"You can't go!"

As soon as the old eunuch left, the empress cried out urgently.

"If I don't go, once the monarch blames me, he will definitely ask someone to take me and be alone. I'm afraid I will show my hands and feet."

Lin Yang stared sideways at the emperor: "Let me ask you, are there any top experts around this monarch?"

"He has two shadow guards, and his strength is terrifying. He is only one line away from the gods on the land, and the strength of the monarch himself is even more terrifying! Do you want to repeat the old trick and deal with the monarch by killing the prince? If so, we I advise you to give up, if you really want to do something, I'm afraid you won't even be able to touch the monarch!"

The emperor said bluntly, as if she had seen through everything about Lin Yang.

"Then we have to go, we must survive tonight!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and then shouted loudly: "Come on!"

A moment later, a guard walked in.

"The subordinates are here!"

"Listen, bring the emperor and daughter's parents here."


The guard ran down.

"Leader Lin..."

"you go first."

Lin Yang said lightly.

The emperor took a deep breath, knelt down suddenly, and kowtowed to Lin Yang a few times.

"Leader Lin, the great kindness and great virtue, Xuannv must remember in my heart, and I will repay you by being a cow and a horse in the future!"

"Heavy words! Prepare quickly, take your parents away, after leaving the Sword Dynasty, go directly to the Qingxuan Alliance, take this to find Hua Tianhai or Nanli City Lord, they will help you cure your parents and protect your Zhou Quan .”

Lin Yang stuffed a token into the palm of the emperor's daughter, and then waved: "Let's go."

The emperor's daughter's eyes were red with tears at the corners of her eyes, and finally kowtowed again, turned and left.

Lin Yang watched the woman leave, then took out the silver needle and stabbed at her body.

After a while, the breath around him gradually became irritable, as if full of blood.

night comes.

Lin Yang found clean clothes in the hall, and followed the old eunuch to the banquet.

The old eunuch leading the way trembled and was very scared.

People passing by also changed their expressions when they saw the prince.

Presumably, the prince's vicious reputation is well known to everyone.

Outside Jianqing Palace.

"His Royal Highness is here!"

With a shout spread.

Lin Yang strode in. As soon as he entered, there was the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami.

"See Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

All civil and military officials were present, and besides that, there were also a large number of concubines in revealing clothes.

On the top, the monarch who looked like a mountain of meat lay down early.

He glanced at Lin Yang, frowned slightly, then grinned and said, "Here's the baby? Come on, sit down, the people from Crazy Sword Sea are coming soon. It is said that this time the daughter of the head of Crazy Sword Sea will come in person , intending to marry us, just take a look at that woman, if you are right, you will get married tomorrow, understand?"

"it is good."

Lin Yang responded casually, then sat straight in his seat, drinking and eating meat on his own, and didn't pay much attention to the monarch at all.

The monarch was stunned for a while, and looked at Lin Yang for a long time, but he didn't pay any more attention.

Probably in his mind, the more weird Lin Yang behaved, the more normal he would be.

"The Crazy Sword Sea envoy has arrived!"

Another shout rang out.

Then he watched a group of men and women wearing blue saber uniforms and holding long knives walk into Jianqing Palace.

The leader was a heroic woman with short blue hair.

The woman's clothes are different from others. She is wearing light armor, with a tiger knife on her waist, sharp eyes, and a eagle watching a wolf.

The appearance is quite delicate, but the hostility in her body is far away...

She scanned around, and her eyes quickly locked on Lin Yang, with deep disgust rippling in her eyes.

"See Your Majesty."

When everyone came, they clasped their fists together and bowed.

"Pingshen, please take your seats."

The monarch stared at the blue-haired girl and smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Which one is Nie Qinghong, the daughter of the head of Mad Saber Sea?" the monarch asked with a smile.

"Qinghong has met the monarch!"

The blue-haired girl stepped forward to salute.

"Oh? You are Nie Tianyuan's daughter? Not bad! Very good! Hahaha, you are a good match for my son, hahaha..."

The monarch laughed.

But Nie Qinghong said in a low voice: "Going back to Your Majesty, marrying your country is my father's wishful thinking, and Qinghong actually has no such intention!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

The people in Crazy Sword Sea didn't seem to have expected Nie Qinghong to say such words, they were all dumbfounded and looked at her dully.

"Then what do you mean?"

The king squinted his eyes and asked.

"Qinghong has always only recognized the strong! If the prince of your Sword Dynasty can defeat me, then I am willing to marry into the Sword Dynasty!"

Nie Qinghong said lightly, staring at Lin Yang, full of fighting spirit all over her body.

82 Chinese Network

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