The ancestor of the Ying family stood up and looked at Lin Yang with his eyes wide open.

How wonderful the punch was just now.

He believes that is absolutely beyond the reach of human resources.

He has practiced martial arts for nearly a hundred years. His strength is not only limited to brute force, but also skillful force, strength and internal force.

But in front of Lin Yang, he found that his strength could not be compared with it.

This is definitely not the strength of practice!

There must be something fishy.

The grandfather of Yingjia looked cold, but he had nothing to do.

No matter what means Lin Yang used, at least he can't do anything to him.

The result, already very clear!

"I lost!"

The grandfather of the Ying family took a deep breath.


All the family members were around, and everyone's face was full of reluctance.

"You don't have to say, I will keep my promise." The old ancestor of the Ying family looked at Lin Yang who came out of the dust and fog and said in a deep voice.

He was very reluctant to take the blow just now. If he continues to fight, the result will not change.

"What about the promise made by the Chinese new year?" Lin Yang took the bleeding book and asked lightly.

"Of course, we should abide by it! Miss Liu Rushi, take it with you. Besides, from today on, when I see my husband, I will be honored as a guest of honor. Since the year of China, Ying's family must salute you when you see him! " The ancestor of the Ying family said in a low voice.


Ying's family was shocked.

"Lao Zu, how dignified is my Ying family? If others know, I will be laughed at by others! " Should Pingzhu a few steps forward, said in a hurry.

"That's why you don't try your best." The ancestor of the Ying family glared at yingpingzhu and others angrily and said, "how old are you? Why don't you have the ability of others? "


Ying Pingzhu lowered his head in shame.

"Face is not given by others, but by myself. I should believe in the strong. Today Mr. Lin is stronger than me. How can I lower my head?" The ancestor of Ying family reprimanded him in a deep voice, and then said to Yingping bamboo: "Pingzhu! You go! You go and apologize to Mr. Lin first. Be sincere. Do you understand? "


Ying Pingzhu opened his mouth wide and looked at the grandfather of Yingjia in amazement.

"Not yet?" He was scolded by his ancestors.

Ying Pingzhu bit his teeth and clenched his fists. Finally, he went to Linyang.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. I've been offended by Pingzhu before. Please forgive me." Yingpingzhu bowed to Linyang and said in a low voice.

Everyone can see that yingpingzhu is extremely reluctant.

But... What can he do even if he is ten thousand unwilling? How dare he disobey his ancestors.

"It seems that sincerity is not enough." Lin Yang said casually.

"You..." should be flat bamboo eyes a stare.

"Pingzhu?" The ancestor of Ying family here immediately followed.

Ying Pingzhu was shocked all over. He looked at Yingjia's ancestor quietly, and then walked to Lin Yang. He took a deep breath and adjusted his mind. Then he apologized solemnly: "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, it's all Pingzhu's fault. Please... Forgive Pingzhu..."

this word can be said to make yingpingzhu extremely ashamed and angry, especially in front of so many Ying family members.

He almost broke a tooth.

However, what makes yingpingzhu angry is that Lin Yang actually has a model to open a cavity: "it's good to know that you are wrong. I hope you can be a good person in the future."

This is what the elder taught the younger generation!

Ying Pingzhu's whole body trembled, but did not dare to say a word.

"Those who have done something to Mr. Lin today have to apologize to Mr. Lin. they must be sincere. If anyone doesn't want to, get out of Ying's house for me." The ancestors of Ying family said again.

Ying's family was stunned.

But now, they have no other choice, can only follow the words of their ancestors, one by one to apologize to Linyang.

Although these Ying family members were duplicity and forced to bow their heads, Lin Yang saw the sincerity of their ancestors.

"The old man keeps his promise. I have nothing to say. Let's call it a day." Lin Yang road.

"I have offended my family. I hope Mr. Lin will not go to my heart any more. When Mr. Lin comes to my Yingjia for the first time, I should do my best to be the host of Yingjia! Pingzhu, go ahead and have a big banquet for Mr. Lin! " The ancestral road of Ying family.

"Yes, ancestor..." Ying Pingzhu clenched his teeth and turned to command the servants.

"The old man is very kind. In that case, I'll give Yingjia a small gift." Lin Yang road.

"It's very kind of you, Mr. Lin. you're a guest. Why give a gift?" The ancestors of the Ying family laughed and didn't care.At his age, he is well-informed. He has never seen any rare treasures. Naturally, he doesn't care about this gift of Lin Yang.

However, the next second, Lin Yang calmly opened up: "I can help you Ying family to save these wounded and even dying people, how about this ceremony?"

The voice fell to the ground, and the scene was instantly quiet.

The ancestors of the Ying family were shocked.

"Mr. Lin? Are you... Are you serious? " A should family members rushed forward, eyes tears trembling said.

"Have you forgotten my name?" Lin Yang asked.

"Doctor Lin!"

All the Ying's family members were breathing.

"If Mr. Lin can really do this, my family will never offend Mr. Lin any more." The ancestor of Ying family was also a little out of control, and he said solemnly at once.

The one on the earth is the descendant of his Ying family. It's false that he doesn't care about it. But the other side is so powerful that he can't revenge at all, so he has to give in.

But if Lin Yang can really do this, not to mention that the two sides have a clear friendship and hatred, just say that this strange ability to bring the dead back to life is enough to convince the Ying family.

"Prepare medicine for me, and bring all the seriously injured to me, no matter how heavy they are, even those who feel that they are dead, as long as they have one breath, they will all be carried over." Lin Yang road.

"Good! Good! Doctor Lin, wait a moment. I'll arrange it right away! "

The elders of the Ying family were very excited.

Lin Yang entered a house and began to direct the decocting.

Ying Pingzhu was greatly shocked when he heard about this. Although he was suspicious, he did not dare to hesitate. Under the arrangement of his ancestors, he opened the warehouse door and took out all the good herbs from Ying's family for use by Linyang.

Soon, some of the injured Ying's family members were relieved.

Even some people with minor injuries recovered instantly.

Such a miraculous medical skill shocked Ying's family.

When all Ying's family members saw Lin Yang again, their eyes were no longer afraid, but full of strong worship.

Is this man a God? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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