The changed Lin Yang stared at the gate of the sky prison for a long time, and finally figured out the law of changing guards at the prison gate.

"I'm going to pee!"

A prison guard yelled lazily, and walked towards the toilet not far away while unbuttoning his trouser belt.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately groped towards the toilet quietly.

After a while, he came out in a prison guard outfit, and his face changed into that of a prison guard.

"You can't pull it out? So long?"

Another guard complained impatiently, and then squatted down against the wall: "Look out, I'll take a nap!"

"Farewell! When I was going to the toilet just now, I heard the passing father-in-law say that the prince will come to inspect the prison later, so we have to stand still!"

Lin Yang said.

"What? Prince?"

The prison guard trembled all over, and quickly stood up straight, with deep fear in his eyes, not daring to carry anything.

Regarding the prince of the Sword Dynasty, Lin Yang had heard about it when chatting with the emperor.

It is said that this person is more perverted than his father.

Digging out hearts and dissecting corpses is a common practice, and it is common for people to practice or eat.

No one dared to provoke the prince.

The prison guards naturally knew the prince's reputation, if he came to inspect the prison and saw everyone slacking off, he would definitely be tortured by him...

"I'll go around inside and tell the brothers inside that if they make a mistake in front of the prince, we'll lose our heads too!"

Lin Yang said.

"Yes, yes, you should hurry up and hurry up, but tell those bastards to cheer up, and don't fuck me up!"

cried the guard.

"Don't worry, you take care of yourself here, if the crown prince comes, please let me know!"

Lin Yang drank heavily.

"I know, I know, go in quickly!"

The guard waved again and again.

Lin Yang then walked into the dungeon.

The dungeon was eerie, with bursts of stench and bloody smell wafting out.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been vomited long ago. Even Lin Yang couldn't bear it, and walked forward frowning.

However, within a few steps, hellish scenes appeared in front of his eyes.

It was a prison cell.

All the prisoners in the cells were inhuman figures.

Someone's body was covered with iron chains, his chest was cut open to expose his internal organs, but he was hanged with strange medicine, someone had his nose and ears cut off, his teeth were smashed and his eyes were gouged out...

Walking all the way, I couldn't see a complete person!

"Yo? Brother Zhang? Why are you down? What's the matter?"

At this time, a chuckle came.

Then he looked at the table at the intersection, and a drunk guard stood up holding a wine bottle.

"His Royal Highness will come to the prison to inspect immediately. You actually drink alcohol. You don't want to live anymore?"

Lin Yang pretended to be serious.

"What? His Royal Highness is coming?"

When the prison guard heard this, he suddenly woke up, tremblingly said: "It's over now, if His Royal Highness finds out that I'm drinking, he will definitely torture me!"

"Hurry up and go back first. When the crown prince comes down later, I'll tell you to go to perform other tasks!"

Lin Yang said.

"Okay, okay Brother Zhang, I owe you one!"

The prison guard cupped his fists and ran away.

Seeing this, Lin Yang walked directly to the deepest part of the cell.

Soon, he came to the innermost room of the dungeon.

Most of the rooms here are empty, except for the last one.

There are two people imprisoned here.

In other words, there are two people hanging around.

They were two people without hands, feet, and hair. Their stomachs were pierced by green steel nails, and the other end of the steel nails was inserted into the wall, dragging them down. At the same time, they wore iron ornaments on their mouths, forcing their mouths open. .

If you look closely, you can see a golden pill in each of their mouths.

Lin Yang took a closer look, his heart sank, and he understood everything.

Pills are for life extension.

Presumably, the prison guard would change the golden pills in the mouths of these two people every day, so as to keep them alive.

There is no doubt that these are the biological parents of the emperor daughter.

But I don't know what kind of torture they have gone through, although their facial features are intact, they rolled their eyes one after another, grunted like cows, and all of them were unconscious.

At this moment, Lin Yang suddenly realized something, his face tightened, and he looked sideways.

But he saw a terrifying presence coming out of a small room not far away.

"What do you do? This... is where you can come?"

The man stared at Lin Yang and asked coldly.

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