The emperor's face tensed, she looked at the dagger on the ground, and said nothing for a long time.

"What? You dare not?"

The prince's smile became more intense, and the chill in his eyes became more intense.

"Your Highness, this person is invited by me to take care of the Imperial Garden to please His Majesty. If he is killed for no reason, it would be...inappropriate!"

The Empress explained.

"Not suitable? Heh, does the prince need a reason to kill someone? He's just a gardener! Gu wants you to dig out his heart immediately. If you don't do it, then today, Gu will kill you!"

The prince sneered, with ferocious eyes.

The empress trembled, and immediately understood the prince's intentions.

It turned out that this was the purpose of the prince.

The so-called killing Lin Yang is just an excuse! After so many twists and turns, he still focused on the emperor.

In fact, the prince has long wanted to get the emperor's daughter, and wanted to take her by force several times. If the emperor's daughter hadn't been witty and escaped repeatedly, it would be difficult to keep her innocence.

In fact, the emperor didn't value her chastity very much, but if she gave her innocence to the son of the enemy, to such a pervert, it would be more painful than killing her.

"Your Highness, please don't embarrass me!"

The empress refused with righteous words, her face full of seriousness.

After all, she is considered a princess, so she has the capital to refute.

But today, the prince didn't pretend at all, and just waved his hand.


Eight strong men rushed out from all around the hall.

Each of the eight people held strangely shaped utensils in their hands, and stared at the emperor coldly with bloodshot eyes.

"Jinxuannv, what do you think you are? You're just a scumbag that even dogs can't look down upon, you're a slut that maggots hate! If you didn't kill your whole family and become a hero in countering the rebellion, your father would be in the way of you. Everyone can't kill you, otherwise you would have already become a decoration in my bedroom!"

"It's your blessing to be alone with you, but you don't eat fine wine when you toast? Well, that's it, I don't need you. These eight people are all proficient in the art of joint cultivation. I want them to cooperate with you to perform If there is a good show, Gu will be very interested."

After finishing speaking, the prince retreated to the chair and looked at the emperor with a playful face.

The emperor turned pale with fright, and looked at the eight people in horror and despair.

She could feel that the strength of these eight people was extraordinary.

If they fight, even if she can win the eight people, it will definitely cause huge commotion.

At that time, batches of imperial guards would surround the Prince's Palace.

At that time, the emperor's daughter will be unable to fly.

Parents are still waiting for their own rescue!

At this moment, I can only endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and make the best of it.

The emperor closed her eyes tightly, and said hoarsely and weakly: "Your Highness, I...I agree to your request, I am serve you..."

"Just agree now? It's too late!"

The prince laughed, with a playful face on his face: "Gu never likes to give others a second chance! Since you refused just now, Gu has lost interest in you, you should serve these eight people well! Maybe later , they will strike lightly, and you still have a life left!"


The emperor's angry eyes burst out with fire, and killing intent burst out from her whole body.

"Want to do it? Are you qualified?"

The crown prince sneered, and directly encouraged him.

In an instant, a surge of vigor directly suppressed the emperor's body.

The emperor's knees softened, she knelt on the ground abruptly, she raised her head suddenly, and looked at the prince in disbelief.

"Your did you improve so much?" she murmured.

"Heh, do you think Gu is a mediocre and incompetent person like you?"

The prince said disdainfully.

The Empress clenched her silver teeth.

The prince must have used a forbidden technique to make his strength grow by leaps and bounds!

Even so, being better than her is better than her.

The Empress didn't say anything more.

She knew that her plan had completely failed, and her dream of rescuing her parents could only be aborted.

She looked at her palms, intending to destroy her own body to keep her innocence.

But at this moment, a voice resounded.

"His Royal Highness, wait a minute!"


The prince looked at Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang stepped forward and said calmly: "Your Highness, there is no need to make things so complicated. Don't you want the emperor to dig out my heart? If so, let her do it!"

"you sure?"

The prince is interested.

He probably has never seen anyone take the initiative to ask others to dig out his heart.

"Of course I'm sure. In fact, there is no need for the matter to go to this level. Isn't it just digging out the heart? You ask the princess to dig it out!"

Lin Yang said indifferently.

"Hahaha, interesting, very interesting!"

The prince laughed, very happy, pointed at the emperor and said: "Did you hear that? You were told to dig out his heart! You still don't do it!"

The emperor turned around abruptly, and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, not knowing what he was going to do.

At this time, Lin Yang spoke again.

"His Royal Highness, you can poach my heart, but I hope your people can avoid it for a while. After they leave, you can ask the princess to poach my heart!"

"Oh why?"

the prince asked curiously.

"The reason is very simple. My heart is special. I am worried that if I dig it out, it will scare you."

Lin Yang smiled slightly.

82 Chinese Network

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