"this day?"

Lin Yang looked at her curiously.

"Our Jin family is one of the three major families of the Sword Dynasty. Most of the clan members are officials in the court. It can be said that they are powerful and prominent. But my Jin family accidentally obtained something a few years ago, so we attracted Murder!"


"Heaven chooses Yehua!"

The emperor said calmly: "Actually, this natural flower in the back garden was transplanted from my Jin family."

Lin Yang was quite surprised when he heard this.

There is such a thing?

"As the saying goes, if a man is innocent, he is guilty if he is pregnant. Once the news of Tianxuan Yehua was leaked, it immediately attracted the attention of the monarch. At that time, my father decided to dedicate Tianxuan Yehua to the monarch to avoid disaster, but he never thought about it. The other two families of the Sword Dynasty have been coveting the power of our Jin family, and they have repeatedly submitted memorials to His Majesty, claiming that our Jin family wants to fly to the heavens, achieve the land fairyland, overthrow the dynasty, kill the king and flee the country. Suspicious, so I decided to kill my Jin family!"

"That night, 10,000 Imperial Guards had already surrounded the Jin Mansion, and nothing could get through. My father sent someone to explain to His Majesty, but before he could see His Majesty, he was beheaded by members of the other two big families."

"At that moment, I knew that the end of the Jin family had arrived! Not only His Majesty wanted to destroy my Jin family, but the two great families would not let us go!"

"In order to leave the seeds of revenge, and to avenge the Jin family one day, I will kill all the Jin family, cut off the limbs of my parents, and bring my parents and Tianxuan Yehua to beg for sins from Your Majesty!"

"That's why His Majesty let me go. In fact, I know that he wanted to kill me, but because of all the rumors, I couldn't find a reason, so I just let it go."

"He accepted me as the emperor's daughter because he was worried that I would escape and cause future trouble."

"I am walking on thin ice in this palace, and I have to be careful every day, but I understand that if I don't take revenge, if I don't give the Jin family justice, what's the point of me being alive?"

Speaking of this, the emperor closed her eyes, her face was already wet with tears.

Lin Yang was silent.

At that moment of despair, if the empress did not swing her knife to slaughter the clansmen, she would be buried in the Jin family together with all the clansmen.

This is similar to the courage and courage of a strong man breaking his wrist.

"Although you are alive, you have suffered more than your dead clansmen!"

Lin Yang said lightly: "Don't worry, there will always be a day of peace and innocence in this world."

"I don't care anymore."

The emperor smiled, coldness and cruelty rippling in her pupils: "I just want my enemy to be wiped out, as long as this stupid national army is smashed to pieces! If so, I will be satisfied!"

Lin Yang stopped talking, took a deep look at the emperor, turned and left.

The emperor sat on the chair without saying a word, her fists clenched secretly.

Back at his residence, Lin Yang immediately took out the blueprints and began to develop them.

The topographic map of the sky prison is very complicated. Judging from the points marked on it, there are at least more than a hundred guards in the sky prison.

It seems that the national army of the Sword Dynasty has imprisoned many people in the prison.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and decided that it would be better to do some on-the-spot investigation.

It is useless to talk about military affairs on paper.

Thinking of this, he went straight out of the door and walked towards the prison.

"Yo? Carpenter Lin, where are you going?"

I happened to run into an old eunuch on the road, and couldn't help asking with a smile.

"I'm so suffocated in the house, I want to take a walk in this palace."

Lin Yang smiled.

"Then you don't want to leave! This is the palace, if you go to the wrong place, be careful to lose your head!"

The old eunuch smiled lightly, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Uh, father-in-law, that means I can't go anywhere?"

Lin Yang asked pretending to be scared.

"You should be careful, just walk around in this front palace. If you go to some places that you shouldn't go, His Majesty knows that if you die, you will have to answer for the lives of the whole family! Here! Did you see that over there? Just go over there and take a look and you’ll know, those are the sinners His Majesty executed this month! They’re all hanging there!"

The old eunuch pointed to a forest not far away, smiled, turned and left.

Lin Yang froze for a moment, looked at Lin Zi, frowned slightly, and walked away.

However, as soon as he approached the forest, he smelled a foul smell.

When he walked into the woods and took a look, Lin Yang was startled.

I saw pieces of skin hanging on the branches in the forest.

Those skins... are all human skin.

The human skin covered the branches, decorating the forest into a scene of hell, which made one's scalp tingle.

"Hey, what do you do?"

At this time, a guard suddenly came over, stared at Lin Yang and shouted.

"I'm a gardener who just entered the palace!"

Lin Yang said.

"Why did the gardener come here? What? Maybe you want to hang it up too?"

The guard snorted coldly.

Lin Yang didn't say anything.

"Step aside!"

The guard yelled, then walked forward.

Several people followed behind him, each carrying a bag in his hand.

After walking into a tree, he took out the contents of the bag.

That is a bloody skin...

They hang carefully on the tree.

In an instant, the trees made a strange sound of chug chug.

In an instant, Lin Yang understood everything.

It turns out that the hanging bark is used as nourishment for these trees!

These are no ordinary trees!

It's a bloodthirsty tree!

"This family is from the imperial dining room. This dog broke a spoon in front of His Majesty at noon today, and was tortured by His Majesty to be skinned. The whole family is here. Newcomers, you have to take it easy Point, if you offend His Majesty, you will have to climb a tree someday!"

The guard yelled at Lin Yang disdainfully, and led them out of the forest.

Lin Yang turned and left without saying a word.

This monarch is clearly a tyrant.

It seems that the monarch's rule will not be too long.

He took a deep breath, looked around, quickened his pace, and walked towards the prison.

The place where most prisoners are held in the prison is naturally a restricted area.

Therefore, Lin Yang walked very carefully along the way.

When he got close to the sky prison, he took out the silver needle and stabbed it on his neck, changed his appearance, and quietly touched the sky prison.

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