"Where is the guard? Where are the guards?"

Aizen calmed down and shouted hastily.

"The guards have already passed, but the opponent has many people, tens of thousands, and is very strong. If we kill them all the way, our people are no match! My lord, what should we do?"

The man cried, trembling, bewildered.

"how so?"

"Miss, could it be the enemy of our alliance?"

The Yu family behind him also panicked and said anxiously.

Aizen remained silent, calming down her thoughts.

She looked at the mountains.

The miners also panicked because of the sudden explosion.

"Now that the main force of the alliance has gone to the extremely cold place, we don't have much strength here! It will definitely not work if we stick to it! Listen, tell all mining personnel to evacuate here quickly."

"Yes, my lord!"

The man clasped his fists, turned and ran away.

"Desire to be strict, desire to be true! You go to the family quickly, inform my father, and mobilize all forces to come to help here! Tianshen Mountain cannot be lost. No matter who comes, we must stick to this place!"

Desire and love stain Shen Dao.

"Yes, miss!"

The two nodded and immediately jumped off the high slope.

Aizen clenched her fists tightly and stared at the west side of Mount Tenjin.

Thick smoke was already rising there, all kinds of bright lights were rippling, and at the same time, there was a lot of bloody smell and aura of destruction permeating the air.

The visitor is not good!

"Lin Yang, if you give Tianshen Mountain to my Yu family to protect, then, no matter who the other party is, I will definitely guard this place for you!"

Yu Ai dyed a hoarse voice, her autumn eyes rippling with determination.



A door covered in frost was pushed open.

"Just rest here, don't run around, wait for the ice master to notify you, understand?"

Zhilan stood at the door and said coldly to Lin Yang and Ming Daozi.

Lin Yang glanced inside the room.

It contained nothing but a bed of ice.

This is simply an ice cave.

"Can't run around? I'm afraid it won't work, right? Your name is Zhilan, isn't it?"

Lin Yang said.

"What do you want to do? Be honest?"

Zhilan's fair face was annoyed.

"The day after tomorrow, I will help your ice master fight for the leader of the fairy master battle, but I don't know anything about your fairy clan. I want to ask you to be my tour guide and show me around. At least let me understand. You immortals, as the saying goes, know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles, right?"

Lin Yang said.


Zhilan wanted to refute, but Lin Yang's words sounded reasonable, so she could only hum: "I won't give you too much time."

"Let's just turn around."

"Then now, come with me!"

"are you going?"

Lin Yang looked at Ming Daozi.

"My lord, I won't go, I'll stay here, it's good, it's good..."

Ming Daozi squeezed out a smile and said.

Lin Yang didn't bother to care about him, and just followed Zhilan around.

"Our fairy clan is divided into three areas, namely Tianxian District, Yuanxian District and Shangxian District! We belong to Tianxian District, and three statues of immortals are enshrined in these three areas! You can only move around in our Tianxian District, absolutely not Go to Yuanxian District and Shangxian District, otherwise, I cannot guarantee your safety!"

Zhilan said with a blank face.

"Oh... By the way, you call yourself a fairy clan, are you gods? How many land gods are there in your fairy clan?"

Lin Yang said casually.

Although he said it casually, his heart became serious.

He has always wanted to know this question.

In the Nirvana Realm, how many land gods are there...

82 Chinese Network

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