When the Dragon hand wakes up, it is already late at night.

His whole body was wrapped into zongzi, especially his chest, wrapped in several circles.

But he didn't feel pain, instead, he felt cool and comfortable all over his body.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Yang came over and looked at the Dragon hand lying on the bed.

"Teacher..." with his mouth open, the dragon made a weak voice.

"You look good. It seems that the medicine is well absorbed." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"It's all about the teacher's medical skills... Teacher, has the family problem been solved? Where are we now? " Asked the Dragon hand.

"It's settled. We're in Yingjia now."

"What? I... we're at Yingjia? " Dragon hand was stunned: "that... The person who should be home... Teacher, you...

" have been solved. " Lin Yang road.

The Dragon hand did not dare to think about it any more.

Do you mean that all Ying's family members were killed by their teachers? This is certainly impossible, so there is only one reason.

Ying's family all submit to the teacher...

the Dragon hand gasps.

It never occurred to him that the teacher had really done it.

"is it possible for Mr. Lin to chat

At this time, an old voice sounded outside the door.

Lin Yang looked at the gate and whispered, "you have a good rest. We will return to Jiangcheng tomorrow."

"Good teacher."

The Dragon hand nodded.

Lin Yang went to the gate.

At the moment, the ancestor of the Ying family is standing outside the door, looking at the sky full of stars.

"What can I do for you Lin Yang asked.

"Ha ha, it's not a big deal. I just want to ask Mr. Lin a few questions." The ancestor of Ying family turned around and said with a smile.

"What's the problem?"

"I want to know what force Mr. Lin came from? Ancient school? Seclusion? Or some unknown sects? " The grandfather of Ying family quietly looked at Lin Yang's eyes and asked.

"I don't belong to any force. You think too much about it. If you really want to count the influence, I am Yanghua, Xuanyi school!" Lin Yang light road.

"Oh... So Mr. Lin is not qualified to attend the conference?" Should be a little surprised to ask.

"Whether it is Xuanyi school or Yanghua group, it is true that they have not received the invitation qualification of the conference."

"That's a pity... But Mr. Lin, if you really want to participate, we should be able to take you with us. Are you interested?" The grandfather of Ying family said with a smile.

"What? Are you trying to tie me to your car? " Lin Yang asked.

"At the conference, each depends on his own ability. If his strength is strong enough, the benefits will naturally be very rich, which is good for everyone."

"But I'm not interested in the benefits of the conference." Lin Yang shook his head.

The ancestor of Ying's family was stunned and said, "Mr. Lin, aren't you going to attend the meeting?"

"Before I answer this question, I want to ask you a question."

"Go ahead, please."

"I ask you, have you considered competing with those forces in Yanjing?" Lin Yang is looking at Ying's ancestors.

The grandfather of Yingjia was silent, and his turbid eyes showed a touch of helplessness.

He sighed and said calmly: "the old man is old. At this time, his fame and wealth have long been neglected. The reason why he is still in public is to let my Yingjia descendants have a good future, so that my Yingjia can continue to be brilliant. I am not afraid of the Lin family, but my Ying family wants to compete with Yanjing's big families. Most of my Yingjia's wants I don't want Yingjia to set up a big enemy for those benefits. "

"If that's the case, you'd better not have too much relationship with me, or you'll only be on fire." Lin Yang light road.

As soon as he said this, he was breathless.

The meaning of Linyang dialect is very clear.

He was silent for a while, and then asked, "Mr. Lin, I'm very curious, why are you young, but you have such strength? I have seen that your martial arts skills are not strong. Obviously, you have not been instructed by others, but your speed, strength and even talent are amazing. Why is this? Don't tell me you made it. "

"Have you heard of the blood of falling spirit?" Lin Yang said faintly.

"Yes, of course. Is this the power of bloodletting? But I've also dealt with people who have fallen spirit blood. The increase that blood has given them is not so terrible. " Should be asked by the old ancestor.

Lin Yang shook his head and did not speak.

He didn't want to expose himself to seventeen drops of spiritual blood, and the rest was to be guessed by his ancestors.The ancestors of the Ying family did not ask.

The matter was solved. The next morning, Lin Yang and long Shou left Yinglong villa in a car and headed for the airport to return to Jiangcheng.

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain, several young men and women were driving up the mountain in their cars.

This is a brand-new red business car. Both men and women in the car have been dressed up carefully, especially the beautiful woman sitting in the back row. At the moment, she is breathtaking. She is graceful, her hair is like ink splashing, her autumn eyes are light, her lips are clear, and her skin is as white as snow. She is a beauty coming out of the painting. Even though the people in the car are worried, they still can't help being quiet Looking at the woman.

The car stopped at a sentry box halfway up the hill.

The driver poked out his head, glanced at the guard box, and then looked at the woman in the back row with a puzzled look.

"Elder martial sister, what's the matter? Why didn't the Yings send white horses to pick them up

"Yes, according to Yingjia's rules, if you want to enter the Ying family's door, they should send a white horse here. Why don't there be any Ying family here?"

"Shouldn't the family forget it?"

"It's impossible. Just call and ask."


the person in the co driver's seat immediately took out his mobile phone.

"No need!" At this time, the beautiful woman suddenly opened up.

The crowd looked at her.

The woman glanced at the time on the car's central control panel and whispered, "it's time to stop procrastinating. Let's go straight up the mountain. If we're late, Yingjia will have an excuse. Maybe it's going to make trouble for us. Don't leave a handle on them!"

"Yes, elder martial sister

"Then let's go!"

They nodded and drove to Yinglong villa.

However, as soon as we arrived at the gate of the villa, the scene was immediately shocked.

However, this is a magnificent luxury to the very light villa gate, at this moment is full of cracks, dilapidated, even the stone lion at the door has fallen.

The woman opened the door and stared at the scene.

"What's going on here?"

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