Heal one by one?

The ice master's eyes widened in disbelief.

You know, there are tens of thousands of slaves on the iceberg!

This person... can be cured overnight?

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense! You are only one person, how can you be cured overnight?"

Zhilan scolded!

She also saw yesterday that all these slaves lost their cultivation, and one was crippled, but today they all recovered.

It must be that Lin Yang used some unique means, or there were other accomplices.

But Lin Yang shook his head again.

"Master Ice Lord, have you forgotten the ice needle I asked you for?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Two hundred sets of...ice needles?"

She whispered, suddenly realized something, and hurriedly looked towards those people.

However, I saw that each of these people had a few ice needles pierced on them.

It turned out that Lin Yang did not cure these people's cultivation, but used ice needles to temporarily bridge their veins, allowing their cultivation to temporarily recover.

Even though it's only temporary, it's terrifying enough...

The ice master's delicate body trembled slightly, her little face was bloodless, and her cherry lips were about to be crushed by silver teeth.

She knew that now she had no advantage and could no longer negotiate with Lin Yang.

If Lin Yang wanted to take him away forcibly, with the strength of these slaves, they would be able to cover Lin Yang's departure.

"Ice Lord, don't worry, we will take good care of you!"

The Lord brought people over.

"Master Lord!"

The master of ice showed joy.

"Although there are many differences and fights between us, we are still members of the fairy clan. If you are captured, you will lose the face of our entire fairy clan!"

Lord Yuan also rode over and stared at Lin Yang: "Boy, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, let me go immediately!"

"I'm afraid not!"

Lin Yang said calmly: "My people are still counting on the ice master to save them!"

"Save people? Hmph! Do you really think that relying on these trash can keep you safe and allow you to leave this place safely? Let me tell you, if you don't let the ice master go, this place will be your burial place!"

Lord Yuan shouted, and then waved his hand: "Slaughter those trash first!"


Everyone in Yuanxian District shouted loudly, and then rushed towards the slaves with their swords in hand.


Ao Hanmei in front of the crowd drew out her long sword and led the crowd to attack.


At this time, Lin Yang suddenly shouted.

The people who were about to fight each other immediately separated and looked at Lin Yang in unison.

"What? Are you afraid?"

The ice master sneered.

If the three parties join forces, the entire fairy clan will be united in the same hatred, and these slaves will not be able to resist it at all.

"I have nothing to fear! To be honest, I don't feel much about these people being killed by you, but when you are killing them, I can easily take you away!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

The ice master said nothing.

This is true.

Lin Yang saved this group of slaves not to give him the capital to fight against the immortals, but to buy these slaves time for him.

In this way, Lin Yang can come and go freely.

"Then what do you want?"

Lord Yuan Shen said.

"You want to save the Ice Lord?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"If you are sensible, let go quickly!"

"Okay, you want her? I'll give it to you!"

Lin Yang suddenly pushed the ice master out.

Zhilan and the others had sharp eyesight and quick hands, rushed forward and supported the ice master.

"Master, are you alright?"

"Master, are you okay?"

Everyone booed and asked warmly.

"I'm fine...cough cough, cough cough..."

The ice master clutched his pinched neck, coughed, and looked back at Lin Yang, a little unbelievable: "How could this person let me go so easily? There must be fraud in it!"

"Whether he is cheating or not, if he voluntarily gave up the amulet now, then no wonder I wait! Kill this person!"

Lord Yuan shouted.

People around rushed towards Lin Yang in unison.

"What? Don't even give me a chance to say a word?"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"Do you still want to confess your last words? Yes, I will give you this chance!"

The ice master waved his hand, motioning for everyone to stop.

"Say it!"

Lord Yuan snorted softly.

"I want to ask you, what is the meaning of your fairy clan's existence?"

Lin Yang shouted suddenly.

The sound was loud and spread everywhere.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang.

All three of them were taken aback.

"Ignorant mortals, how can they understand the great ambitions of our generation of monks?" Master Yuan shook his head.

"My generation of monks only seeks longevity, and only seeks the supreme avenue."

The Lord spoke lightly.

"The Supreme Dao? Longevity? You guys, have you done it?"

Lin Yang stared at the three of them, and asked again, his voice became cold:

"Are you...are you qualified to do it?"

82 Chinese Network

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