Lin Yang's face is incomparably pale, and the hands holding the mobile phone are shaking gently.

Nothing has ever hit him so much.


However, he could not accept this matter in any case.

He has lost his mother, and he doesn't want to lose his godmother.

"What the hell happened?" Lin Yang tried his best to stabilize his mood, but his trembling voice betrayed him.

"I... I don't know how to explain it to you. In short, you come here quickly. I'm afraid that only your medical skills can give aunt Qiuyan a chance to survive in the whole country..." Liang Hongying pursed her lips.

"I'm going to Yanjing now. You can send me an address right away!"

Lin Yang sink way, immediately hang up the phone.

"What's the matter?"

Su Yan, who is washing dishes, pokes her head out of the kitchen and looks at Lin Yang strangely.

"Something happened to my godmother. I'm going to Yanjing to see her! I've got to go now. " Lin Yang sinks.


Su Yan is stunned, apparently has not heard Lin Yang say about his godmother.

However, Su Yan has never heard Lin Yang say anything about his family, but only knows that Lin Yang's mother has long been gone.

"Is it serious?"

"She's dying."

"So serious?"

Su Yan murmured under the cherry lip, hesitated under, mouth way: "Lin Yang, i... I go with you."

"You?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"No matter what, we are still husband and wife now, and your godmother is also my godmother. If something happens to her, I can't say that I don't go and have a look." Su Yan said.

Lin Yang's eyebrows moved, but he still nodded: "well, since you want to go, then go!"

Finish saying, then quickly sent a message to Ma Hai, let him prepare special plane, rush back to Yanjing overnight.

"We're going to the airport now."

"Can't I book a ticket first?" Su Yan took out her mobile phone.

"No, there are already flights to Yanjing." Lin Yang Dao, then pulled Su Yan to leave the company directly.

Su Yan didn't expect Lin Yang to be so anxious.

They got into her car and drove towards the airport.

Park the car in the parking building, two people will rush toward the waiting hall.

"Ah? Linyang, it's a VIP passage. Where are you going? And what about your ticket? We haven't changed our boarding pass yet Su Yan cried out in a hurry.

But Lin Yang Li doesn't pay attention to it, and drags Su Yan toward that side.

"What are you doing? What are you crazy about? "

Seeing Lin Yang's silence, Su Yan became more anxious.

But... After Lin Yang dragged her into the VIP passage, Su Yan was surprised to find that the airport staff in the VIP passage did not stop them, instead, they were leading the way for them.

Soon, two people came to the apron, a small aircraft appeared in front of Su Yan.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very sorry, because of the short time, we only found this relatively small plane." A man in a suit rushed forward, full of apology said.

"It's OK. If you can fly, go to Yanjing immediately."

Lin Yang sink way, then pull a confused Su Yan on the plane.

Although the plane is small, but the internal facilities are still complete. After two people sit down, the plane starts to move.

Su Yan sits on the chair, autumn eyes open big, a face of consternation, incredible looking at all this.

There were only two of them on the plane except the crew?

What's going on? Is this a special plane?

Su Yan felt as if she was dreaming.

It's not her first time to fly, but it's her first time to make a special plane...

"Lin Yang, what happened to this plane? Why just the two of us? " Su Yan couldn't help it any longer. She turned her head and looked at Lin Yang.

"I contracted the plane." Lin Yang light road.

"Package... Package the plane?" Su Yan's breath was not smooth, almost did not choke.

Her face full of amazement, Na Na way: "charter the plane... How much does it cost?"

"Miss, this plane is the cheapest. The cost is about 181 hours per hour. There are middle-class ones on it, such as 50 million hours and 100 thousand hours. If you want a luxury airliner, you can have 20 million hours." Next to a stewardess smile for Su Yan answer, at the same time to her a glass of juice.

"Thank you... Thank you..." Su Yan was a little embarrassed, but he calculated and said, "even if it is like this, it will take more than two hours to fly from Jiangcheng to Yanjing. Such a trip will cost tens of thousands of dollars. How can you get so much money?"

"I know something about medicine, and I earn money by seeing other people outside." Lin Yang said.

He was upset and didn't want to explain too much to Su Yan. If he told her that he was Dr. Lin, I'm afraid Su Yan would not believe it.In fact, this is too hasty. Otherwise, with Mahal's character, how can Lin Yang take such a plane? It must have started in 20 million hours.

However, as soon as he said this, Su Yandun blew his hair.

"Lin Yang, what are you talking about? You went out to see someone else again

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang frowned.

"What else? Do you know that you are a barefoot doctor. Don't think that you are really a doctor after reading a few medical books. What should be done if you make a mistake? " Su Yan's eyes are red, full of harsh said.

No one can bear the loss of life!

Lin Yang's face sank, but he didn't say anything when he thought that Su Yan was good for himself.

"Lin Yang, I know that you want to prove yourself and tell everyone that you are not rubbish, but you can't prove it in this way. I have told you to take the medical qualification examination, but you have never gone. If you are found out later, what should I do? I can't save you at all. " Su Yan was angry and anxious.

Lin Yang took a breath and said in a low voice, "Xiaoyan, I'm in a bad mood now. Don't you say it again, OK?"

Su Yan was slightly stunned. For the first time, she saw Lin Yang showing such an expression. She mumbled her lower lip and said in a low voice: "I'm also for you..." and she stopped speaking.

This flight, Su Yan was very painful.

Tens of thousands of dollars!

It was defeated by Lin Yang.

If Zhang Qingyu is here, can't Lin Yang be bloody?

Maybe this is the attitude of people who have never made money. They have no idea how hard it is to make money.

Su Yan man is complex, looking at Lin Yang, and is eager to speak.

But life matters, and Lin Yang can't be said to be wrong.

They finally arrived in Yanjing with uneasy mood all the way.

Lin Yang left in a hurry, and did not ask Ma hai to arrange the car, so he took a taxi with Su Yan directly and rushed to the address given by Liang Hongying.

But when they arrived at Liang Qiuyan's residence in a hurry, Lin Yang was stunned , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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