Ming Daozi probably never imagined that he was sentenced to death so easily.

He still wanted to defend himself, but the other party didn't seem to give him a chance.


With a loud shout, all the surrounding 'immortals' cast their spells.

Boom boom boom boom...

The tyrannical ascension power was like a pouring flood, rushing towards the two of them.

Ming Daozi was shocked and wanted to dodge.

But there are attacks and kills in all directions, and there is no way to retreat.

How to do?

Ming Daozi trembled all over, not knowing what to do.

However, at this moment, a circle of golden light suddenly descended and enveloped him.

At first glance, it was the intruder!


Ming Daozi opened his mouth.

"Come with me!"

Lin Yang said calmly, grabbed his shoulders, controlled the golden halo, forcibly broke through the power of everyone's ascension, and fled outside.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

"Want to leave? I'm afraid it won't be that easy!"

"Save your life! Otherwise, I won't give you the whole body!"


The immortals showed their magical powers, one of them raised his arm high, and the fingertips were filled with cold light, condensing into a huge cold sword that wanted to break through the sky, and cut towards Lin Yang.

At the same time, another person rolled out a huge wave, tore through the valley, and came back with the momentum of destroying everything.

In addition, there are various ice cones, distorted space, brute force attacks...

Almost every move is a killer move.

Don't give everyone a way to live at all.

"It's too fucking excessive! Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Seeing that Ben couldn't escape, Ming Daozi roared angrily, mobilizing all his strength, planning to fight back.

Even if he couldn't survive, he would definitely gnaw off a piece of the opponent's flesh.

But before Ming Daozi's attack was pushed away, a figure swept away again.

It's Lin Yang!

He held the knife with one hand, and all the power of the ascension in his body was activated. The golden light seemed to put a golden armor on him, and two terrifying fire dragons swirled around him.

Everyone didn't expect that Lin Yang, who was running away, would dare to fight back suddenly, and they were caught off guard for a while.

Lin Yang aimed at one person, and slashed at him with his natural knife.


One person's body was instantly torn in half by the rising force of the natural knife, and he died tragically on the spot.


The others turned pale with fright, and rushed to attack Lin Yang.

But at this moment Lin Yang was already approaching, and everyone was in chaos, even if they counterattacked, it was too late.


Lin Yang let out a deep drink, and the two fire dragons around him roared and rushed towards the 'immortal'.


One person yelled, with cold air gushing from the palm of his hand.

But these chills couldn't extinguish the fire dragon at all.


The fire dragon penetrated the man's body, setting him on fire.


The man screamed miserably, fell from the sky, and landed in the snow, rolling and crying wildly.

In just a few seconds, he was burned to ashes and died completely.

"This kid is not easy! Help!"

"it is good!"

The others looked dignified, and one of them took out the token and opened it.


A blue light rushed into the sky against the wind and snow, and then exploded.

Immediately, a huge ice flower pattern appeared in the sky.

Seeing this, Ming Daozi's face changed greatly, and he immediately shouted: "My lord, this is a second-order signal, leave quickly, otherwise we will be surrounded by tens of thousands of people in ten breaths!"

"Don't worry, kill them, ten breaths is enough!"

Lin Yang drank coldly, the Tiansheng knife in his hand suddenly ignited a white flame, and waved it at the immortals.


A piece of fire wandered away.


Several people shouted and fled in all directions.

It can be next second.


Five bolts of lightning fell from the sky, and instantly struck them all around, turning them into a huge lightning cage.

A group of immortals couldn't get out of the lightning cage in a short time, and they all looked at the fire wave in despair.


Covered by fire waves, not a single blade of grass grows...

82 Chinese Network

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