Back at the Prince's Palace, the gate was immediately sealed.

Lin Yang, who was alone in the hall, heaved a sigh of relief.

It was finally fooled.

As long as he can't make a move, no one will see his flaws.

The world only thought it was Nie Qinghong's strength.

In this way, his identity will not be exposed.

"I really didn't expect that leader Lin would use such a method to fool the past, amazing! I admire it!"

A crisp laughter came.

Lin Yang looked at it, and it was the emperor's daughter!

"Why are you still here?"

Lin Yang frowned, and asked deeply, "Didn't I let you go?"

"Leader Lin, I have already sent my parents and others to the Qingxuan Alliance, but I was worried and returned to the palace!"

The Empress spoke.

"You... oh..."

Lin Yang was quite helpless.

"Leader Lin, although your method is clever, it is not perfect. The monarch knows the prince well. Based on his understanding of the prince, he will never really believe that the prince has no power to fight back! Now he is just blinded by anger. , When he calms down and thinks about it again, he will definitely find something strange in it!"

The emperor whispered: "At that time, it will only be a matter of time before your identity is revealed!"

"You're right, but luckily it's only for one night! I observed yesterday that the Chosen Leaf Flower will bloom at five o'clock in the morning. Then I will do it, take the Chosen Leaf Flower, and leave this place of right and wrong! "

Lin Yang said.

"So, we are ready to do it right away!"

The emperor said.


Lin Yang nodded, immediately took out the elixir, and began to swallow it into his mouth.

"Do you have any plans?"

The emperor also took out some silver needles, pierced her body, and began to adjust her breath.

"I'm going to make a fuss!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"Hitting the east and the west? This is a way!" The emperor nodded.

"However, how to do it... still needs to be considered."

Lin Yang said hoarsely: "After all, my time in the palace is still short. I don't know what your monarch cares about. At present, he should care most about Tianxuan Yehua!"

"Leader Lin, you are wrong, besides Tianxuan Yehua, I think there is one other person who he cares most about!"


"Of course it's the prince!"

The emperor said indifferently: "Don't look at the strength of the monarch, but because he practiced a special evil method, he can't bear children. Even though there are three thousand concubines, there is only one heir, the prince. If something happens to the prince, I think, he is afraid. Even Tianxuan Yehua doesn't care, she will definitely rush here!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yang's eyes lit up.

"That's it, it's easy!"

"Leader Lin, I have hired some killers to ambush outside the palace. When we escape from the palace, these killers can help us stop the pursuers! We have to do it as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yang took out some pills and handed them to the emperor.

"Eat these things!"

The emperor took a look and couldn't help being stunned.

The appearance of these pills given by Lin Yang is extraordinary!

Compared with the elixir that Lin Yang made, the elixir that he refined was completely different.

"Leader Lin, where did these medicines come from?"

"I did it."

" practiced it?"

The empress looked shocked: "Your alchemy skills... have actually reached this level?"

"It's so-so, after all, it's passable."

Lin Yang said casually.

The Empress was a little dumb.

This level of pills is still called average? In Lin Yang's eyes, what kind of alchemy technique is called superb?

She took a deep breath, swallowed the pill, and began to adjust her breath.

After several hours of preparation, the two opened their eyes together.

I glanced at the time.

It was four thirty in the morning.

"It's time to act!"

82 Chinese Network

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