"Oh? Are you going to take two hundred sets of ice needles?"

In the ice palace, the ice master who had just finished worshiping the statue turned around and stared at Zhilan quietly.

"Ice Lord! Is there any fraud in this?"

Zhilan said cautiously: "I see that person named Lin Yang, although he has a good face, he looks cunning, so we have to guard against it!"


The ice master ignored her: "What do you mean?"

"I don't think this person has any real skills, but bragging is quite good. Instead of relying on him to win the immortal master's battle, it is better to rely on yourself, the immortal master. The subordinates feel that with your ability, it will be easy to crush the other two ice masters. Why kill this person to avoid future troubles?"

Zhilan said.

But the ice master shook his head.

"This person's strange fire has a very high purity. If it can be used to make alchemy, the effect will be extraordinary. It can be used!"


"You don't need to say, this person, I have already made arrangements! I didn't intend to cooperate with him from the beginning, and he is not worthy of cooperating with me. This person is irrelevant."

The ice master said lightly.

When Zhilan heard this, she immediately cupped her fists: "Ice Master Shengming!"

After going to buy two hundred sets of ice needles, Lin Yang directly locked himself in the house and did not come out behind closed doors.

Zhilan came to deliver things several times, but they were all brought by Ao Hanmei, and Lin Yang was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's your master?"

Zhilan asked coldly.

"My leader exhausted too much energy while treating the wounded, and is resting. What are you going to do?"

Ao Hanmei asked with killing intent in her eyes.

"Oh, what a useless piece of trash! Will you be short of breath after treating a few ants?"

Zhilan smiled disdainfully, turned and left.

Ao Hanmei breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him walking away, but she looked worriedly at the room, it was actually empty and there was no sign of Lin Yang at all.

At noon today, Lin Yang quietly left the ice cellar.

Ao Hanmei didn't know where he went.

She could only wait anxiously, hoping not to be discovered.

If the people in Tianxian District knew that Lin Yang had left the ice cellar without authorization, it would definitely arouse the anger of the ice master.

At that time, the two sides will fight each other. In this Tianxian District, even Lin Yang may not be able to survive.

"Leader, come back safely!"

Ao Hanmei sat in the house, praying nervously.

Such a long night.

Today is the day of the Immortal Lord's decisive battle.

People in Tianxian District gathered early and waited in the central square of Tianxian District.

The ice lord led Zhilan and other high-level officials over.

Looking at the thousands of people standing in the square of Tianxian District, the Ice Lord nodded silently, and asked, "Where is that person?"

"The subordinates have already sent someone to invite them!"

Zhilan clasped her fists and said.

"Go there yourself and tell him to come quickly. If he is late, you will die too!"

The ice master said expressionlessly.


Zhilan nodded quickly and ran towards the ice cellar.

"What about people? Why are you so dawdling?"

Zhilan rushed over in a hurry, seeing Ao Hanmei at the gate, she couldn't help scolding.

"My lord, our leader hasn't woken up yet!"

Ao Hanmei's heart was tight, but she said calmly.

"Bastard! Didn't you agree to leave early in the morning and go to the scene of the big battle? Why don't you leave? If you delay the time, you will all die!"

Zhilan cursed, and then pushed Ao Hanmei away, trying to rush into the house.

Ao Hanmei turned pale with shock, and quickly stopped Zhilan.

"My lord, our lord doesn't like others to disturb his rest, if you rush in like this! Once he gets annoyed, maybe he won't go to the final battle!"

"Not going?"

When Zhilan heard this, she immediately sneered: "Okay, he won't go to the scene of the big battle? Then you all follow him to the ice mortuary, and let us use it as materials for cultivation!"


Ao Hanmei was in a hurry.

"Come on!"


"Take all these people down for me! Together, execute them all and send them to the ice mortuary!"

Zhilan waved her hand.

All the members of the Tianxian District rushed over behind them, subduing Ao Hanmei and his party with three strikes.

"let me go!"

"What do you want to do?"

"let go!"

Everyone struggled to resist.

But nothing can be done!

The people in Tianxian District are more than a little bit stronger than them, so Ao Hanmei can resist a little bit, but only a little bit, after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

Zhilan drew out the ice sword from her waist, directly pressed it against Ao Hanmei's fair neck, and shouted into the ice cellar.

"Lin! There are still ten minutes, and it's time to set off, but I won't give you ten minutes, I will only give you ten seconds! I'll give you ten seconds, and if you don't get out, I'll kill you People, send you to the ice mortuary in person! Start now, ten!"





Following Zhilan's icy voice, Ao Hanmei fell into despair.

There was no one in the room at all, otherwise she would not have tried her best to stop Zhilan.

Lin Yang did not return last night.

I don't know where I went.

Appears in ten seconds?

Unless a miracle happens!

Ao Hanmei closed her eyes, silently waiting for the countdown of her life to end.

But when Zhilan counted to 'three', an indifferent voice floated from the ice cellar.

"Can't you just get a good night's sleep?"

Ao Hanmei trembled suddenly, and looked at the ice cellar anxiously.

I saw Lin Yang with a tired face slowly walking out of the gate.

82 Chinese Network

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