The disciples at the bottom are the purest cultivators.

They chase blindly in only one direction.

And this direction, in their view, is often guided by the strong.

For example, Ice Lord, Yuan Lord and God Lord.

Another example is Lin Yang.

As for those "cultivators" at the upper level, they care more about their interests, they take a longer-term view, and they understand that it is impossible to achieve longevity by relying on their own strength to cultivate. There is no possibility of even stepping into the land fairyland.

So they want to master resources as much as possible.

These immortal people are resources in their eyes.

In fact, Lin Yang is well aware of these, and he also understands that the fairy clan will not really accept him.

So he immediately sent Ao Hanmei and the others away.

And he stayed here alone waiting for news from Zhilan.

Zhilan's speed is very fast, it takes less than a day to go back and forth.

"Meet the fairy master!"

Zhilan walked into the temporary hall of the Immortal Lord and met with Lin Yang.

"How's it going?"

Lin Yangli asked.

Zhilan hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice: "The people in Xiangu agreed to release those hostages, but they made a request."

"any request?"

Lin Yang asked in a daze.

"They request... Immortal Lord, you go to receive the hostages in person!"

Zhilan said.

After Lin Yang heard this, he suddenly realized.

Xiangu knows that the immortal clan has never been unified for many years, and now that a person who claims to be an immortal master appears, they will of course panic and want to meet this so-called immortal master.

Lin Yang believed that if he went, Xiangu would find a way to eradicate him and continue to split the fairy clan.

Otherwise, the unified fairy clan would be too much of a threat to Xiangu.

Lin Yang lowered his eyebrows and became thoughtful.

After a while, he shouted in a deep voice: "Bring the Ice Master, Shangzhu, Yuanzhu and all the elders and above, and tell them that the Immortal Master has orders to discuss important matters with them!"

Zhilan was taken aback, looked at Lin Yang strangely, then cupped her fists, turned and left.

After half an hour passed like this, people entered the Immortal Lord's hall one after another.

"Meet the fairy master."

"Meet the fairy master."

"Meet the Immortal Lord..."

Some elders would still salute Lin Yang.

But Ice Master and Yuan Master are another story.

After a period of relaxation, their strength has recovered a lot, and naturally they are not afraid of Lin Yang.

"Meet the fairy master."

The Lord entered the hall, bowed slightly, but did not bow down.

Lin Yang glanced at the Lord, and then looked at Lord Bing and Lord Yuan.

He could see the anger in their eyes.

A person like Yuan Zhu is arrogant and arrogant, and no one will obey him except himself, so how can he obey Lin Yang?

As for the ice master, there is no need to say.

She brought Lin Yang here because she wanted to use Lin Yang's hand to win the position of Immortal Lord for herself.

I never thought that Lin Yang didn't take the seat of the Immortal Lord himself, but asked Lin Yang to sit on it...

How could this keep her from getting annoyed? Not angry?

But Lin Yang can't care about the emotions of these people now.

As long as he finished using the immortal clan and rescued Hua Tianhai and the others, he would run away.

He doesn't care about the position of Immortal Lord at all.

"Ice Lord, Yuan Lord, why don't you salute me?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

The two frowned, Bingzhu didn't say a word, Yuanzhu snorted coldly and said, "Return to Immortal Lord, I'm still injured, so I can't give you a gift."

"The injury hasn't healed?"

Lin Yang stood up straight, his eyes were gloomy and cold: "Kneel down!"

Everyone was startled.

Yuanzhu's eyes were full of anger, his fists were clenched suddenly, and he stared at Lin Yang, almost wanting to make a move.

But at this moment, the Lord suddenly stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Master Yuan, at this moment, you must bear the burden of humiliation and consider the overall situation!"

Yuanzhu looked sideways at him.

The Lord's eyes flickered, and his expression was meaningful.

Seeing this, Yuanzhu suppressed the endless anger in his heart, and finally knelt down slowly.


The ice master was a little unbelievable.

She didn't expect that someone as proud as Master Yuan would surrender so easily.

"What? Ice Lord, do you want me to teach you how to bow down?"

Lin Yang came down, stared at the delicate face of the ice master, and said lightly.

The ice master's injury has not healed, and he may not be Lin Yang's opponent in a fight, so he has no choice but to kneel down slowly.

"Get up."

Lin Yang said calmly, then returned to his seat, looked at the people of the fairy clan below, and said calmly: "Listen, I will issue an order to gather all the people of the fairy clan immediately, and follow me to the fairy valley! You wait Everyone returns, they need to gather their troops within an hour, and go with this seat! Do you understand?"

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other.

"May I ask the Immortal Lord, why did we gather our troops to go to the Immortal Valley?"

The Lord clasped his fists and said.

"Save people!"

"Save who?"

"Of course it is to save our clansmen who were captured by Xiangu!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

When people heard this, they all sneered secretly in their hearts.

People who saved the immortal clan? I'm afraid he won't be the one who saved you, right?

But although everyone's heart is like a mirror, they dare not break it.

"Get ready now! Gather at the clan gate in one hour."

Lin Yang said calmly, then waved his hand.

"Obey, Immortal Master!"

Everyone shouted, and they retreated one after another.

See \Goddess’ Super Son-in-Law\ then \remember\live\domain\name\:\\

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