"What do you mean?"

The faces of the three of them all changed.

"Ridiculous, we are not qualified to do it, are you qualified?"

Lord Yuan snorted.

"I don't think you are qualified!"

Lin Yang paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, looking at the three of them with contempt.

"You claim to be immortals, but you are actually just mortals. Like me, you have not been able to take the last step and become the existence of land gods!"

"Although your power of ascension is very strong, this so-called power of mutation and ascension is not unique to you. Everyone in the fairy valley has learned it! If you are called an immortal because of this, wouldn't it mean that immortals are walking around everywhere? ?”

"You guys can't even break through to the gods on land, so what face do you have to say you want to pursue longevity, to pursue the Dao? What face do you have to lead these great disciples, all sentient beings, to step into the realm of eternal life?"

"You guys can't do anything, but you're boasting here. In my opinion, you're clearly using these disciples to make things easier for your cultivation!"

After these words fell, the scene was completely silent.

The ice master was shocked.

The Lord's eyes were wide open, and he was speechless for a while.

"Slander! Nonsense! Stop making rumors here!"

Yuan Zhu was trembling with anger, roaring again and again, the horse under his crotch couldn't hold back anymore, he wished he could rush up and chop Lin Yang into pieces now.

"I spread rumors? Am I talking nonsense?"

Lin Yang sneered, staring at the countless disciples present, and asked coldly: "Since that's the case, let me ask you, have you ever given these disciples any favors? Have they ever received any favors from you?"

"Which one of these people's cultivation was not taught by us? Which one of their ascension powers was not ordered by us? Is this not a good thing?"

The ice master clenched his teeth.

"But aren't these the benefits bestowed by your immortal ancestors?"

Lin Yang said calmly: "The moves they practiced were all inherited from the ancestors of the fairy clan, and the same is true for the method of instructing the power of ascension. You are just drawing a ladle from a gourd and handing over the things of your ancestors to them. These should belong to them too! How can it be considered a benefit from you?"


The three of them were dumbfounded.

The people at the scene also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Without the slightest favor, but working hard for your cultivation all day long, what is the difference between these disciples and the slaves on the iceberg?"

Lin Yang shook his head and hummed.

When these words fell to the ground, there was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Obviously, what Lin Yang said reached their hearts.

Of course, these words are only aimed at those low-level disciples.

People like direct disciples such as Zhilan must have gained a lot of benefits.

But since the three ice masters call themselves immortals, they must be high above them, so how can they have any contact with the low-level disciples? Not to mention any favors bestowed?

Lin Yang's words were mainly for the lower-level people of the fairy clan.

"Guys, this man has a good tongue and is very good at stirring up trouble and sowing discord. I suggest that you don't talk nonsense with him. The three of us will join forces and kill him!"

The Lord came back to his senses, lowered his voice and shouted.

"You're right, don't waste your time with him, kill him and hurry!"

Lord Yuan pulled out his weapon and walked towards Lin Yang with a murderous look.

The Ice Lord had long wanted to tear Lin Yang into pieces, so why would he hesitate?

Seeing the three approaching him, Lin Yang didn't panic.

"Ice Lord, do you know why I let you go suddenly?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"You can say, after all, you may not be able to speak later!"

The ice master said expressionlessly.

Lin Yang nodded, and also drew out the natural sword.

"Because I found that the three of you are not as powerful as I imagined! Therefore, I plan to defeat you with my own hands, so that the entire fairy clan can see that you cannot lead them to seek eternal life!"

"And me! Lin Yang!"

"I, will lead the people of the fairy clan again, step into the supreme avenue, and become the eternity of the world!"

82 Chinese Network

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