The appearance of the Lord of the Immortal Valley revived the fighting spirit of the already decadent people in the Immortal Valley.

"Master Gu, help! Master Gu!"

Seeing a savior, Luo Chengxian immediately struggled and shouted.

Qian Xuan glanced at Luo Chengxian, and said lightly: "Let him go."

"It's fine to let him go, you let my people go first!" Lin Yang said solemnly.

"your people?"

"The group of people who were captured by your Xiangu earlier."

"So, you took Luo Chengxian's life and threatened me to release him."


"No one dared to threaten me, and no one could threaten me!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, I will kill Luo Chengxian first, and then I will fight with you. Maybe I can't destroy the fairy valley today, but it is definitely not a problem to hurt your vitality! You have lost so many men, it must have an impact on you, right?"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

There is no doubt about Qian Xuanyi's strength, and only Ye Yan can give Lin Yang this feeling.

But he is inferior to Ye Yan, so Lin Yang can't be sure whether Qian Xuanyi is a land god or not.

Even if it wasn't, Lin Yang didn't have the confidence to defeat the opponent.

But today, the main force of the Qingxuan Alliance and people from the Immortal Clan came over, and the pressure on Qian Xuanyi must have been considerable.

If Lin Yang shrinks back here, his success will fall short.

Qian Xuanyi was silent.

He actually doesn't care about the life and death of these people, Lin Yang can also see it.

But as Lin Yang said, if this battle is fought, Xiangu will definitely suffer heavy losses.

These people are all serving Qian Xuanyi's cultivation.

If these people suffered heavy casualties, it would have a considerable impact on Qian Xuanyi's cultivation progress.

"Bring someone!"

After weighing again and again, Qian Xuan nodded lightly.

"Yes, Master Gu!"

The person next to him clasped his fists and retreated.

After a while, a group of tortured and inhuman figures were carried over.

Among them was Hua Tianhai.

But he was the most miserable right now, most of his internal organs had been removed, his hands and feet were gone, his body was full of tubes, and there was a grass in his mouth, and his life depended on that grass.

Hua Tianhai's cultivation base is the highest, so he is naturally the focus of Qian Xuanyi's attention.

"Hua Ice Lord!"

Several high-level officials of the Qingxuan Alliance rushed over, brought the man, and quickly administered needles and medicine to continue his life.

"What about the rest?"

Seeing that some of these people were missing, Lin Yang couldn't help asking.

"Dead, no bones left."

Qian Xuan said lightly.

Lin Yang's heart twitched, his hatred was overwhelming.

But he didn't have a seizure.

If there is a fight at this moment, more people will only be sacrificed.

He took a deep breath and threw Luo Chengxian over.


Luo Chengxian fell heavily in front of Qian Xuanyi, his head was bleeding and he was in a panic.

"Master Gu! This son has humiliated us so much, we must not let it go, please Master Gu, kill him, kill him!"

Luo Chengxian got up, clasped his fists and said bitterly.


Qian Xuan slapped Luo Chengxian's face fiercely with a backhand.

Luo Chengxian was caught off guard and fell to the ground again, spitting out his teeth all over the floor.

"As the deputy valley owner, being so incompetent has completely embarrassed my fairy valley! How dare you ask this valley owner to make the decision for you?" Qian Xuan snorted coldly.

Luo Chengxian opened his mouth, not daring to speak again.

Lin Yang waved his hand again.

Those disciples who were captured by the fairy clan were also released.

"Master Qiangu, we have no intention of offending. Everyone is asking for immortality. We only hope to let go of the grievances of the past and devote ourselves to the pursuit of longevity. Today's matter is only to save my people. I hope Master Qiangu will not mind."

Lin Yang made a faint sound.

"I didn't expect that the fairy clan that had been divided for many years would be unified by you, young man, you are very good."

Qian Xuanyi nodded appreciatively: "Because you, the fairy lord, just took office, I'll give you a face. I won't pursue today's matter, but if there is a next time, it won't be you who brought people to my place to act wildly. I was the one who led people to destroy your fairy clan!"

"There will be no next time, unless you catch my man again!"

Lin Yang waved his hand: "Let's go!"

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