"how is this possible?"

Ao Hanmei opened her small mouth slightly, staring blankly at the door of the ice cellar, thinking that she was hallucinating for a while.

Obviously there is no one in the room!

How did Lin Yang come out of the house?

"It's really slow!"

Zhilan stared at Lin Yang coldly, and said expressionlessly: "You have such ink marks, are you trying to plot something wrong inside?"

"Yes, are you going to kill me?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"You...huh! Don't be complacent! There will be times when you beg for mercy!"

There was killing intent in Zhilan's eyes, even though there was endless anger in her heart, she still didn't break out.

Now everything is focused on the Immortal Lord's final decision.

The only way to deal with this person is to help the Ice Lord to win the position of Immortal Lord after the use of his value is exhausted!

"Follow me! The Ice Lord is waiting for you!"

Zhilan snorted coldly, turned and left.

Lin Yang followed him without saying a word.


Ao Hanmei called out carefully.

For some reason, she found that Lin Yang was extremely tired, and her eyes were full of meaning, so that even her own breath was very weak.

How is this going?

Where did Lin Yang go?

"I ask everyone to be ready at all times, and leave here immediately after I participate in the Immortal Lord's battle!"

Lin Yang lowered his voice and gave an exhortation.


Ao Hanmei was startled.

"My lord, then... what about me?"

Ming Daozi next to him hurriedly came up and asked, wanting to cry but without tears.

"Oh, I forgot about you, Han Mei, remember to take this person with you when you leave, this person is very important to us."

Lin Yang said lightly.

Ao Hanmei was confused, and wanted to ask more questions, but Zhilan who was not far away shouted impatiently:

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

Lin Yang walked away without explaining.

Ao Hanmei stared at Lin Yang with her autumn eyes, she was silent for a long time, she clenched her small hands tightly.


Soon, Lin Yang was brought to the square.

At this moment, most of the disciples in Tianxian District have assembled.

The ice master stood quietly in front of the people, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting quietly.

The entire scene was also silent, and everyone stood still like a statue without making any sound.

Lin Yang glanced at the disciples present.

All of them are extremely powerful.

It seems that this so-called fairy clan is indeed extraordinary, and can compete with the people of the fairy valley, how can it be an ordinary existence?

"Report to the Ice Lord, Lin Yang has already brought it!"

Zhilan walked to the front and saluted respectfully.

The ice master slowly opened his eyes, and instead of looking at Lin Yang, he walked down the steps slowly towards a snow-white luxurious sedan chair on the far right.

"Get up!"

An indifferent voice came from inside the sedan chair.

"Get up!"

Zhilan shouted.

The snow-white sedan chair rose into the air by itself, and was escorted by a group of disciples from the Celestial Clan towards the center of the Celestial Clan.

Lin Yang followed beside the sedan chair, thinking about something while swallowing the medicine.

Soon, the team arrived at the central area of ​​the fairy clan.

At this moment, there are actually three huge cauldrons erected here.

The cauldron furnace is as big as a building, very magnificent, like a giant's cauldron, extremely majestic.

Lin Yang was quite surprised.

Building such a huge cauldron is by no means an easy task, at least manpower is hard to do!

Could it be that these people are really descendants of immortals?

Just as Lin Yang was thinking, a large number of figures also came from the other two directions, and the terrifying atmosphere spread like a tide.

look around.

A group of people and horses were all dressed in red, and their aura was extremely violent. Most of the people came on horseback, proudly.

The other team was dressed in black, men and women, all wearing veils and carrying long swords behind them, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

In front of the team in red was a middle-aged man wearing a tiger-striped red robe and riding a tall horse. The man had a long beard, was domineering, and stared at the world.

In the middle of the black-clothed team was also a sedan chair, but it was different from the Ice Lord's side. The sedan chair there was covered with black gauze, and a figure could be seen sitting cross-legged in the sedan chair, as if resting his mind.

When the team arrived, the Ice Lord stepped out of the sedan chair first, and at the same time, the people in the black-clothed team also got up and stepped out of the sedan chair.

The two of them walked towards the top stand in the central area at the same time.

But that's not the case for the leader of the red team.

As soon as he pulled the reins, he was actually riding a horse onto the stage, and the horse's hooves stepped on the steps and walked straight forward.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, and looked at the figure in shock, all of them were speechless in shock.


Zhilan who was beside Lin Yang cursed secretly, her little face almost contorted.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yang asked inexplicably.

Zhilan glanced at him coldly, and snorted, "That's the altar of the ancestors! No matter who it is, they can only go up on foot! But Yuanzhu of the Yuanxian District rode a horse on the stage! This is clearly contempt for the ancestors!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang suddenly realized.

"Master Yuan, what are you doing?"

Sure enough, the ice lord and the black-clothed lord stopped and looked sideways. The lord spoke first and questioned.

"Any questions?"

Yuan Zhu, who was sitting on the horse, asked lightly.

"This is the ancestral altar, where the ancestors worshiped and worshiped! If you ride a horse on the stage, aren't you blind and deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors?"

Master Bing said coldly.

"You two are worrying too much!"

Lord Yuan looked at the two of them indifferently, and said softly: "I have obtained the position of Immortal Lord today, and I will rule the entire Immortal Clan after my death! Isn't it also the ancestor of future generations? Both are ancestors! Why can't I ride a horse? "

"What did you say?"

The Lord frowned.

"Today, I want to be both the Immortal Lord and the ancestor! Don't you guys understand?"

Master Yuan said expressionlessly.

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