The people of the fairy clan quickly assembled, and under the leadership of Lin Yang, they marched towards the fairy valley in a mighty way.

Ordinary immortals are very excited about saving lives.

Because the immortal clan was divided into three before, and the internal fighting was serious, no matter whether it was a heavenly immortal, a primordial immortal, or an upper immortal who was taken away, they would not be taken seriously.

After all, the leaders of these three districts only think about how to unify the immortal clan, and don't pay too much attention to the life and death of ordinary disciples.

You know, Xiangu is not easy to mess with.

Now that someone wants to stand up for them, naturally each of them is full of fighting spirit like a chicken blood.

But Lord Yuan and the others didn't care about it with the elders.

"To save my own people under the banner of saving my immortal clan's people, this man surnamed Lin has a lot of calculations."

Lord Yuan stared at Lin Yang who was riding the horse at the front, and snorted coldly.

"This person has transferred all his people from the fairy clan. I think he will leave my fairy clan after saving people."

The Lord smiled and said: "This person also knows that the position of the Immortal Lord is not stable, so don't be angry, he won't stay with us for too long!"


The ice master snorted coldly: "This son has humiliated us so much, if we don't kill him, we will never be able to wash away our shame in this lifetime!"

"What does the ice master mean?"

"It is impossible to let him go like this. This son must be killed! Otherwise, the people of my fairy clan will only think that this son is better than us. Even if we lead the fairy clan again, they will not accept it!" Bing said coldly.

"Master Ice Lord is right! I think everything needs to go according to plan, kill this son, don't let him continue to be arrogant, and restore our authority in the hearts of the people!"

Lord Yuan drank heavily, his eyes full of fighting intent.

The Lord nodded silently.

"That being the case, everything will go according to plan!"

After they agreed, they walked forward silently while stuffing pills into their mouths.

However, not long after walking forward, a figure quickly approached.

"Meet the lord!"

The visitor knelt down and worshiped Lin Yang.

"Get up."

Lin Yang glanced at the man, and asked lightly, "Are you all ready?"

"Report to the lord, everything is ready."

"Okay, cheer up everyone."

Lin Yang said.


The man cupped his fists and turned to leave.

"Who is that person?"

Lord Yuan frowned.

"I heard that Lin Yang is the leader of an alliance in the Nirvana Region, and that person should be his subordinate."

On the Lord's way.

"Really? Humph, it's just a bunch of chickens and dogs!"

Master Yuan disdainfully said.

"Don't worry about that, you two, we're almost at Wazhaikou!"

The ice master looked ahead and said in a low voice.

Yuanzhu and Shangzhu's expressions tensed, and they immediately winked at their subordinates.

Soon, Lin Yang in front stopped.

He glanced at the pass in front of him, and said lightly: "After passing this pass, you will be in the realm of Immortal Valley, right?"

"Yes, the terrain here is dangerous, and it is most suitable for ambushes!"

Lord Yuan rode forward, clasped his fists and said solemnly: "In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, please ask Immortal Lord to take the lead and pass through the pass! I will follow immediately!"

"Want me to lead the way?"

Lin Yang frowned.

"What's wrong? You are the fairy lord, the most powerful person in our fairy clan! I think with your strength, even if this pass is an ambush, you will not be afraid!" The ice lord also said.

"I also ask the Immortal Lord to spare the lives of my people and pass through the pass!"

The Lord led a group of elders to step forward to exert pressure.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, knowing that this was a conspiracy by Yuanzhu and his party.

The pass is already considered the territory of the Immortal Valley, and it must be guarded by the experts of the Immortal Valley.

If he enters alone, he will be ambushed.

This is forcing him to die!

"We can just wait here. Haven't we already agreed with Xiangu to meet them here?"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"Wait here? Hmph, Immortal Lord, since we have come to the Immortal Valley, how can we stop here? Please also invite Immortal Lord to enter the valley!" Yuanzhu shouted.

"Invite the fairy master to enter the valley!"

"Invite the fairy master to enter the valley!"

Others shouted.

Lin Yang stared at Yuan Zhu, his eyes getting colder.

He already understood everything.

These people are forcing the palace.

If he refuses, Yuanzhu and the others will definitely challenge him, pull himself down from the position of Immortal Lord, and take the humiliation before him!

Lin Yang didn't speak, but touched the Tiansheng knife with his hand.

At this juncture, if these people are not shocked, the plan will fall short!

Seeing Lin Yang's subtle movements, Yuan Zhu was overjoyed, and immediately prepared to act.

But at this critical moment.

Woo! !

A melodious horn sounded from within the pass.

Then, a large number of figures rushed out.

The people of Xiangu... came out!

See \Goddess’ Super Son-in-Law\ then \remember\live\domain\name\:\\

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