As soon as Lin Yang entered the airport, he received a call from Liu Rushi.

With a faint smile, he pressed the connect button.

There was a silence. After a moment, there was an astringent voice.

"Thank you..."

as if the host had exhausted all his courage to say these two words.

"Don't mention it. You're also for me. Don't act rashly next time you encounter this kind of thing, understand?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Um..." Liu Rushi on the other side of the phone has a slight red cheek and whispers "um".

"Come back, Yao Wang." Lin Yang said, will hang up the phone.

"Doctor Lin, please wait a moment." Liu Rushi called out in a hurry.

"Anything else?"

"Doctor Lin, thanks to you, I was able to get rid of this time. Can I go to Jiangcheng to find you? I want to... I want to treat you to a meal and thank you very much. " Liu Rushi said with expectation.

God knows what she looks like when she says this sentence. The people around her are looking at her elder martial sister with surprised eyes...

"well... No problem, but I still have a lot of things to deal with in Jiangcheng now. Let's go another day."

"OK, I'll call you then." Liu Rushi was very happy and spoke briskly.

After speaking, Lin Yang boarded the plane.

In fact, he was anxious to return to Jiangcheng for another reason.

That is to say, the time he has agreed with the owner of the strange medicine house is almost up.

After two or three days' delay in Yinglong mountain villa, there is not much time left. Although Lin Yang is very confident that he can win the owner of the strange medicine house, he still dares not to be careless. After all, the other party's pledge to come down the challenge letter is obviously prepared. In case of failure, where should Lin Yang go to find "lotus flower" to compensate for the strange pharmacy?

After getting off the plane, Lin Yang went to Xuanyi school.

At present, the patients of Xuanyi school are still boiling, but as far as the whole country is concerned, the patients with sequelae of "Fufang Yangxin pill" have been cured. It can be said that this crisis was saved by Xuanyi school, and the reputation of Xuanyi school has been completely opened up in China, and even won a good reputation in the world.

Every day, organizations from all walks of life send banners and praise, and even a large number of patients' families send money and things to express their gratitude.

Thanks for the donation of Lin Jintong.

In this series of operations, the name of Xuanyi school became more and more loud.

Many big figures at home and abroad have begun to pay attention to this new rising power.

, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Lin Yang, who was looking at the document in the office, frowned slightly and connected the phone.

"Where are you?" There was a cold voice over the phone.

This is Su Yan's voice.

"What can I do for you?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

He doesn't feel too much about Su Yan now. He is willing to answer Su Yan's phone. He just thinks that this woman is very principled. After all, she is willing to insist on being a nominal couple with Lin Yang for the sake of her original promise.

"I've cooked my meal. Come back and eat it." Su Yan hesitated.

Lin Yang slightly a Leng, greatly surprised.

Su Yan is so busy on weekdays that she still has time to cook?

What's going on?

He thought for a moment and said, "I'm going back now."

The phone hung up and Lin Yang drove to Yueyan international.

Instead of renting a house outside or living in a luxury house in Linyang, Su Guang and his wife, according to Su Yan's idea, set aside a few rooms in a small compartment next to the company to live temporarily. On the one hand, it is convenient for Su Yan to work, and the other is to save a sum of money. After all, Yueyan international has not officially embarked on the track.

When you enter the room, you can smell the smell of food.

Lin Yang smelled it and coughed a few times.

"Some of them are burnt. I'm sorry."

Su Yan came out wearing a Doraemon apron with a bowl of hot soup in her hand.

It's a pity that their marriage will not last long.

Lin Yang looked at the room, only the two of them, can not help but ask: "where are your parents?"

"They went to see grandma, mom didn't want to go, Dad begged for a long time..." Su Yan put down the soup and blew some red hands, which was really lovely.

"Oh... Well done, how can I come to dinner?"

"Nothing, just... I just don't think it's appropriate to say something like that to you, so I want to apologize to you. Besides, we haven't eaten at home for a long time." Su Yan said in a low voice.

Lin Yang did not speak.

Su Yang handed two bowls of rice to Lin Yan.

"Try my craft?" Su Yan said.Lin Yang nodded and tried it.

"How?" Her face was full of anticipation.

"To tell you the truth, not so much." Lin Yang light road.

Su Yan heard the voice, quite angry, but finally did not speak.

Because she had eaten Linyang's cooking.

Compared with Lin Yang's food, she's a lot worse at cooking.

"Eat it." Lin Yang took a mouthful of vegetables and ate them.

Su Yan saw this and was a little surprised.

Although the food is not very good, but Lin Yang ate very fragrant, a bowl of rice soon disappeared.

Looking at Lin Yang's eating appearance, Su Yan can't help but have some five flavors.

"I find you have changed." Su Yan looks at Lin Yang and whispers.

"Do you have any?" Lin Yang didn't think so.

"Maybe it's my illusion. Sometimes I think you are strange, deep and strange... Since you cleaned your mother's grave... You have changed..."

"people will become." Lin Yang put down the dishes and chopsticks and said lightly.

Su Yan does not speak, small mouth with vegetables, a look of worry.

A dinner ended in a very strange atmosphere. Su Yan cleaned up the dishes and took them to the kitchen for washing.

But at this time, Lin Yang's mobile phone vibrated.

He picked it up and thought it was ma Hai's call.

But a look at the number, it is a number that has never been called to him!

He frowned a little and immediately got through to the phone.

"Is this Doctor Lin?" There is a sweet girl voice over the phone.

This female voice is the voice of Liang Hongying.

"It's Miss Liang. What can I do for you?" Lin Yang asked.

"Doctor Lin, are you free now? Can you come to Yanjing? " Liang Hongying hesitated, as if it was very difficult to make a decision.

"To Yanjing? What are you doing? " Lin Yang asked.

"Aunt Qiu Yan... I'm afraid I can't..." Liang Hongying said.

"Who? Liang Qiuyan Lin Yang's heart was tense.

"Yes, it's your godmother Liang Qiuyan and Dr. Lin. if you don't come, maybe she will... She will..." Liang Hongying has been unable to say the next words.

When Lin Yang heard the sound, his eyes widened, and his head seemed to explode , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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