Lin Yang didn't speak, but there was madness in his eyes.

With the status of the ice master, Xiangu must agree to exchange her for his own person.

"Ice Lord, you can't blame me for this. I gave you a chance. If you cooperated with me sincerely, I would never take the risk! But you are just using me. Since you are not kind to me, I don't need to say anything to you! "

Lin Yang said in a low voice, and directly pinched the ice master to evacuate.

"You think you can get away?"

The ice master looked cold and roared in a low voice.

While speaking, all the people from Tianxian District surrounded him.

"What? They dare to do it? They don't want your life?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Lin Yang, I'll give you one chance, and only one chance! You let me go right now. I'll pretend that this incident never happened. If you don't let me go! Then, I will order them to tear you into pieces. I want you to die without a place to die!"

"You don't want to live anymore?"

"If you send me to the Immortal Valley, I will live a life that would be worse than death. Instead of that, I would rather die here happily. I can still be buried with you. Why not do it?"

The ice master snorted coldly, his eyes full of determination.


Lin Yang was silent.

"Zhilan, listen!"

At this time, the ice master suddenly shouted again.

"The disciple is here!"

Zhilan immediately cupped her fists.

"If this person does not let go of this seat, you will immediately take people to the Tianxian District and kill those members of the Aoxue family! Everyone related to this person will be killed! Do you understand?"


Zhilan shouted.

Seeing the attitude of the ice master who would rather be broken than broken, ordinary people have long been intimidated.

But Lin Yang laughed out loud, looking indifferent.

"Ice Lord, if you want to kill my people, I advise you to send someone there now, otherwise, you won't be able to catch up!"

The ice master's pretty face suddenly changed, and when he realized something, he shouted at Zhilan: "Quick, take someone to the Tianxian District immediately!"

Zhilan immediately turned her head to leave.

But after a few steps, a member of Tianxian District hurried over.

"Ice Lord, it's bad! Everyone in the ice cave is missing!"

The man knelt on the ground, crying out eagerly.


The ice master's face was extremely gloomy, he turned his head and stared at Lin Yang: "You helped them escape?"

"They...didn't run away."

Lin Yang said in a low voice.

"Didn't run away? Are you still hiding in the Tianxian District?"

The ice master frowned slightly, suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, her face turned pale with fright, and her delicate body couldn't help trembling.

She didn't care about her manners, and yelled at Zhilan and the others.

"Go to the iceberg! Go to the iceberg!! Hurry up!"

Zhilan's scalp was numb, and they immediately understood the meaning of Bingzhu's words.

The disappearance of Ao Hanmei did not mean that she left the fairy clan, but... went to the iceberg and liberated all the slaves!

But it was too late.


The earth trembled.

A large number of figures rushed towards this.

At first glance, those were all slaves on the iceberg.

They were all dressed in rags, but they were full of resentment, like beasts, rushing towards this side.

"what happened?"

The Lord realized something was wrong, got up, and roared in a low voice.

"Who are these people?"

Lord Yuan also roared.

All the people in Yuanxian District immediately drew out their sword blades, stopped in front of the giant cauldron, and stared coldly at the countless people rushing forward.

"These are slaves on the iceberg in the Tianxian District!"


"Ice Lord, what do you eat? Why do these efforts appear here?"

"And... why do they have cultivation bases? Didn't you abolish their cultivation bases?"

The Lord and Lord Yuan questioned together, their faces full of anger.

"How can I not destroy the cultivation base of these people?"

The ice master gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Yang coldly: "But they still have cultivation base, so someone must have done it! Say, did you do it?"


"What kind of magic weapon do you have that can make their cultivation recover overnight?"

"magic weapon?"

Lin Yang shook his head: "I didn't use any magic weapon."

"Then how do you do it?"

"Could it be that you are a god? Have you performed a miracle?"

"I'm not a god, and I didn't perform miracles. I just sneaked into the iceberg last night and healed them one by one!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

82 Chinese Network

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