After a while, a large number of Xiangu people rushed out of the pass and stood ready.

"Who is the new fairy master of the fairy clan?"

Among the crowd in Xiangu, a middle-aged man with a goatee came out.

The man was covered in brocade robes, necklaces and bracelets. He looked very luxurious and heroic, but what surprised people was his aura, which was no worse than that of the three district masters.

The appearance of these people forced Yuanzhu to stop planning.

Lin Yang turned around, looked at the man, and spoke lightly.

"Who are you?"

"I am Luo Chengxian, the deputy valley master of the Immortal Valley. I heard that the Immortal Master wants to come to my Immortal Valley to ask for advice, so I am here to learn!"

The middle-aged man said lightly.

The words are full of arrogance.

"Vice Valley Master?"

Lin Yang frowned.

The other immortals were immediately annoyed.

"You bastard, our fairy lord came in person, but the lord of your fairy valley didn't show up? Why? Are you looking down on our fairy clan?"

"Don't be too arrogant!"


Everyone scolded and filled with righteous indignation.

Lin Yang raised his hand to signal everyone to be calm, and then he rode forward.

"I am the lord of the fairy clan!"


Luo Chengxian looked Lin Yang up and down, and couldn't help laughing: "I thought who the master of the fairy clan was! I didn't expect it to be a half-grown child! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Hahaha..."

When these words fell to the ground, even Yuan Zhu and the others couldn't help but frown.

"I heard about your decisive battle! Ice Lord, Yuan Lord, Lord Lord, the three of you can be regarded as heroes on one side, how did you lose to a child? Are you still willing to submit to them? You really lost all my monks! face!"

Luo Chengxian sneered unceremoniously, and the arrogance and disdain on his face were undoubtedly evident.

"Luo Chengxian, don't talk nonsense here! We are here today to beg for those disciples who have been captured by our Immortal Valley! If you are interested, you will obediently hand them over to them!"

Lord Yuan couldn't see it anymore, and immediately reprimanded him angrily.

He has a bad temper, although he hates Lin Yang, but compared with the people of Xiangu, he can completely let go of his hatred with Lin Yang.

"Hand over? Oh, okay!"

Luo Chengxian squinted his eyes and waved back.

I saw the crowd in Xiangu split apart.

Then a group of tortured inhuman figures were lifted up.

These people either had their arms and legs broken, their skin was torn apart, or their eyes were lost, or their kidneys were dug out, all of them were miserable to the extreme.


The people of the fairy clan were all angry.

But they all know that no matter whether it is the Immortal Clan or the Immortal Valley, there is almost no difference in treating outsiders like livestock.

They are all out to find the way, and they have no scruples about using living people to practice.

Most of the organs on these people were taken away by them to refine medicine.

Lin Yang immediately searched for Hua Tianhai.

Among these people, there are quite a few Wufang Icefields, but... they can't see Hua Tianhai!

"Where are my people?"

Lin Yang drank coldly.

"What are you talking about, Immortal Master? Are your people not here?"

Luo Chengxian smiled.

"I mean the group of people who were captured by you before!"

Lin Yang said solemnly: "Many people are missing here, where are they?"

"Oh... the Immortal Lord is talking about those people? If they are not here, I am afraid, they are already dead."

Luo Chengxian shrugged, with a look of indifference.

"What did you say?"

Lin Yang's pupils seemed to be bloodshot.

" me..."

"It's the lord...the lord, save us..."

"The ally..."

When those people from Wufang Icefield saw Lin Yang, they seemed to be grasping at straws and shouted with all their strength, but their voices were very weak.

Lin Yang suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Let him go first!"

"Let people go?"

Luo Chengxian squinted his eyes: "This is impossible!"

See \Goddess’ Super Son-in-Law\ then \remember\live\domain\name\:\\

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