The Empress never imagined that a person could have such an understanding of the structure of the human body, and what was even more tingling was that he could remove these tissues with ease.

As small as hair follicles, sebum cuticles, as large as internal organs and bones...

In just half an hour, the prince was already drenched in blood and out of shape.

However, his limbs were intact and his internal organs were not damaged.

But even so, his will was completely obliterated by Lin Yang.

The previous arrogance and domineering, madness and cruelty completely disappeared.

At this time, he was like a frightened rabbit, trembling under Lin Yang's vigorous suppression.

"How? Do you know how to torture people?"

Looking at the bleeding prince, Lin Yang tore off the scalp and hair that was almost chewed in his mouth, and asked calmly.

"The are the are the devil!"

The prince yelled sadly: "Come on! Help! Help me! Come and save me!"

"not good!"

The emperor hurried forward to stop the prince's mouth.

It can be next second.


Lin Yang's vigor was suppressed directly downward.

The prince didn't even have time to resist, his body was torn apart by Lin Yang's vigor on the spot, his flesh, internal organs and bones were all shattered into pieces and scattered in all directions.

The rushing emperor was splashed with blood before she had time to react.

The emperor was dumbfounded.

Lin Yang handed the knife to her unhurriedly, and said calmly, "Cut off the heads of these eight people."

The emperor stared blankly at the dagger in her hand, then looked at the gate, but found that no one came in.

"Don't look at it. I checked when I came in. There are not many guards outside. They won't come in. Even if they come in, they will just die."

As Lin Yang spoke, he squeezed out the silver needle and stabbed it on his own neck.

In an instant, his face began to contort.

After a while, he turned into the appearance of a prince...

"You want to pretend to be the prince?"

The emperor lost her voice.

"This is the best way. It can not only save your parents, but also allow me to approach Tianxuan Yehua more smoothly."

Lin Yang said calmly.

The emperor's eyes lit up.

No wonder Lin Yang killed the prince without any scruples. It turned out that he had such a plan.

But after a while, the emperor said again in a deep voice: "The monarch has been with the prince for decades, as his son, he must know very well, even if you can imitate his face, you can't imitate his habitual style... I'm afraid it's easy to reveal my secrets!"

"It's okay, I won't meet the monarch for the time being."

Lin Yang waved his hand: "Hurry up and do it."

"it is good..."

The emperor gritted her teeth, her eyes froze, and she swung the blade away.

chi chi chi chi...

The heads of the eight strong men were all cut off by the emperor.

Seeing the eight headless corpses that collapsed suddenly, the emperor's nerves couldn't help but tense.

She knew that she had no turning back.

If you can't successfully rescue your parents, your end will be extremely miserable.

"Okay, I'll pass the decree immediately and ask someone to bring your parents over. At that time, you will take your parents and leave first, and leave the rest to me."

Lin Yang said lightly.

The emperor looked at him in disbelief, bit her cherry lips: "Leader Lin, isn't it dangerous for you? Let me stay and help you!"

"You can't help me, but after you leave, I can let go of my hands and feet."


Just when the emperor was about to say something, a shrill voice floated in.

"The decree has arrived!"

The emperor froze for a moment, and looked at Lin Yang together.

I saw the old eunuch I saw earlier rushing in with the imperial decree.

Seeing the miserable scene in the palace, the old eunuch's expression changed obviously, but it seemed that this was not the first time he had seen such a scene, and he quickly recovered.

"Huh? Your Highness, why are you wearing the clothes of the previous gardener?" the old eunuch asked in confusion.

"The gardener has already been taken by me. I think his clothes are nice, so I'll take them off and try...Huh? Your clothes are very nice."

Lin Yang stared at the old eunuch pretending to be playful.

The old eunuch trembled all over, and hurriedly smiled and said: "Your Highness, please spare the Sa family, your father has a decree, please go to Jianqing Palace to have a banquet tonight!"

"A banquet?"

"There are people from Kuangdaohai from the south who want to marry us. His Majesty has ordered you to go to the banquet tonight. Your Highness, you can't refuse. This is a major matter related to our Sword Dynasty. If you don't Go, His Majesty will be furious..."

The old eunuch said cautiously.

Deliberately order? Presumably the prince had released the monarch's pigeons many times before.

Lin Yang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I know, I will go later."

"Farewell, old slave!"

The old eunuch ran out in a hurry, not daring to stop for a moment.

82 Chinese Network

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