"Master Lin, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Tie Nongwu said lightly, although it was a polite remark, but his expression and voice did not show much respect.

He has been looking at Lin Yang, as if he wants to see something from this man.

But after looking at it for a while, I felt that this person was ordinary and nothing special.

"Master Tie is polite, I want to ask, who is your friend?"

Lin Yang asked.

"You should know each other, didn't you just meet yesterday? Qi Simou too!"

Tie Nongwu said lightly.

"Oh? So it's someone invited by Director Qi Da."

Lin Yang suddenly realized.

"Doctor Lin, this is your place, I don't want to make things difficult for you, come with me, I won't do anything to you, understand?"

Tie Nongwu said lightly.

He owed Qi Simou a kindness, and he came here purely to repay his kindness, as long as he brought Lin Yang to Qi Simou, he would consider his task completed.

Although he feels that Lin Yang's strength is not very good, he still doesn't want to bully the weak too much.

"If Qi Simou wants to solve this matter, I think he should come here in person, so at least he can appear sincere." Lin Yang said with a smile.

When Tie Nongwu heard the sound, anger flashed across his eyes.

"My surname is Lin, you don't seem to have adjusted your position yet! Our master has come here in person, and you are still wasting time with us here? Could it be that our master really needs to do it?"

The man before was also annoyed, he slapped the table and shouted immediately.

Lin Yang was confused: "Are you here to force me to go with you?"

"Do you want us to carry you away in eight sedan chairs?"

The man snorted.

"If you really want to do this, it's not impossible!"

Lin Yang smiled slightly.


The man is short of breath.

Seeing this, Tie Nongwen, a man in a suit next to him, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, settle the matter quickly. I read the information, and it seems that Lin Miracle Doctor has some official background. I don't want him to recognize my face. Get out of here quickly."

"I see."

Tie Nongwu nodded, and said directly: "Master Lin, I'm already polite enough to you, you are a late born, you need to know etiquette, since you are not willing to go with us, then, I have no choice but to..."

Tuk tuk tuk!

At this moment, a knock on the door interrupted Tie Nongwu's words.

Tie Nongwu frowned and looked towards the door of the conference room.

"Who is it?"

Xu Tian ran over to open the door.

But saw a man walk in.

Seeing this, Tie Nongwu's breath trembled.

The man's aura is extremely astonishing, extremely domineering, like a stormy sea, fierce and brutal!


Top master!

Tie Nongwu's face became tense, he secretly cheered up and became vigilant.

"Oh, it's Mr. Chu."

Xu Tian stepped aside.

Chu Qiu hurried in, scanned around, and when he saw Lin Yang, he immediately cupped his fists in salute: "Leader, the goods have been successfully delivered this time, please count them."


Lin Yang's face darkened, and he snorted, "Didn't you say it was delivered in three days? Why was it a whole day late? How did you do it?"

Chu Qiu was shocked when he heard the sound, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee.

"Reporting to the lord, our car rolled over when passing through the storm zone, and the subordinates had to organize manpower to reload the goods into the car, so it was delayed. The subordinates deserve death, and the lord should punish us!"

Chu Qiu was dripping with cold sweat, he didn't dare to lift his head, he was extremely scared.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang said coldly: "The car will roll over, and that means your escort is at a disadvantage! Let it go this time, and next time, you will be punished together!"

"Thank you leader! Thank you leader!"

Chu Qiu repeatedly called out.

"Go down."

"Yes, lord!"

Chu Qiu hurriedly left.

Seeing this scene, Tie Nongwu was already stunned.

Such a master...to bow down to Miracle Doctor Lin?

How is this going?

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Tie Nongwen frowned, and asked in a low voice.

"That person just now...is a top expert!"


"How could I lie to you?" Tie Nongwu took a deep breath, and said hoarsely, "Such a top expert, yet respectful to Miracle Doctor Lin, it seems that our Miracle Doctor Lin is not simple!"

"I just heard him call the leader of the alliance. Could it be that this genius doctor Lin has any power besides Yanghua?" Tie Nongwen asked seriously.

"No matter what, with the person just now here, we must not act rashly!"

Tie Nongwu said hoarsely.

Tie Nongwen stopped talking.

But at this moment, there was another knock on the door.

"Who is it again?"

Lin Yang was quite impatient.

Xu Tian hurriedly opened the door.

But I saw a man in a robe entering the conference room.

Seeing this, Tie Nongwu's scalp almost burst, his eyes widened, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Leader Lin!"

The visitor still saluted Lin Yang with all respect.

"Master Xiangyun? Why are you here?"

Lin Yang was quite surprised and asked quickly.

"This is the leader of the alliance. For safety reasons, our sect wants to move the site near the General Union, so we report to the Nancheng Lord. The Nancheng Lord said that he cannot be the leader of such a big matter, so I made a special trip to apply to you. .” Xiangyun’s head said with a smile.

"How big can this matter be? You just need to relocate." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"But the cost of relocation is not low, our Zong..."

"I'll take care of everything." Lin Yang didn't hesitate.

The son of Xiangyun's head died because of Lin Yang, and Xiangyun's party was dedicated to Lin Yang, and Lin Yang was never stingy with Xiangyun's party.

"Thank you, lord!"

The head of Xiangyun was overjoyed, he immediately cupped his fists and left.

"Brother, is this person... also a master?"

Tie Nongwen secretly glanced at Tie Nongwu beside him, and said cautiously.

"A master...the master among the masters is stronger than that person just now..."

Tie Nongwu swallowed his saliva secretly.

Tie Nongwen's eyebrows darkened.

"Sorry, there are always people interrupting, let's continue the topic just now!"

Lin Yang smiled and was about to speak.


An extremely tyrannical, overbearing and suffocating breath came.

Tie Nongwu stood up from his chair in shock, and looked at the door in shock.

The others were at a loss.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

But... Tie Nongwu didn't say a word, his eyes were like a bull's-eye, and he stared blankly at the door.

Tuk tuk tuk!

The door was knocked again...

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