As Qi Simou said, his old eyes glanced behind Tie Nongwu.

But after looking for a long time, he didn't see Miracle Doctor Lin, so he couldn't help being startled.

Tie Nongwu didn't speak, but the person behind him stepped forward and grabbed Qi Simou violently.

"What are you doing?"

Qi Chang was in a hurry and shouted immediately.

All the bodyguards in the villa rushed in.


Tie Nongwu let out a snort, his figure was violent, like a preying lion, he knocked down these bodyguards to the ground.

Seeing this, Qi turned pale with fright.

"Iron martial arts! Are you crazy? Tell your people to let go!"

Qi Simou roared angrily: "I am your savior. Without me back then, your brothers would have starved to death in the early morning! Today you actually repay your kindness with revenge? You wolf-hearted beast! Let me go!"

"Qi Simou! I admit that we two brothers would not be here today if it wasn't for you, so we are here to repay our favor today! We are not ungrateful people! Qi Simou, if you don't want the Qi family to suffer a catastrophe, come with me! I Do your best to save your life!"

Tie Nongwu said coldly.

"Where are you taking me?"

Qi Simou asked with wide eyes.

"Go see Miracle Doctor Lin!"

"What? want to hand me over to Dr. Lin?"

"Qi Simou! Haven't you recognized the current situation?"

Tie Nongwu got closer, and said expressionlessly, "The strength and energy of Miracle Doctor Lin are not at the same level as yours! If you want your Qi family to die, I will let go and leave immediately. I will fight with Miracle Doctor Lin." Fight to the death until you die! You can think about it!"

Qi Simou shuddered suddenly, his old eyes widened, and he looked at Tie Nongwu in disbelief.

He knew that Tie Nongwu was not joking.

"You... went to Jiangcheng?"

"The first thing I do when I go back to Long Country is to find Dr. Lin!"

"How is the result?"

"Let me tell you this, a younger brother beside Miracle Doctor Lin can kill me thousands of times!"

Tie Nongwu said in a low voice, his eyes still full of horror.

He didn't know what level Hua Tianhai was in the Lin Yang Group, but Hua Tianhai stood respectfully at the door and patiently waited for Lin Yang to finish the meeting before entering respectfully.

With this status, he might not be considered the top in Lin Yang's group.

Such a super power is still like this, what kind of strength does the supreme existence in the Linyang Group have?

I'm afraid calling the entire Thunder Palace here is not enough for Yanghua...

"You son of a bitch! It's clear that you dare not fight with Miracle Doctor Lin! That's why you said that!"

Unconvinced, Qi Chang gritted his teeth and roared.

"Don't you dare to challenge Doctor Lin?"

Tie Nongwu snorted coldly: "Okay, I'm going to fight against Doctor Lin right now, but I have to tell you! Once I do something, the matter will be irreversible. It doesn't matter if I die. All of you Qi's family members are waiting for you." Hold the butcher's knife of Lin Miracle Doctor, and be buried with me!"

After all, Tie Nongwu waved his hand.

Everyone let go of Qi Simou.

Then he followed Tie Nongwu and walked out of the villa.


Qi Simou shouted anxiously.

"Director Qi! What else do you want to say?"

Tie Nongwu asked blankly.

"Tie Nongwu, I... I'll walk with you!"

Qi Simou was physically and mentally exhausted, and he shouted weakly.

Qi Chang stared, but he didn't speak.

"Qi Simou, you won't regret this decision. When you see the real skills of Lin Miracle Doctor, you will be grateful for this decision!"

Tie Nongwu said hoarsely, with a wave of his hand, everyone led Qi Simou to go outside.

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