and going, the people in the car frowned.

"I don't seem to have seen Miracle Doctor Lin!"

"Bastard! He didn't do what the master said!"

"It's unreasonable! Master, this brat doesn't think of you at all!"

The people in the car cursed and became very angry.

"According to the information, this genius doctor Lin has created a great Yanghua before he turned thirty. He is young and vigorous, and he doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth! It's just that within the Dragon Kingdom, it is a small pond after all. He has never seen anyone outside the mountain. Son, he shouldn't be so arrogant!"

The man in Tang suit said calmly.

"Brother, what do you do now?"

the man in the suit asked.

"Go in and meet him later."

The man in Tang suit said calmly, and moved his fingers: "Drive in!"


The driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the gate.

"Hey, sir, our academy vehicles are not allowed to enter!"

The security immediately stopped Santana and said to the driver.

"Go away!"

The driver immediately yelled.

There is a big Buddha sitting in the car, what is he afraid of?

When the security guard heard this, he was stunned.

No one has ever dared to be so arrogant in the academy!

"What's wrong?"

Xu Tian seemed to have noticed the movement here, and immediately ran over to inquire about the situation.

Hearing what the security guard said, Xu Tian immediately realized something, and quickly smiled: "Who are you here to find our family director Lin?"

"It's good to know, what about your Lin? Didn't you tell him to roll to the door and wait for our master? Why didn't you come?"

the driver cursed.

Xu Tian's face was ugly, but he still smiled patiently and said: "Director Lin has ordered me to serve tea in the reception room. He has some important things to do. Please follow me and wait. Director Lin will be here soon."

"What? Do you want us to wait?"

The driver got annoyed and honked the horn sharply.


At this time, the man in Tang suit spoke up.


"Let's go and wait, it's not too late." The man in Tang suit said calmly.

Hearing the sound, the driver didn't dare to say anything more, nodded, glared at Xu Tian, ​​and drove inside.


The security guard wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xu Tian.

Soon, a group of people came to the living room led by Xu Tian.

The man in Tang suit closed his eyes and rested his mind, he didn't say much, but the few people who came with him showed impatience, and kept urging Xu Tian to call Lin Yang.

Xu Tian held back his temper and smiled at each other.

After waiting for more than twenty minutes, Lin Yang finally came.

"Everyone, our Director Lin is here!"

Xu Tian smiled.

"Sorry for the long wait!"

Lin Yang rushed to the conference room in a hurry, sat down on the chair, and directly drank tea.

After taking a breath, he smiled and said, "I don't know where you are from? What can you do with me?"

"You are Doctor Lin?"

A man tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically and asked lightly.

"Yes, it's me, Your Excellency?"

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is you, Miracle Doctor Lin, I heard that you had a very unpleasant quarrel with our master's friend, we are here this time to ask you to go and settle the matter."



The man got up, and introduced quite solemnly: "This is Master Tie Nongwu, one of the Eight Great Dharma Kings from the Thunder Palace outside the Territory, the Lord of Thunder Palace! Why don't you hurry up and meet Master Tie?"

"Eight Dharma Kings?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

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