In a deep and dark palace.

Several figures are sitting in front of a huge stone table.

"What's the situation? Can an attack be launched?"

A tall, red-haired man with a square face came in with strides and asked in a rough voice.

However, the people in front of the round table only slowly raised their heads, glanced at him, and then lowered their heads again.

Few people are willing to answer his question.

The red-haired man frowned.

At this time, an old man wearing a gray cloak next to him smiled slightly: "Lord Kong Yang, don't worry, our spies are already on the way. This time it's a red message. I think it may be a signal to attack."

"Red message? The highest level message?"

The red-haired man was slightly taken aback, and wanted to ask more questions.

At this time, a woman with long silver hair and a black robe walked into the palace with a middle-aged man.

The red-haired man frowned slightly, and immediately returned to his seat.

"Is everyone here?"

The silver-haired woman asked lightly.

"Your Excellency, everything is here! We can start anytime."

The old man in the gray cloak laughed.


The silver-haired woman took out a roll of paper and placed it on the stone table for circulation.

People took over the reading one after another, all of them turned pale.

"We received news that the Qingxuan Alliance suddenly began to gather on a large scale, and a large number of expatriate members have returned to the station. Not only that, even several powerful families related to the Qingxuan Alliance have also taken action, including Lei Zetian Pavilion! "

The silver-haired woman said lightly.

Everyone was silent for a while.

The red-haired man stared at the woman and said, "The extremely cold place in the north...what happened?"

"It is said that the people of the Qingxuan Alliance were attacked by those people and suffered heavy casualties. When did that kid surnamed Lin suffer such a big loss? Most likely he rushed to take revenge!"

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A woman covered her lips and smiled.

"It's really something that doesn't know the so-called thing. He thinks that those powerful people can be easily provoked by people of his status?"

The red-haired man snorted coldly.

"However, my lord, for no reason, why did the Qingxuan Alliance provoke those existences? How cold is that place? There are almost no resources, and those people live in seclusion in search of longevity. Could it be that the surnamed Lin is greedy for that piece of blessed land? , want to seize and find the way of longevity?"

The old man in the gray cloak asked in a concentrated voice.

"I have already sent spies to investigate this matter, but I thought this was an opportunity. No matter what the motive of leader Lin is, we should get what we want!"

The silver-haired woman said lightly: "Starting today, I will issue the highest battle order! All ministries will immediately gather all their forces and drive to Tianshen Mountain! Remember, this operation is not only to take down Tianshen Mountain, but the most important goal is to weaken the Qingxuan Alliance. Strength, you...understand?"

"it is good!"

Everyone stood up and shouted loudly.

"Undefeated Qingxuan, I swear not to give up!"


In the snowy night.

Several figures flickered in front of an ice cave under a lonely mountain.

"Patriarch... Patriarch, I killed a snow rabbit... we can make snow rabbit soup...."

A man whose nose was red from the cold and covered in frost and snow staggered into the ice cave and said tremblingly.

Inside the ice cave, there were many figures lying here and there, about twenty or thirty of them.

They curled up together and reported to the group for warmth, but even so, everyone was still shivering from the cold.

In addition, behind them, there were several people who had turned into ice crystals squatting against the wall.

They completely lost their breath, and their souls returned to the sky.

"Light a fire, find a way to make a fire, and make snow rabbit soup!"

Ao Hanmei stood up with difficulty, and said hoarsely.

One of her arms was broken, and the severed arm was covered by frost, and the blood could not flow out, but the cold air kept pouring into her body from the wound, so that her face turned blue, and her body couldn't stop shaking.

In this extremely cold environment, she didn't even have the ability to mobilize her energy to heal her wounds.

This place is even colder than the extremely cold place, and it is called the cold prison world.

This kind of place is regarded as a forbidden place in the Aoxue family.

No matter how hardy people are, they dare not set foot in it easily.

However, she was cornered by the Ice Demon Ape and the power behind it, so she could only lead some of her clansmen to flee here.

She expected that the other party would not dare to come.

Because of this kind of place, the other party can't bear it.

But how long can he last?

The few who were able to move immediately started to light the fire.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't make a fire.

"These collected twigs have been covered with frost all year round and have long been unable to ignite. We...we can't make a fire..."

One said without tears.

Ao Hanmei was silent for a moment, then secretly gritted her teeth, went straight forward, stretched out her palm, and covered the pile of frozen sticks.


A gust of hot air was released from her palm.

That was obviously the vigor in her body.

Seeing this, everyone turned pale with shock.

"Patriarch! Stop it!"

"If you use up the last bit of energy in your body, you will freeze to death!"

"stop it now!"

Several people rushed over, trying to stop Ao Hanmei.


Ao Hanmei suddenly yelled.

Everyone froze.

"Listen, I'm the head of the family! It's my duty to protect you well. It's my negligence to put you in such a predicament today. Now, what's the point of just igniting your fire?"

After saying that, Ao Hanmei suddenly increased her vigor and urged her to release.


The frozen dead branch immediately gushed out a hot flame and burned.

"Quick Rack Pot..."

Ao Hanmei sat weakly on the ground, panting weakly.

"Hurry up... put the pot on!"

"Hurry up and cook the soup, hurry up and cook the soup..."

Everyone immediately got busy.

Soon, the hot snow rabbit soup was ready.

Those who were almost frozen to death drank a sip of snow rabbit soup, and immediately recovered a lot.

The people in the ice cave finally recovered.

Ao Hanmei also drank a bowl, but at this moment, she was exhausted and could not withstand the terrifying temperature of this cold prison world with just a sip of soup, so she could only curl up in a corner, trembling crazily.

at this time...


There was the sound of a foot stepping on the snow.

Everyone in the ice cave trembled and looked at the hole in unison.

A woman dressed in white came in.

Everyone was shocked, and immediately drew their swords and stood up, with a posture of fighting.

But in the next second, an infinite divine power suddenly enveloped them.

Afterwards, the swords in everyone's hands turned into light mist and dissipated like a cloud of smoke.


Ao Hanmei's breath was about to freeze, and she stared.

"who are you?"

"Who allowed you to come in here?"

The woman in white said blankly: "Either follow me, or become a part of this place!"

82 Chinese Network

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