Zhilan frowned slightly, cast a strange glance at Lin Yang, and then said coldly: "We are not land gods, but we are descendants of gods, so we call ourselves immortals, understand?"

"I see...."

"However, even if we are not land gods, it is easy to fight against land gods!"

Zhilan proudly said: "We are the descendants of gods, and what we practice is of course immortals, no worse than land gods! To tell you the truth, even if a land god comes to our fairy clan, he has to submit obediently. It is the fate of being bombarded!"

"So powerful? Admire, admire!"

Lin Yang smiled.

"Hmph, you little character, do you think you don't know the methods of land gods? Let me tell you! In our eyes, you are no different from ants on the ground, so I advise you to be honest and do your best to help the ice master. ?”

"There are no ants on your ground!"

"Do you like arguing?"

"Uh.... Shangxian says what he says, and I listen to Shangxian for everything."

"You are wise!"

Zhilan hummed again, too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Yang.

Along the way, Lin Yang seemed to be interested in everything as Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, looking left and right.

But what interests him even more is that these people in Tianxian District are all women without exception!

Moreover, all of them are beautiful in figure and appearance, refined and refined, and at first glance they really look like fairies.

"Are all the immortals female?"

Lin Yang asked.

"The Tianxian District only accepts women, not men! The other two districts accept both men and women."


"Because the exercises in my Heavenly Immortal District are passed on to females but not to males...why do you keep asking nonsense things? Does this have something to do with the Great Judgment?"

"Of course there is. Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy wins every battle!"


Zhilan was speechless by Lin Yang's anger, wishing to slap the man, but she didn't dare to do it because of the ice master.

Looking at Zhilan's angry posture, Lin Yang found it cute and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhilan was even angrier.

But at this moment, Lin Yang seemed to notice something, and looked forward.

But not far away is a huge iceberg.

A large number of figures are moving on the iceberg, as if mining.

"what is that?"

Lin Yang asked curiously.

"It has nothing to do with you, you are not allowed to go there! Change the road! I will take you to another place!"

Zhilan said coldly, as if she didn't want to talk about the iceberg with Lin Yang.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, but said nothing.

After all, this is his territory, so he can't be too lawless.

But just when Lin Yang was about to leave.


There was a scream.

Lin Yang looked subconsciously.

But at the foot of the iceberg not far away, a person fell to the ground and screamed, and next to him was a woman from the Immortal District holding a long whip and beating the person fiercely.

"Want to run? I won't beat you to death today! You bitch! I told you to run! I told you to run!"

The woman swung her whip and lashed out, cursing at the same time.

The man lay on the ground howling and trembling, his body was ripped apart, his blood spilled out and he was frozen, it was extremely miserable.

After more than a dozen whips, the person was almost out of breath, and the screams were also weak.

"That is?"

When Lin Yang saw the man's face, his pupils trembled, and he rushed out instantly.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Zhilan shouted anxiously.

But Lin Yang had already rushed into the iceberg, grabbed the blood-stained whip that was about to fall on the man with one hand, and said coldly: "Stop!"

"Leader? Are you... the leader?"

The man opened his eyes with difficulty, and shouted weakly: "Leader...save us...help...Patriarch..."


Lin Yang almost stopped breathing, and growled, "Where is Hanmei? What's wrong with her?"

"Patriarch... is dying..."

The man yelled helplessly.

82 Chinese Network

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