
When these words fell to the ground, the prince became even more interested.

He thinks that nothing can scare him yet!

"You all back down!"

The prince laughed.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

All eight people left.

The prince squinted his eyes and stared at the emperor: "Don't hurry up and do it? Dig out this man's heart and let me see what's so special about his heart!"

The emperor's face became tense, and she looked sideways at Lin Yang, a little at a loss.

"My lord, you can do it now."

Lin Yang spoke.

"You really want me to dig out your heart?"

The Empress couldn't believe it.

"Since I have opened my mouth, how can I break my promise?"

Lin Yang smiled, and said in a low voice: "You just do it, I have already locked my lifeline, my heart has been taken out, and I will not die yet! No problem!"

The emperor knew that she had no choice at all.

"Don't do it yet?"

The prince yelled, his voice becoming more and more violent.

The emperor could only bite the bullet and stab the dagger into Lin Yang's chest.

Lin Yang did not activate the supreme bone, and dissipated all the power of ascension.

The dagger easily cut through his flesh and pulled out his heart.

The prince stared hurriedly.

But after the skin and flesh were broken, a golden light swayed.

It was a beating golden heart.

"It's amazing!"

The prince stepped forward a few steps, holding the heart, and couldn't put it down.

"It's actually a golden heart! I didn't expect this person to be so special! Hahaha, fun! Interesting! Hahahaha...."

After finishing speaking, the prince opened his mouth directly and ate the heart.

The emperor's pupils trembled wildly, and her scalp was numb.

This prince is simply a devil.

A moment later, a heart was swallowed by the prince like an apple.

"The color of this heart is astonishing, and it must have a unique effect. This prince takes it and see what benefits it can have!"

The prince wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes and smiled.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, are you enough? If not, I will ask the Princess to dig one out for you to eat!"

The prince's smile froze immediately, and he looked sideways, and was surprised to see that Lin Yang was still alive.

"You...why didn't you die?"

"Your Highness, you just lost a heart! Why did you die?"

Lin Yang smiled faintly: "Your Highness, is my heart delicious? If you like it, I can eat as much as you want!"

While speaking, the scar on Lin Yang's chest began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yang had recovered to his original state, and no more scars could be seen.

This scene stunned the prince.

Although the Sword Dynasty belongs to the Nirvana Realm, most of the people in the Dynasty learn swordsmanship, and the way of medicine and martial arts is also used to kill people. Lin Yang's method of turning decay into magic in an instant is really rare.

In an instant, the prince realized something was wrong, and immediately pulled out a golden long sword from his waist and pointed it at Lin Yang.

"Who the hell are you?"

It is absolutely impossible for a gardener to have such means.

But the next second.


A muffled sound came out.

The prince's body was suddenly suppressed by a powerful force, and he almost knelt on the ground.

He hurriedly stabbed the ground with his sword, supporting his body.

But the sudden pressure on his body was too terrifying, even if he was half kneeling on the ground, his body was still trembling wildly...

The emperor's breath trembled.

Why did Lin Yang do it?

She turned sharply.

But Lin Yang took the dagger in her hand and walked towards the prince expressionlessly...

82 Chinese Network

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