The officials of the Sword Dynasty were dumbfounded.

Even the monarch narrowed his eyes and said nothing.


This is almost equivalent to a spike!

No one expected that the dignified prince of the Sword Dynasty, who had no room to fight back, was subdued by Nie Qinghong in an instant...

Countless people gasped.

This time even the people in Mad Saber Sea were silent.

They imagined countless possibilities, but they never thought that this would be the result...

Holding the sword, Lin Yang stared at Nie Qinghong with wide eyes, as if shocked.

After a while, the shock turned into grief and resentment.


He raised his sword again and stabbed at Nie Qinghong.

But his movements were so slow and funny in Nie Qinghong's eyes.

Nie Qinghong snorted coldly, and slapped Lin Yang hard on the chest with the back of the knife.

Lin Yang immediately vomited blood and fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing this, many people secretly shook their heads.

"It turns out that the prince of the Sword Dynasty is so immature and ridiculous, it's really disappointing!"

Nie Qinghong put away the snow knife, and said expressionlessly: "If the princes of a country only use such means, I think the overall strength of the Sword Dynasty may not be much higher!"

"Not counting just now, I.... I'm not ready! Let's do it again!"

Lin Yang pretended to be dissatisfied and roared loudly.

"Ten thousand times again, the result will not change!"

Nie Qinghong shook her head, turned to face the people in Kuangdaohai, and said, "I think it's completely unnecessary to marry Sword Dynasty. We might as well seek help from other powerful clans! I'm afraid that people from Sword Dynasty won't be able to deal with us. This crisis in the sea!"

When the people in Crazy Sword Sea heard this, Qiqi fell into silence.

Nie Qinghong sheathed the saber, turned around and walked towards the monarch over there, cupping her fists and bowing.

"Your Majesty, Qinghong offended, please forgive me."

The monarch's face was gloomy, he didn't speak, and only looked at the prince fiercely.

"I.... I was careless just now! If I fight her again, the result will definitely not stop here!"

Lin Yang walked over, blushing, and said falteringly.

"Trash, haven't you been practicing forbidden art in the palace for a long time, and you have devoted yourself to it? Why are you so incompetent?"

The monarch said angrily.


Lin Yang hesitated.

"Come here, the crown prince has abandoned his cultivation and lost the dignity of our dynasty! Lock it up for me! Lock it up immediately!"

The monarch roared angrily.


The left and right guards rushed over immediately and took Lin Yang away.

"Don't want me, I don't accept it! I can fight again! It was purely my carelessness just now! It was my carelessness!"

Lin Yang couldn't help shouting, as if he wanted to justify himself.

But the monarch ignored him and didn't even look at him.

Soon, Lin Yang was taken away from Jianqing Palace.

The monarch turned gloomy and turned to leave.

A group of ministers also looked at each other in blank dismay, at a loss.

The people in Crazy Sword Sea also sneered, turned and left.

In their view, there is no need for marriage anymore.

If the prince behaved even a little better, it was worth their consideration.

But this move was completely disappointing.

This is the prince of the Sword Dynasty?

"Thanks to Miss's probing this time, otherwise, we really wouldn't know that the level of strength of the Sword Dynasty is so unsightly!"

"Yeah, back then, the Sword Dynasty was considered a force that should not be underestimated in the Nirvana Realm. I never thought it would be so inferior today."

"Hurry up, hurry up, we have to go back and talk to the head."

The group left the palace in a hurry without saying hello.

82 Chinese Network

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