Lin Yang sat straight on the chair without saying a word, his face was extremely cold.

The people in the hall did not dare to take a breath.

"You have said so much, but you haven't told me who ambushed you!"

The owner of Yunxiao stared at the crying man covering his face on the ground, and drank hoarsely.

The man wiped away his tears, and said with great grievance: "My lord, I...we don't know who we were ambushed by... I only know that it should be the master of the ice demon ape..."

"Before setting off, Hua Tianhai got a large number of Heavenly Fire Pills from our leader! With the Heavenly Fire Pills here, why be afraid of mere Ice Demon Ape?"

The city lord of Nanli is Shen Yin again.

When Hua Tianhai returned to the Nirvana Realm with the Skyfire Pill, he sent someone to deliver a letter to the station.

With the Heavenly Fire Pill, logically speaking, even if he couldn't deal with the Ice Demon Ape, he could at least retreat without being ambushed.

Unexpectedly, the man burst into tears again.

"My lord, the Skyfire Pill was indeed effective against the Ice Demon Ape at the beginning, and my subordinates also received a Skyfire Pill. After eating the Skyfire Pill, the cold air will not invade, and all the methods of the Ice Demon Ape can be ignored, but...but... ..For some reason, the Ice Demon Ape has mutated..."

"A mutant ice demon ape?"

Everyone stood up abruptly from their chairs, staring at the man with wide eyes in astonishment.

In the realm of silence, it is not common for fierce beasts to mutate.

Although there are strange flowers and plants everywhere in the Nirvana Realm, it's not like some ferocious beasts will mutate after eating these flowers and plants.

Most of them have only one end, and that is death.

Because the ferocious beast itself does not have any cultivation base from birth.

They are just like ordinary people, but they are stronger and more powerful.

And if one wanted to achieve the level of mutation, one had to be those ferocious beasts who were born with unusual bodies, or were born with some unique means.

"If it's the mutated ice demon ape, it's only natural that they are invincible."

Lin Yang got up slowly, and said coldly: "I will go to the extremely cold place immediately! I want you to mobilize immediately, gather all the medical practitioners who are proficient in fire and ice skills, and then drive to the extremely cold place to support at any time .”

"Leader, we don't even know who the opponent is, let alone why they attacked us. Is it too risky to act rashly?"

Wu Hung immediately stood up to comfort him.

"So I'm not going to investigate?"

Lin Yang Shen said: "How is the base station in the extremely cold place?"

"Leader, you also know that the environment in that place is too harsh, and it is very difficult to establish a base station. Xu Zheng told us that it will take at least a month to establish a base station."

Nanli said in a low voice.

"That is to say, when I got there, there was no signal?"

"Yes, the nearest base station is at least 500 kilometers away..."

"Forget it!"

Lin Yang thought for a while, and said hoarsely: "I will go ahead and investigate the situation. After the assembly is complete, drive to the nearest base station immediately and wait for my order!"


Everyone stood up in unison, cupped their fists and bowed.

Lin Yang didn't stop for a moment, got up immediately, and rushed out.

All to act.

The entire Qingxuan Alliance was restless.

After leaving the conference hall, Lin Yang did not immediately go to the extremely cold place, but plunged into the alchemy room.

If it is said that even the Skyfire Pill is ineffective against the enemy, then we can only place our hopes on the Tianyan Pill, which is more powerful than the Skyfire Pill!

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