"Meet His Royal Highness the Prince!"

The emperor seemed to be no longer surprised by this. Although her face was full of fear, she still didn't show it and saluted respectfully.

"Jinxuannv! Haven't we seen each other for a while?"

The prince looked at the emperor with a smile, his eyes were full of unruly and playful.

His complexion was very pale, his eye sockets were darkened, as if he had indulged too much, but his aura was very strong.

"Reporting to the crown prince, it has been about six or seven days. A few days ago, Xuannv searched for the flower protector for His Majesty, and it was delayed for some time."

The Empress said in a low voice.

"Flower protector?"

The corner of the prince's mouth raised, and while digging the bloody head in his hand with a knife, he smiled and said, "Do you know why the man in my hand died?"

"I don't know..."

The Empress said in a low voice.

"The reason is actually very simple. This man spread rumors, saying that I was going to inspect the Heavenly Prison, but I was lazy and left my post! So I chopped off his head, carved a decoration with his skull, and hung it in my bedroom!"

The prince laughed.

The Empress said nothing.

"how about you?"

The prince squinted his eyes and looked at the emperor.

"His Royal Highness, I don't understand what you mean..."

"Don't understand me?"

The prince threw away the head in his hand, and walked down with the knife covered in blood and minced meat. The tip of the knife lightly slid on the fair face of the emperor, and said with a sneer, "Don't think I don't know your thoughts." , I will not be deceived by you in the dark like my father, I know everything!"

"Your Highness, I don't understand your words."

The Empress said in a low voice.

"I don't understand? Jinxuannv, don't pretend to be confused! What kind of flower protector is this? Is this the helper you found?"

The prince sneered: "From my point of view, you obviously want to rely on this person to save your parents and escape from the Sword Dynasty, right?"

As soon as these words fell, the emperor's heart beat wildly.

Lin Yang also raised his head, staring at the prince indifferently.

"What? Did I hit the mark?"

The prince asked with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, Xuannv has no such intentions. This person is indeed a gardener. Your Majesty treats Xuannv with such kindness as a mountain. How can Xuannv betray His Majesty? As for my parents, they betrayed Your Majesty. They are treasoners. Their life and death , Xuannv has long since stopped asking!"

"Really? Then I want to see if you really gave up your parents!"

The prince sneered and made a big move.

Then he saw two people being pushed over.

The emperor's brain trembled wildly, and she tried her best to stabilize her emotions and keep her expression rational.

"Do it!"

The prince shouted again.

The bystanders directly picked up the knife and began to cut at the two of them.

In an instant, the miserable cry spread throughout the entire Sword King Hall.

The Empress watched the whole time with a blank expression on her face.

Let the skin and flesh of the two human beings be cut off and the bones scraped, but they are still unmoved.

In this way, the prince waved his hand until the two were completely in shock, and others took them away.

"Heh, it really is the woman I like! Even your parents are indifferent to being tortured, Jinxuannv, you are indeed very special!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has praised her absurdly. If His Royal Highness likes Xuannv, Xuannv is willing to serve His Highness. Xuannv said earlier that one month later, on His Majesty's birthday, Xuannv will officially marry into the East Palace and serve His Highness."

The Empress said in a low voice.

"It's too long after a month, I want you to sleep with me today!"

The prince smiled slightly, and then threw the knife in his hand to Jinxuannv's feet, with a cruel look on his face.

"Besides, I still don't trust you very much. In this way, you dig out the heart of the flower guardian you found for me! I will trust you, understand?"

82 Chinese Network

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