
The family is stupid.

This move was blocked again?

Should be flat bamboo face dull.

The elders of the Ying family were all in a daze.

At this moment, even the expression of the ancestors of the Ying family also showed a strong sense of astonishment.

He didn't keep his hands on this move. It's impossible for him to be caught by Lin Yang, but... Lin Yang did!

What's the matter with this young man?

How old is he? How did he develop such speed and reaction?

Ying's father's face sank, and he didn't want to make any more unnecessary words. He drank in secret. He took advantage of Lin Yang's not turning back, and his strength was not easy to use. He hit him hard on the back with a backhand.

Although the power of this blow was not as powerful as that of the previous two blows, it was extremely fatal, and Lin Yang could not prevent it at all.

Unless he can twist his waist 180 degrees!

But that's obviously impossible.

However, when the ancestor of Yingjia thought that this attack could succeed, a strange scene appeared again.

However, Lin Yang no longer resisted, or even did not hide or dodge, so he stood and let the blow hit his back.

The ancestors of the Ying family felt bad.

But the fist is out and can't be taken back.


The dull noise came again.

And this one punch, also is knot solid bang in Lin Yang's body finally.

But... Lin Yang still did not move, so he resisted the attack...

Ying's family was silent.

This attack did not pose a threat to Linyang at all.

The eyebrows of the ancestors of the Ying family were also twisted together.

He found that he had underestimated Lin Yang from the beginning to the end.

The strength of this young man has exceeded all people's cognition!

"Old man, is that all you have to do?" Lin Yang slowly turned around and quietly looked at the grandfather of the Ying family and said faintly, "the three moves have already passed!"

"I lost!"

The grandfather of Ying family took a deep breath and said calmly.

"You didn't lose. As I said, I'll give you ten chances. You can still do seven moves now!" Lin Yang road.

"Young man, if you give me seven more chances, I'm afraid you will regret it!" The ancestor of Ying family said in a deep voice.

"You didn't pose any threat to me. Can you defeat me with the next seven moves?" Lin Yang shook his head.

"Then you can watch it!" The ancestor of Ying family was also annoyed. He was too lazy to be polite. He drank a little, and his two withered yellow arms danced directly.



His arm is very slender, as if the skin is covered with bone, but every time he swings, there is a power to shake the kilogram.

In front of this arm, I'm afraid it is a piece of steel, which will be smashed by him like tofu.

But Lin Yang is flexible, his hands light to resist the attack of the ancestors of the Ying family, no matter how fierce the strength of the other side, he is not in a hurry.

"Calm down with one effort!" The ancestor of the Ying family suddenly had a big drink and directly raised his arm towards Lin Yang's head.

Lin Yang immediately crossed his hands to resist.


Three arm collision.

Quite thick and domineering power instantly passed along Lin Yang's body to the ground.

The earth burst, the ground sank three centimeters directly, and the cracks in the Earth spread directly outside Yinglong villa.

What a horror!

Ying's family was once again shaken and turned upside down.

When people got up, they were disappointed.

Under such a terrible hammer blow, Lin Yang still stands steadily!

Ying's grandfather snorted, never giving up, and then raised his other hand, which was like a snake. It swayed and stretched, and then hit Lin Yang's chest hard.

"A thousand pounds at a time!"

Drinking and shouting down, the palm of the hand is full of dexterity.

Lin Yang moved his hand again and blocked it.


Palm gently patted on Lin Yang's chest, issued a slight noise.

This blow seems to be very powerless, as if it is a fight between friends, but the cleverness between the palms suddenly broke out, shaking Lin Yang's body crazily, and the cleverness was penetrating into his body, trying to destroy his internal organs.

Lin Yang frown, immediately pinch out a silver needle, quickly in his abdomen, and then pull out.


A leak of air came out.

Those who let out are the ingenuity of the ancestors of Yingjia.

This move is resolved again!

The grandfather of Yingjia was astonished, then his expression was awe inspiring, and he was like a crazy bomb.

"Ying Long Shen Zhang!"

"Open the holy day strike!"

"Seven unique fingers of flood explosion!"

"Yin Yang pulse sword!"

...As he drank and yelled, he displayed some unique martial arts that he had never heard of.

All kinds of terror moves fell on Lin Yang.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Dong...

there was a lot of noise.

At the foot of Linyang, the earth was completely broken, and all the sand and stones around him were affected and burst. The place where he stood was completely destroyed under the successive destruction, and the scene looked extremely messy.

The old man's self forgetting roar, a pair of potential will Lin Yang to the momentum of falling, in front of him has been filled with countless dust, but he still did not stop.

In this kind of stormy attack and kill, I am afraid that a building will be blasted into powder by him?

However, when Yingjia Laozu continued to attack, a fist suddenly stretched out from the dust and hit Yingjia Laozu severely.


The fist is roaring.

Ying's ancestors breathed hard, and quickly closed the move to defend, his palms folded in front of his chest.


His fist was smashed in his palm, and his arrogant power instantly shocked him back more than ten meters!

What terrible power!

The ancestors of Ying family took a cool breath.

All the Ying family members around were trembling and looked at the dusty place one after another.

But Lin Yang came out slowly from there. A pair of indifferent eyes looked at the old man and calmly said, "ten moves... Have passed! You lost! "

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