A burst of snow light enveloped the three of them.

All the people at the big competition stared wide-eyed, and many people stepped forward a few steps, watching this scene nervously.

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly.

The white light lasted for more than twenty breaths before retreating.

When the white light dissipated, people realized that it was not light, but a terrifying cold mist.

Once this kind of mist touches, it will instantly freeze into ice sculptures, and then shatter to death.

No one dares to approach.

When the ice fog gradually dissipated, people could see everything inside clearly.

All three figures inside came into everyone's sight.

The three of them stood quietly, as if the battle was over.

But after only standing there for a moment, the Lord and Lord Yuan fell down together.



The disciples on both sides turned pale with fright, and wanted to rush over, but were afraid of the ice fog.

The ice master staggered and almost fell, but he stood firm.

She clutched her chest, a little blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, but it was more of a smile.

"You guys, are you convinced?"

The ice master asked hoarsely.

"I didn't expect you to find such a strange person, who is not only proficient in different fires, but also has such extraordinary acupuncture techniques that can help you increase your strength..."

The Lord took a deep breath, as if accepting his fate.

But Yuanzhu was particularly unwilling.

"Ice Lord, what you rely on is not your own strength, but the person you rely on! I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

He roared again and again, wanting to fight again.

But the serious injury made him not even qualified to stand.

"So what if you refuse to accept? Now, I am the winner!"

Bingzhu said coldly, turned around and walked towards the two cauldrons.

Seeing this, the two disciples knelt down in fright.

Especially Wang Kuang, who kowtowed frantically and shouted tremblingly: "Ice Lord, spare your life! Ice Lord, spare your life!"

"Ice Lord?"

She directly raised her hand and gave a bang.


Wang Kuang's body exploded immediately, turning into blood mist and dying.

Everyone was startled.

"Now, it's time to call me Immortal Lord!"

Bingzhu said coldly, then turned and walked upwards.

With the defeat of the Lord and the Yuan Lord, the curtain has come to the end of this decisive battle.

"It's a waste of energy for me to refine the half-day pill."

Seeing this, Lin Yang extinguished the strange fire.

"Meet the fairy master!"

All the people in the audience knelt down and kowtowed to the Ice Lord.

From today, the fairy clan will be unified, and the Ice Lord will become the first supreme leader of the fairy clan after a hundred years.

"It's all free!"

The ice master shouted loudly, and finally a smile appeared on his iceberg-like face.

Everyone in Tianxian District was extremely excited and ecstatic.

The ice master is in power, and they are finally going to stand up and become masters.

"Congratulations to the ice master!"

Lin Yang came over and said lightly: "Now that I have helped you win the position of the Immortal Lord, should you also fulfill your promise and help me go to the Immortal Valley and rescue my people?"

"your people?"

The Ice Lord looked at Lin Yang indifferently: "Since you know that I have no prisoners from the Immortal Valley, how can I rescue your people? Maybe, do you want me to lead everyone in the Immortal Clan to attack and kill the Immortal Valley? In order to save Yours, and mine to bleed? Do you think it possible?"

"So, you want to break your promise?"

Lin Yang asked.

"In the eyes of the strong, there is no such thing as breaking a promise, there is only willingness and unwillingness!"

The ice master shook his head and said coldly: "I want you to help me win the big decision, Lin Yang, I will give you a way out, immediately take your people to the iceberg and work for me, otherwise, I will send you to the ice corpse immediately!"

"I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Lin Yang nodded, and said expressionlessly: "In that case, then I will not be polite!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he leaped forward, rushing towards the ice master like a sharp arrow.

"not good!"

"Stop the thief!"

"Don't hurt my lord!"

Zhilan and the others shouted again and again, and rushed towards Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang, who was ready to go, was surprisingly fast. Before they got close, Lin Yang had already rushed to the side of the ice master.

"court death!"

The ice master was furious, and he slapped his backhand, trying to force Lin Yang back.

But the slap just slapped.

whoosh whoosh...

Golden lights flew out of her body.

As soon as these golden lights flew out, the ice master's whole body was like a deflated ball, and immediately went limp, unable to stand upright at all.

It is a sequela of the previous increase!

After Lin Yang pulled out the needle, the sequelae broke out instantly!

The ice master's eyes turned cold.

Lin Yang grabbed her neck with one hand and subdued her.

"Stop all of them!"

Lin Yang shouted.

Zhilan and his party stopped immediately.

"My surname is Lin! If you dare to hurt even a single hair of the Ice Lord, I will definitely crush you!"

Zhilan shouted.

"Really? Well, I want you to slap yourself ten times right now, otherwise, I will kill your ice master!"

Lin Yang snorted coldly.

"What did you say?" Zhilan's eyes widened.

"Do not believe?"

Lin Yang immediately increased the strength of his wrist.

The ice master's white goose neck was immediately pinched and deformed, and it was difficult for people to breathe.

Zhilan was dumbfounded.

"Senior Sister Zhilan! Hurry up and do as he says!"

"If you don't do it again, Master will be finished!"

"Senior Sister!"

"Hurry up!"

The people in the nearby Tianxian District were in a hurry and hurriedly urged Zhilan.

Under pressure, Zhilan had no choice but to endure her shame and anger and slap herself in public.

clap clap....

The ten slaps were quickly over, but Zhilan's cheeks were also swollen.

"How? Do you want to crush me to ashes?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Zhilan didn't say a word, but the resentment in her pupils was overwhelming.

"Lin Yang, although my strength has been greatly reduced due to the sequelae of your silver needles, and I am powerless to resist, but this does not mean that you will survive. Look in front of you, thousands of people from the fairy clan will tear you apart To pieces, I advise you to let me go! In this way, I can let you go with your people!"

At this time, the ice master spoke slowly, acting extremely calm.


There was a coldness in Lin Yang's eyes.

"Of course I want to go, but...you have to follow me too!"

"I go with you?"

The ice master was taken aback, suddenly thought of something, and his breath trembled.

"Could it be possible... you want to take me to Xiangu as a replacement?"

"Are you crazy?"

82 Chinese Network

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