The envoys of Crazy Sword Sea were dumbfounded.

Nie Qinghong wants to challenge the Prince of the Sword Dynasty? This was never told to them!

"Miss, we came here this time to marry the Sword Dynasty under the order of the head of the sect. You should also marry His Highness the Crown Prince. Whether you want to or not, you should know this..."

An elder stood up and said with a smile.

"What? Am I a puppet of Kuang Dao Hai? At your mercy? I am willing to come here, and I have given my father and Kuang Dao Hai face. Don't you think it is enough?"

Nie Qinghong snorted coldly, and looked at Lin Yang: "Prince, if you have the ability to defeat me, I will not only be your woman in the future, but also my life will be yours, but if you don't have this ability and you are not my opponent, then I can only say that you are not worthy to be my husband, understand?"

For the sake of this matter, the prince had to fight if he didn't want to.

The faces of the Sword Dynasty people can all be hung on the crown prince.

For a time, countless eyes focused on the past.

Lin Yang frowned, naturally feeling very unhappy.

Originally, I planned to come here to perfunctory things, but I never wanted to encounter this kind of trouble.

"Although my son is the prince of a dynasty, he usually takes the important affairs of the country as his own responsibility, and neglects his cultivation. Girl, I think the matter of martial arts competitions should be forgotten. If you want to marry, then marry. If you don't want to marry, I won't marry you." Will persecute!"

At this time, the monarch smiled.

"Your Majesty is humble. Qinghong has heard of the prestige of the crown prince for a long time. She is the leader of the younger generation of the Sword Dynasty. The main purpose of Qinghong's visit today is to compete with the crown prince! If the crown prince wins, Qinghong will be Marry, and I will marry willingly, and I hope the crown prince and His Majesty will make it happen!"

Nie Qinghong said with a serious face.

"Hahahaha, girls are so interesting! No matter! No matter!"

The monarch laughed heartily, and then said to Lin Yang: "Prince, Miss Nie said so, you can play!"

The monarch didn't think the prince could beat Nie Qinghong. He knew that the prince had been practicing various forbidden techniques, and even practiced alchemy with living people.

Although these were not put on the surface, the monarch acquiesced.

How can a prince who is proficient in forbidden techniques be no match for a young girl?

Lin Yang sighed inwardly, unable to escape.

Forced to have no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up.

"Since you woman want to see my tricks, I'll make you happy!"

Lin Yang pretended to be arrogant and domineering, straightly got up, and said expressionlessly: "Where are we going to fight?"

"I hope you can use all your strength, this banquet hall is too small, let's go out and compete."

Nie Qinghong snorted.

"it is good!"

Lin Yang nodded and walked straight out, but his heart was suspended.

The prince of the Sword Dynasty must be good at sword moves.

Although he knows sword moves, how can this kind of sword moves compare with Sword Dynasty's swordsmanship, the way out is too big, and it is easy to be seen.

In this way, once the identity is exposed, problems will inevitably arise.

How to do?

Lin Yang frowned tightly, thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he strode towards the outside of the banquet hall.

Nie Qinghong squinted her eyes and snorted softly, and walked with the knife in hand.

The guests at the scene flocked to the outside of Jianqing Palace, even those concubines, maids, and eunuchs all looked up.

"Your Majesty, the people from Crazy Saber Sea came to marry this time, and they also want to find our Sword Dynasty as a backer, but this stinky girl doesn't seem to think highly of our Sword Dynasty! It just so happened that His Highness took the initiative to teach her a lesson! It's also good to play our Sword Dynasty's prestige !"

A minister bragged to the monarch with his hands clasped.

"That is, our Majesty is wise and martial, His Royal Highness has inherited His Majesty's inheritance, and he is also an extremely talented and endowed monarch!"

"In the end, it's better to be taught by His Majesty!"

"If there is no wisdom of His Majesty, how can there be His Highness today?"

"That's right!"

All the ministers flattered one after another.

The monarch laughed and was in a good mood.

Soon, on the open space outside the palace.

Holding the long sword in his hand, Lin Yang stood still with Nie Qinghong.

The surrounding conversation gradually became quieter.

All eyes were on the two of them.

"Come on, I'll let you do it first!"

Nie Qinghong drew her long knife out of its sheath and stared at Lin Yangdao expressionlessly.

"How can I do that? How can a woman let a man do it? You should do it first!"

Lin Yang said with a nonchalant attitude.

"Hmph, machismo!"

Nie Qinghong snorted coldly and said: "Your Highness, I have heard a lot about you! I know what kind of person you are. In fact, being your wife has too many burdens! Any woman I will not be willing, and neither do I! But for the sake of the sect, for the sake of my father, I have to do this! But I don’t want to wrong myself, so this duel is my last struggle!"

When the voice fell to the ground, she took a step and walked towards Lin Yang.

"So, I will not show mercy, since you want me to do it first! Then you have to be careful! Go all out!"

The voice fell.


Nie Qinghong burst out with endless saber intent, and people rushed towards Lin Yang like a strong wind.

In an instant, the bright moon was dim, and the storm was raging.

Nie Qinghong was like a shooting star, an unstoppable rainbow, attacking Lin Yang straight.

Lin Yang's eyes were clear, but he immediately acted flustered and wanted to fight back with his sword.

But in the face of Nie Qinghong's violent attack, it was too late to resist.


The bright long knife seemed to cut through the night sky, curled up in front of the afterimage, passed Lin Yang's sword, and directly touched his neck.

In an instant, the entire palace was silent...

82 Chinese Network

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