"Just leave like this?"

Some elders of the fairy clan felt unwilling and said anxiously: "Now is the best time to destroy the fairy valley, fairy master, why don't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?"

"Ignorance! The Lord of the Immortal Valley is not something we can deal with. If we really fight, we are afraid that there will be no one in ten!"

The Lord glanced at those elders and snorted coldly.

Several people's faces suddenly changed.

"I didn't expect that Qian Xuanyi, who has never shown his face all year round, has reached such a level of strength. It's too scary! The gap between our fairy clan and Xiangu is not small!"

The Ice Lord couldn't help but sigh with emotion and fear.

Master Yuan didn't say a word.

The troops withdrew slowly.

Qian Xuan watched Lin Yang leave with one eye, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"When did such a number one person appear in the fairy clan? Send someone to check the details of this fairy master, and then report to me!"

"Yes, Master Gu!"

On the way back to the fairy clan.

"Leader, although you have rescued Hua Bingzhu, but... our mission has not been completed, what should we do about your injury?"

Ao Hanmei drove her horse to catch up with Lin Yang, and asked sadly.

"It doesn't matter, we will find it again."

Lin Yang smiled.

"But... I have searched all over the extremely cold place, and only Xiangu has the medicine you need. If you can't get it from Xiangu... where else can I find it?"

Ao Hanmei hesitated to speak.

"There is always a way, there is always hope."

Lin Yang looked at the Bingzhu, Yuanzhu and Shangzhu in front of him, and suddenly shouted.


The large troops stopped slowly.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang together.

But Lin Yang glanced at the three of them, and said calmly: "You three, please come forward and talk."

The three looked confused, looked at each other, and came over one after another.

"What is the order of the fairy master?"

The ice master said in a deep voice.

"I have decided to give up the position of Immortal Lord and hand over the Immortal Clan to you."

Lin Yang said lightly.


The three of them were so astonished that they thought they had heard it wrong.

"Immortal Lord, why are you doing this?"

The Lord asked hastily.

"I'm not from the fairy clan. I don't know anything about the fairy clan. I came to this extremely cold place just to save people. Now that people have been saved, there is no need to stay here. The position of the fairy lord, Why do you need to occupy it?"

Lin Yang said calmly: "I think your strength should have recovered by now. I will give you a task. Whoever can find these herbs for me will be able to inherit the position of the next Immortal Lord!"

After speaking, Lin Yang took out a note from his arms and handed it to the ice master.

The ice master passed it on to the two of them.

After the two saw each other, they were thoughtful.

"How? Do you have any objections?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Immortal Lord, do you really mean what you say? Don't ask us to find medicinal herbs, and you're going back on your word!"

Lord Yuan drank heavily.

"If you don't believe me, I can swear in public and ask the people of the fairy clan to witness together!"

Lin Yang stood up.

"No need! No need!"

The Lord immediately said: "It is not appropriate for the tribe to know about this matter. The three of us will do our best to search for this medicine. Whoever can get this medicine, you will pass it on to whom!"


Lin Yang said calmly: "I will leave the extremely cold place first, and the three of you will be in charge of the fairy clan for the time being. You still perform your duties and control your respective areas! After you find the medicinal herbs, you can send people to Qingxuan The alliance is looking for me! At that time, I will go to the fairy clan in person, find an excuse to tell the clansmen, and pass it on to you!"

"it is good!"

The ice master's eyes burst bright: "It's a deal!"

"A four-horse horse is hard to catch!"

Lin Yang smiled, then pulled the rein and led the people towards Aoxue City.

All the immortals looked sideways.

"Tell me, would this person be willing to give up the position of Immortal Lord?"

Master Yuan seemed to be suspicious, and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, this person is trustworthy."

The Lord calmly said: "I said earlier that this person will not stay in this position for too long. He is not a member of the immortal clan, so how can he care about the affairs of the immortal clan!"

Lord Yuan nodded.

The Ice Lord didn't want to talk too much nonsense with the two of them, so he turned around and told his subordinates, ready to find medicine.

"You are in a hurry, but it's a pity that you can't find this medicine! The position of Immortal Lord is mine after all!"

Lord Yuan snorted coldly, and immediately rode his horse towards the immortal clan.


After returning to Aoxue City, Lin Yang immediately ordered everyone to rectify.

Many people in the Qingxuan Alliance couldn't bear the harsh environment of the extremely cold place. If it weren't for the support of the Skyfire Pill, they would have been frozen to death long ago.

But even so, many people were frostbitten.

Fortunately, Proud Syracuse has many effective treatments for frostbite.

inside the house.

Lin Yang treated Hua Tianhai carefully.

After a long time like this, he was relieved.

"Leader! Is Master Hua Bing okay?"

Master Yun Xiao walked in.

"It's all right."

Lin Yang smiled.

"Leader, you may have forgotten one thing. In our alliance base, there are still many people infested by the cold poison, and it is difficult to survive. Why don't you ask the master of the fairy valley for the antidote to the cold poison?"

Master Yun Xiao said cautiously.

"There is already an antidote."

Lin Yang pointed to Hua Tianhai: "He was poisoned by the cold poison, but he was cleaned up. When I saw Hua Tianhai, I already thought of a way to cure the cold poison, so there is no need to ask."

"I see!"

Master Yunxiao's eyes showed admiration.

"Through Hua Tianhai's body, I have already figured out the method of detoxification. Later, you ask the people of the Aoxue family to prepare. I will detoxify the people of the Aoxue family first! If it doesn't work, I will run another time." Go to the fairy valley."


Master Yunxiao clasped his fists.

But at this moment, a figure hurried into the room.

At first glance, it was Ao Hanmei.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yang asked in confusion.

Ao Hanmei pursed her lower lip, hesitated to speak, and finally took out a mobile phone from her body, and said in a low voice:

"Just received a call, Tianshen Mountain... something happened!"

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