Hearing this, the Ice Lord was already convinced!

This Lin Yang is a lunatic!

Completely insane!

He actually wants to get the leadership of the fairy clan!

"You outsider, you still want to become a fairy master? It's ridiculous!"

Lord Yuan squinted his eyes and said: "It seems that I think highly of you, you are too stupid!"

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense, just kill him!"

The Lord shouted, he didn't want to delay at all, so he took the lead and rushed to Lin Yang.

Seeing this, the ice master swallowed a pill, and shot immediately.

The leaders of the Tianxian, Shangxian, and Yuanxian districts all shot together, what a grand scene.

But Lin Yang was unafraid, holding the natural knife in his hand, staring at the mutated ascension power of the three of them, and waved suddenly.


The surging power of ascension on the Tiansheng knife poured out directly, turning into a wall of fire to resist the attacking power of ascension.

"Do you really think you can fight three against one? It's ridiculous!"

Master Yuan roared, rode his horse and galloped, grasping the long sword in his hand.


Layers of frost took the shape of a long sword and quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye, an ice spear was formed.

He swung the ice gun quickly, the soaring power on the gun surged, and the tip of the gun swirled towards the strange fire.

The strange fire was extinguished instantly.

Then the gun shot out like a dragon, hitting Lin Yang's heart directly.

Lin Yang slashed with his backhand.


The ice spear hit the body of Tian Sheng Dao.

"Break it!"

Lord Yuan let out a roar, and the ice spear exploded inch by inch, and the blade covered in frost and dust reappeared in the sky, carrying the supreme sword light, violently blasting Tiansheng Dao.

The Tiansheng knife trembled crazily after being hit.

Lin Yang's body was also pushed back uncontrollably.

Although the three of Yuanzhu were exhausted from the previous fight and all of them were injured, they had recovered some strength in just a short time.

Although they haven't reached the peak, in their eyes, it's easy for three people to deal with one, and it's easy to clean up Lin Yang.

"Prince Yuan hold on, let me destroy this son!"

The Lord shouted, and his body turned into a cloud of ice mist, enveloping Lin Yang.

Lin Yang took his time and tapped his fingers again.


The strange fire gushed out again, turned into a fire dragon, and rolled towards the ice mist.

But the icy mist, which was still misty just now, suddenly transformed into a big mouth full of icy teeth, biting the fire dragon fiercely, and then tore it apart several times.


The fire dragon was torn apart.

Then that ice tooth bit Lin Yang, intending to devour him.

Lin Yang moved his fingers again.

The Hongmeng Dragon Needle flew out, and his fingers kept restraining Bingya's mouth.

But at this moment, the two have completely suppressed Lin Yang.

Lin Yang has one against three, and one more, how can he resist?

"Hmph, you are nothing more than that."

The ice master walked slowly towards Lin Yang. Behind her, a large amount of frost condensed, and ice flowers stepped on her feet.

"You can stop the Yuan Lord, you can stop the Lord, so, can you stop me now?"

"Lin Yang, you were sure of winning, but you took me away safely, but because of your arrogance! This time, you will lose everything!"

"You lost, you lost in a mess!"

The ice master whispered.

As she continued to approach, a huge ice hand had condensed behind her, and the ice hand was holding a huge ice pick.

The ice pick aimed at Lin Yang's heart.

The surging and vast power of mutation and ascension hovered above.


Ao Hanmei's eyes widened and she screamed mournfully.

This time, he couldn't care so much anymore, and rushed towards Lin Yang directly.

"Kill me!"

Seeing this, the people of the immortal clan stopped talking, raised their swords and cut them off.

The slaves immediately followed.

The two sides fought together.

But facing such a desperate situation, Lin Yang did not show any panic, but stared at the ice master blankly.

"You can't kill me!"

"It's this time, you still have to be stubborn?"

"Your methods are too weak, as I said, you can't kill me, just like you can't lead the fairy clan to find eternal life!"

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Then try!"

The ice master was completely irritated by Lin Yang, and without any further hesitation, the huge ice hand behind him suddenly waved.


The ice pick pierced Lin Yang fiercely.

At that moment, it seemed that what Bing held in his hand was a streamer.

Flying to Lin Yang's heart under the eyes of everyone.

It can be next second.


The streamer hit the heart, but didn't penetrate it, instead it splashed a lot of ice, floating around Lin Yang like stars...


The ice master was dumbfounded.

Yuanzhu and Shangzhu both trembled in unison, unable to believe what they saw.

"how so?"

The ice master trembled.

Suddenly, she realized something, and her eyes stared anxiously.

In an instant, the ice master sat paralyzed on the ground.

"No! It's not true!"

Lord Yuan wanted to growl.

The Lord is dumbfounded!

People could only see that Lin Yang's chest... had formed a block of ice, defending his body like armor.

"Ice and fire?"

The ice master murmured blankly.

82 Chinese Network

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