In the villa of Qi's family in Shanghai.

Qi Simou put down the phone and sat on the sofa with a tired expression.

In the past two days, his phone has almost exploded.

Several entertainment companies under the company had problems one after another. Not only were the artists' style problems being reported, even the company's taxation was also hugely flawed.

Qi Simou knew that someone was targeting him.

And the other party didn't hide it.


"How is it possible? Why does Yanghua have such overwhelming energy? Why can they blindly suppress themselves? But I can't fight back?"

Qi Simou gritted his old teeth tightly, his eyes filled with endless anger.

He wanted to send someone to fish out Yi Feng from the police station, but he was frustrated repeatedly, no matter who he turned to, he couldn't get him out.

When Qi Simou went to the police station in person to see Yi Feng, he found out that he was taken away.

And the person who took Yi Feng away was sent by Yang Hua!

Not only that, but being able to find out the secrets of his artists and find out the hidden problems of his company is absolutely impossible for ordinary people!

Yanghua must recognize Fei Fei, otherwise how could he have such a strong hand?

"Dad, what's going on?"

A thin man in a woolen sweater walked in and handed Qi Simou a cup of coffee.

"Chang'er? Are you here?"

Qi Simou took a sip of coffee, but felt extremely bitter.

"Dad, don't work too hard, watch until the clouds open and the moon shines, everything will be fine." Qi Chang said hoarsely.

"Get better? Hmph, it's only going to get worse, what happened to those two little bastards?" Qi Simou asked angrily.

"Close the confinement, let them reflect in the backyard!"

"These two inconvenient things!"

Qi Simou rubbed his temples, lowered his voice and said, "Call Li Tianwang over later!"

"Li Tianwang? Dad? Is this necessary?"

"The situation is already very bad! He must speak up for us, otherwise we will only be beaten by the opponent, with no power to fight back, and we will be defeated in the end!"

"But... will Li Tianwang agree?"

"He didn't agree? Hmph, back then when he was questioned about public welfare fraud, it wasn't for me to give him a platform. How could he have the fame he has today? He has to come if he doesn't come, otherwise we have to pull him back!"

"Okay, I'll call him right away!"

Qi Chang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

However, after a few sentences, Qi Chang's expression suddenly changed: "What did you say? Are you not coming?"

"Let me tell him!"

Qi Simou's old face was gloomy, and he immediately took the phone: "Hi, I'm Qi Simou! Li Tianwang, what do you mean?"

"Director Qi, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter!" Li Tianwang's helpless voice was on the phone.

"The surname is Li! You have forgotten who you are today? Now you are asked to come and help me stand on the platform, and you are still talking? I can make you a Li Tianwang, and I can also destroy you!"

Qi Simou slapped the table and shouted into the phone.

But Li Tianwang on the other side of the phone looked helpless.

"Director Qi, you don't need to ruin me, I'm done!"

Qi Simou was startled: "What do you mean?"

"You'll find out later!"

Li Tianwang seemed unwilling to say anything more, and hung up the phone directly.

"Wait a minute! Li Tianwang! Li Tianwang!"

Qi Simou called urgently, seeing that the other party had hung up the phone, he dialed one after another.

But at this time, it is no longer possible to get through.

"Dad! Look at the trending searches!"

At this time, Qi Chang shouted, awakening Qi Simou.

Qi Simou stared at his old eyes, and quickly got up to look at his phone.

"The famous movie star Li Zhuji has been investigated by the authorities for allegedly bribing the leader of Longdian!"

Seeing the news, Qi Simou slumped on the ground helplessly.

"Dad, even Li Tianwang was brought down by Yanghua's people. How powerful is Yanghua's energy...?"

Qi Chang almost burst into tears, his face was full of despair and fear.

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!"

Although Qi Simou's old face was covered with cold sweat, he forced himself to be calm, and said in a low voice, "There are also two brothers from the Tie family. I have already ordered them to bring Miracle Doctor Lin here. As long as Miracle Doctor Lin comes, we will force him to submit.'s easy!"

"Will Miracle Doctor Lin be okay?" Qi Chang asked tremblingly.

"You worthless thing, look at you!"

Qi Simou was in a cold sweat, and said embarrassingly: "Why did Yanghua end? Wasn't it because Song Jing and Su Yu belonged to Yanghua? In the end, they relied on Yanghua. As long as Yanghua is resolved, all crises will be resolved. To get rid of Yang Hua, naturally we have to get rid of Miracle Doctor Lin!"

"But I heard that this genius doctor Lin is not easy, father, brothers from the Tie family...can it be done?"

Qi Chang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, there won't be any major problems!"

Qi Simou glanced at his watch and said expressionlessly, "I think they should be coming soon!"


At this time, the door of Qi's villa was suddenly kicked open.

Then I saw Tie Nongwu and his group striding in.

"Sure enough, it's here!"

Qi Chang exclaimed.

Qi Simou was overjoyed, and got up straight: "Tie Nongwu! Tie Nongwen, how are things going?"

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