Early the next morning, Hua Tianhai and Hua Weiwei took a special car and rushed to the realm of silence.

With two boxes of Tianhuo Dan, Hua Tianhai was very confident, and before leaving, he patted his chest and said that he would be able to complete the task.

Hua Weiwei hesitated to speak, Qiu Mou stared at Lin Yang for a while, and only said, "Leader, take care".

When the vehicle drove away, Lin Yang also sighed.

After all, he should have left too.

The time agreed with the emperor is coming soon, and it is time to tidy up.

Thinking about it, Lin Yang turned around and walked towards the academy.

At this moment, a few cars suddenly stopped at the door, and then a large group of people walked towards this side.

"Huh? Isn't that Director Qi?"

"Why is he here?"

"This is the most popular figure in the entertainment circle recently! What is he doing here?"

Some patients who came to the college to see a doctor saw Qi Simou sent by the two brothers Tie Nongwu, and couldn't help talking.

Lin Yang was also quite surprised, and looked sideways at Qi Simou.

Qi Simou's old face was very ugly, even though he was here, his heart was still very unbalanced.

"Mr. Lin, we brought Qi Simou here, please forgive me!"

Tie Nongwu stepped forward, clasped his fists and bowed.


Lin Yang glanced at Qi Simou and smiled faintly: "I thought he was here to beg for mercy."

"I...I came to beg for mercy..."

Qi Simou pursed his lower lip, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Lin, I was foolish and did a lot of foolish things. Please...forgive me..."

Lin Yang shook his head when he heard the sound: "This matter is not as easy to end as you said, Qi Simou, I will not deal with you too much, I will only dig out some of your old accounts, Whatever punishment you deserve, that's the punishment! I won't ask about the rest!"

When Qi Simou heard this, his old face suddenly changed: "Mr. Lin, how many clean people are there in our circle? Aren't you trying to ruin me by doing this?"

"How many clean ones are there?"

Lin Yang sneered: "It's up to you whether you're going to be clean or not? As the big brother in the circle, if even you are not clean, how can you expect the people below to be clean?"

"Can you still reshuffle our circle?"

Qi Simou was a little annoyed, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

"I think it's not difficult for me."

Lin Yang said calmly.


Qi Simou wanted to say something else, but Tie Nongwu next to him gave him a hard look.

Some words came to his lips, but he couldn't speak them out.

"Okay, let's go back. If I were you, I would take the initiative to plead guilty. There is no need to say anything else."

Lin Yang waved his hand, unwilling to say anything more.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin, disturbing!"

Tie Nongwu squeezed out a smile, quickly nodded and bowed, then turned around to drag Qi Simou away.

Qi Simou still felt unwilling.

I came all the way from Shanghai, but Miracle Doctor Lin has this attitude!

It's so irritating!

He had never been so aggrieved in his life!

Qi Simou snorted secretly and turned around angrily.

But just as the group was about to walk out of the gate, a car stopped at the gate, and then a figure got out of the car and strode into the academy.

Qi Simou's breath trembled.

"Mr. Lei?"

He was shocked, with an expression of disbelief.

"How did Chief Lei come here?"

Tie Nongwen next to him also rubbed his eyes.

A few people rushed forward to talk, but Lei Wuchang hurriedly walked up to Lin Yang, ignoring everyone, and saluted directly.

Seeing this scene, Qi Simou was struck by lightning...

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