Unseen people, the potential first!

Moreover, this aura is a very natural aura, not intentionally released by the other party.

Ordinary people can't feel it at all, only martial artists like Tie Nongwu who are proficient in martial arts can feel it!

If the two people who came earlier were rivers and rivers, then this one who came... I'm afraid it's the sea!

What exactly is a master?

Why is he here?

Tie Nongwu swallowed hard, his soul trembling.

"Who is it again? Don't you know I'm in a meeting? Tell him to wait outside until my meeting is over! Then come in and talk about things!"

Lin Yang seemed to have lost his patience, and directly stopped Xu Tian who was about to open the door, shouting angrily.

The people outside the door seemed to hear Lin Yang's words, and quickly said respectfully: "This subordinate disturbs the leader, and deserves death. This subordinate is waiting outside the door!"

"That's about the same!"

Lin Yang snorted coldly, then raised his head and smiled and said, "Master Tie, let's continue. What did you want to say just now? If I don't go with you, what will you do?"


Tie Nongwu opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

He's totally messed up!

Although I don't know the strength of this miracle doctor Lin, but among the three subordinates beside him, none of Tie Nongwu can deal with it.

This is Yang Hua's strength?

Qi Simou, Qi Simou! What the hell did you find me an opponent?

Is this something I can handle?

Tie Nongwu had already scolded all eighteen generations of Qi Simou's ancestors in his heart.

But now you have to deal with the situation in front of you.

"Master Iron?"

Seeing that Tie Nongwu hesitated for a long time, but couldn't utter a decent word, Lin Yang couldn't help frowning.

Tie Nongwu was sweating profusely, and he hurriedly laughed and said, "Well, that's okay, that is, we will invite you next time when you are free...Yes, that's right..."

"Really? But I basically have nothing to see..."

"I asked Qi Simou to come here to see you! Miracle doctor Lin, you are so busy, how can you let Qi Simou delay your time? When you are free, I will bring you here immediately to apologize, apology... "

Tie Nongwu smiled all over his face and said flatteringly.

The people around were all dumbfounded.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Tie Nongwen's eyes were dull, and he asked in a daze.

But Tie Nongwu didn't pay attention at all, and just smiled at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, since you say so, then go back and tell Qi Simou, don't bother me if you have nothing to do. As for what happened last night, I have asked someone to forget it!"

"Yes, yes... Miracle doctor Lin, I won't bother you anymore, take your leave! Take your leave!"

Tie Nongwu nodded and bowed, and hurriedly tugged Tie Nongwen to leave.

Tie Nongwen was confused, but seeing his brother's expression, he also realized that the situation was not good, so he didn't dare to hesitate and left in a hurry.

"By the way, you seem to have driven into our academy, right? According to regulations, you have to pay a fine of 30,000 yuan, go to the front desk and pay the money before leaving!"

Lin Yang shouted.

"Okay, okay...we'll hand it in now!"

Tie Nongwu's legs were trembling a little, he immediately opened the door and walked out.

But as soon as he went out, he sat down on the ground, his face was extremely pale.

"Are you OK?"

A middle-aged man at the door stared at Tie Nongwu indifferently, and said calmly.

"No...it's okay, my lord will leave...farewell..."

Tie Nongwu scrambled and scrambled, got up and ran away.

Hua Tianhai frowned and glanced at Tie Nongwu, but ignored it, and walked in.

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