"Hurry up, hurry up, if you delay Mr. Xu Zheng's affairs, I see which one of you can afford it!"

On Tianshen Mountain, Yu Sicong stood on a big rock, shouting and urging the workers who were mining.

After the war, the Qingxuan Alliance successfully took over Tianshen Mountain.

To Lin Yang's delight, although the Tianshen Temple was looted by various alliances and the Qingxuan Alliance did not get much benefit, the ownership of Tianshen Mountain was given to the Qingxuan Alliance.

But this mountain is a treasure!

At the beginning, the main reason Lin Yang insisted on taking down this mountain was the palace hidden in the mountain, the door leading to the underground dragon vein, but he did not expect that there is not only a palace in this mountain, but also a very rare and special mineral.

This kind of mineral is of great benefit to medical practitioners. The utensils forged from them can have a huge increase in energy, and can even assist in alchemy and cultivation.

Therefore, the Qingxuan Alliance decided to mine Tianshen Mountain.

Xu Zheng is very interested in this mineral and plans to study it carefully.

But demand is so great that half of what is currently mined is sent to his laboratory for consumption.

However, Lin Yang fully supports this matter.

He believes that Xu Zheng's ability can make Xu Zheng such an obsessed and crazy project, once it is developed, it will definitely shake the world.

Therefore, the Qingxuan Alliance sent a full 10,000 people to mine on Tianshen Mountain, and handed it over to the Yu family.

Looking at the excavator and semi-trailer that were constantly working in front of him, Yu Sicong lit a cigarette, feeling particularly comfortable.

"My lord, my lord!"

At this time, a figure of a monkey spirit trotted over.

Yu Sicong took a look, he was the leader of a small clan that joined the Qingxuan Alliance not long ago.

The person who came was named Liu You, because he was very good at coming, so Yu Sicong kept him by his side.

"Yo! Liu You, what's the matter?"

Yu Sicong vomited his eyes and asked with a smile.

"My lord, look at this!"

Liu You took out a piece of black stone from behind, which seemed to be dyed with ink, and held it up with both hands.

"This is?"

Yu Sicong took over the game, his eyes bursting bright.

"My lord, this is the high-quality stuff that the little one just mined! The little one didn't hand it over, but secretly hid it and dedicated it to the lord!"

Liu You laughed and said: "My lord, this thing is incredible. You can process it and put it next to your couch or in the training room. It can help you practice quickly, but it is an incredible treasure." !"


Yu Sicong was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, he laughed and said, "Liu You! You are on the right track! Very good! Hahaha...."

"As long as the adults are satisfied! It is a lifetime honor to be able to serve the adults!"

Liu You quickly flattered her.

"Haha, don't worry, my brother-in-law is the leader of the alliance, and I will definitely promote you! As long as you follow me and listen to me, I will guarantee that you will be well-fed in the future!" Yu Sicong patted Liu You on the shoulder and said with a smile .

"Thank you, my lord!"

Liu You was overjoyed and hurriedly kowtowed.

If you want to be smart, you will be satisfied.

After all, Liu You's strength was superior to his, but now he wanted to flatter and bow down to him.

All this is because I have a good cousin husband!

"Cousin, which brother-in-law of yours is the leader?"

Just then, a cold voice came.

Yu Sicong was startled, and turned his head away, only to see Yu Airan walking over with several Yu family members.

"Yo? Aizen, why are you here? Your injury is healed? Why don't you take a rest and come here?"

Yu Sicong hurriedly stubbed out the cigarette butt, and asked with a smile.

Yu Airan glanced at Liu You expressionlessly, and said hoarsely: "Brother, let me ask you, which brother-in-law of yours is the leader? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Yu Sicong was stunned for a moment, and smiled awkwardly: "Sister, don't make trouble! Don't you know it well?"

"Sorry, I really don't know, can you please tell me?"

"What are you doing? Do you still have to ask? Isn't it our leader Lin?"

"When did leader Lin become your brother-in-law? Which of our sisters married him?"

"Sister, aren't you pretending to be confused?"

Yu Sicong's expression became a little unnatural, and he said in a low voice: "Who in our family doesn't know that Leader Lin is interested in you? Aren't you his woman? Isn't he my brother-in-law?"

When Yu Airan heard this, her small face turned frosty, and said righteously: "Listen, Yu Sicong! I have never had a husband and wife relationship with Mr. Lin. I respect Mr. Lin, and Mr. Lin also values ​​me! But we In between, it's definitely not what you think!"

"Sister, there is no need to explain this kind of thing, I know you have a thin skin!" Yu Sicong laughed.

"I think it is still necessary to explain clearly!"

Yu Airan said coldly: "Listen, from today on, Yu Sicong is no longer a member of my Yu family, I officially announce as the head of the Yu family, I will expel Yu Sicong from the Yu family!"


Yu Sicong was dumbfounded.

"Hand over your things!"

Yu Airan stretched out her hand.

"Sister, you... are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm bluffing?"


"Come here, Yu Sicong and Liu You have violated the rules of the alliance, which is unforgivable. Order Yu Sicong and Liu You to be taken down! Hand them over to the Alliance Law Enforcement Department! Report the matter to the leader!"

Let's go and give it a try. 】

Ai Ran shouted.


Yu Sicong was dumbfounded, and shouted: "Sister, are you crazy? I am your cousin! How could you treat me like this?"

"Because you are my cousin, I can't spare you lightly! You have to know that the life of our Yu family was given by leader Lin. How could you do such a thing? Are you worthy of leader Lin? Are you right? Do you have a family?"

Ai Ran grabbed Yu Sicong by the collar and cursed angrily.

Yu Sicong stared at her blankly, opened his mouth for a while and was speechless.

Liu You next to him was so frightened that he kowtowed to the ground and begged for mercy.

"Master Airan, please spare me. If I are handed over to the Law Enforcement Department, I will lose my skin even if I don't die. Please forgive me, please forgive me!"

"As the leader of the alliance has explained, after the establishment of the alliance, we must clean up the atmosphere, and everyone must abide by the rules of the alliance. Anyone who dares to commit crimes, regardless of their status, will be severely punished! I have no right to spare you, you go to the law enforcement department Bar!"

Yuairan waved her hand: "Take it away!"


Several Yu family members forcibly took Yu Sicong and Liu You, who were ashen-faced, away.

Yuai dyed her face like frost, watching this scene coldly.

But at this moment.


A loud noise suddenly came from the other side of Tianshen Mountain.

In an instant, the whole mountain shook.

"What happened?"

Desire to love dyed stunned call.

"My lord, it's not good...there are a lot of people on the west side of the mountain, and they can't help but attack us! We can't stop it..."

A person rushed over and shouted loudly.


Ai Ran's face suddenly changed.

82 Chinese Network

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