"Cold poison? I....I don't know! I don't have an antidote..."

A look of surprise flashed across the man's eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and shouted: "I tell you, if you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, you will definitely not be able to get out of Shabai Snow Valley! You will definitely be buried with me!!"

Chi la!

As soon as he said this, an arm flew out directly.

As soon as the blood gushed out from the severed arm, it was frozen by the terrifying temperature around it.

The man trembled violently. Looking at his right arm, he felt that the trembling all over his body was getting stronger.

In this kind of wind and snow weather, once injured, the cold will invade the body along the wound.

At that time, no matter how powerful people are, they will all die.

"you you..."

The man trembled again, but this time the trembling frequency was much stronger than before.

"Don't tell me? Well, that's it, I can only send you on your way!"

Lin Yang said calmly, then raised his palm and grabbed at the man.

That palm ignited a raging fire.

If this continues, the man will be burned to ashes by Lin Yang, and the gods will not be able to save him, and he will die completely.

"Stop...stop! I said, I will tell you whatever you want to ask..."

The man was completely terrified and shouted hastily.

"Where is the cold poison antidote?"

"The only one who is proficient in cold poison is Nantianwang. If you look for Nantianwang, they will definitely have the antidote!"

"Nan Tian Wang?"

"Our Immortal Valley is divided into four divisions, east, west, north, south, and north, governed by the Eastern Heavenly King, Western Heavenly King, Southern Heavenly King, and Northern Heavenly King...I belong to the Northern Heavenly King! Today I am on duty to guard the mountain..."

"What are you doing?"

"Pursue longevity, ask eternity!"

Lin Yang's face darkened: "So, you don't know how to cure cold poison?"

"No...don't understand, even if you kill me, I don't understand..."

"Really? Then what's the matter with your ascension power? Why didn't you reach the land fairyland, but seemed to break through the bottleneck?"

Lin Yang asked again.

"This... this..."

The man hesitated and stood up.

"You don't have to say it."

Lin Yang leaned against the palm that was braving strange fire.

"I say! I say everything!"

The man hurriedly shouted: "It's because our power of ascension has undergone transformation and mutated!"


Lin Yang was stunned.

"Yes...mutation, we have a special method of cultivation, even if we can't break through the shackles and enter the Land of Gods and Immortals, but now we are no different from gods and gods, no one is our opponent if the land gods don't come out!"

The man said, with a hint of pride in his words.

"Really? Then why aren't you my opponent?"

Lin Yang asked back.

The man opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

In fact, if there was another fight, Lin Yang really couldn't subdue the opponent so easily. The reason why Lin Yang won so easily was that the opponent didn't know that Lin Yang's physical body was so terrifying.

"Everyone in your Immortal Valley is like you, the power of ascension has mutated?"

Lin Yang asked again.

"Yes, this is the benchmark of the Immortal Valley! Everyone who enters the Immortal Valley will be trained by the immortal master to mutate the power of ascension!"

"Then how many land gods are there in your Immortal Valley?"

Lin Yang asked hoarsely.

If even a mountain guard disciple has such strength, there is no doubt that Xiangu is a transcendent existence, and it is by no means a force that the people in the Nirvana Realm can contend with.

This kind of power, I am afraid that there are real land gods.

The man thought, and shook his head silently.

"I have no idea."


"Because similar to the immortal master and the four heavenly kings, no one knows how strong they are now. They have not shown up in front of people for fifty years. Even if they are teaching techniques, they are just shouting from the air. They don't see their true faces. Perhaps , they have all stepped into the land fairyland, or maybe they have reached the realm above the land fairyland...."


Lin Yang frowned and his face became tense.

"My lord, you let me go. I have the right to pretend that what happened today didn't happen. I admit that you are very strong, but compared with our fairy valley, you are just a drop in the ocean! Let me go and leave here. In this way, you can save your life." , otherwise, no one in the whole world can save you!"

The man persuaded with a earnest look.

Lin Yang thought about it.

at this time.


. A thick and mysterious aura came from a distance.

Then, the valley was filled with fog, and the wind and snow doubled.

Lin Yang immediately looked around.

But I saw a large number of figures appearing in the snow and fog in all directions.

They are like gods who have changed out of thin air, which is especially magical.

When the man saw these figures, tears filled his eyes with excitement.

"Fellow daoists! Come and save me! Come and save me!"

"Ming Daozi! You are so incompetent! To be defeated by mere mortals is to disgrace my fairy valley!"

A melodious and ethereal voice came: "Such an incompetent person is not worthy to stay in my Immortal Valley! Everyone, I suggest that Ming Daozi, an incompetent person, be killed together with this ant to protect the reputation of my Immortal Valley, how about it? "



"Ming Daozi's Dao heart is unstable, and his talent is stubborn. Staying in Xiangu will only drag us back!"

"How can such inferior people deserve to ask for immortality and ask for eternal life?"

"Kill them all!"

People say what you said, and directly sentenced the man to death.

The man was stunned and stared blankly.

Lin Yang was immediately happy and let go of his hand.

"It looks like we are grasshoppers on the same rope."

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