Not long after Duguwen left the Qingxuan Alliance, he turned and headed for Tianshen Mountain.

"Master Dugu? Rare guest, rare guest, hahaha!"

A retainer from the whole family ran out to meet him.

"Is the ancestor in the mountain? Dugu Wen wants to pay a visit to the ancestor, please introduce him."

Dugu Wen got off his horse and asked with cupped hands.

"The patriarch has long since passed away, and all the affairs of Tianshen Mountain are now being taken care of by Master Qi!" The retainer said with a smile, "Young Master Dugu, please, Master Qi has prepared tea for you!"

"wait for me?"

Dugu Wen frowned slightly, but his expression did not change.

Soon, under the leadership of his retainers, Dugu Wen entered a temporary tent on the mountainside.

There were several chairs and a coffee table in the tent, and a middle-aged man with gray temples but a black middle was making tea.

There are a few men and women sitting next to them.

Seeing Dugu Wen coming in, Man Dihu greeted again and again: "Dugu Wen? It's just in time, hurry up, hurry up, come here and have a cup of tea with me!"

"I've seen Master Qi."

Dugu Wen cupped his fists and walked over, but secretly sized up the men and women sitting there.

"Kong Yang from Huoyang Pavilion, Changxin from Guying Peak..."

These are all big figures who usually see their heads and tails.

But what made Dugu Wen more concerned was a silver-haired woman sitting beside Qi Ye.

The woman closed her eyes and meditated, as if isolated from the world, but when a cup of fragrant tea was pushed in front of her, she slowly opened her eyes again, took a sip from the teacup.

"Dugu asked, did you just come out of the Qingxuan Alliance?"

The middle-aged man named Qiye pushed over a cup of tea and asked with a faint smile.


Duguwen didn't hide anything.

Since Qi Ye has been waiting for him here, there is no doubt that the Qingxuan Alliance has a whole family of eyeliners.

They must have known about their entry into the alliance.

"The person surnamed Lin is looking for you to inquire about our situation?"

"Yes, I told him everything I knew!"

Dugu Wen still didn't hide anything.

"Oh? Master Dugu, are you selling your entire family?"

The red-haired man Kong Yang put down his teacup and asked questions.

"Leader Lin once saved me, so I won't hide anything from him. What's more, I don't think that even if I tell him what he wants to know, it won't change the situation. There are land gods sitting in the house, why not?" Fear of everything, could Master Kong think that a land god can't deal with a small Qingxuan alliance?"

Dugu asked back.

As soon as these words fell, Kong Yang was speechless.

"Alright Kong Yang, you are no match for him when it comes to words."

Qi Ye smiled, and asked Dugu: "Then, what is this Lin's attitude now?"

"I have advised him not to pursue this matter any further. Lin Yang is a very sensible person. I think he should let go of his grudges and stop asking any more questions."

Qi Ye laughed: "Is that true? It's a pity, we don't intend to let him go!"

"Why did Seventh Master say that?"

Dugu Wen's expression changed slightly.

"The old ancestor confessed that if we cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, it will be a disaster! Since we have taken the Tianshen Mountain and offended the Qingxuan Alliance, we can't hold back. At present, the mining work of the Tianshen Mountain is still going on. Once the here is stable, the old ancestor will Lead us to destroy the Qingxuan Alliance!"

"Qi Ye, Leader Lin has already said that the power of Tianshen Mountain should be given to you, why should you be so aggressive?"

Dugu asked hurriedly.

"The strong take something from the weak, but the weak say it is a gift? This is just a decoration for their own incompetence!"

Qi Ye shook his head and said with a faint smile: "My whole family has always disliked keeping disasters, and everyone sitting here is the same. There is no need to say more about this matter. Dugu asked, you Dugu City should make a good choice in this incident. , on the side of the Qingxuan Alliance, don’t get in too much contact, understand? After all, we can understand you, but our ancestors may not understand..."

Dugu Wen raised his eyebrows, and finally cupped his fists.

"What Qiye said is very true, Duguwen understands."

"You're a smart man! I'm only telling you a thing or two because of my past relationship. If it were someone else, I'd just destroy a piece of it. Why be merciful."

Qi Ye smiled and took another sip of tea.

Dugu Wen felt like sitting on pins and needles, toasted a cup of tea, then got up and left.

Qi Ye didn't hold back either, and watched him off with a smile.

On the way back to Dugu City, Duguwen rode on a horse and looked up at the sky.

After a while, he tilted his head slightly, and whispered to his confidant: "Send someone to secretly inform the Qingxuan Alliance, and tell them that the whole family wants to destroy the alliance, and tell them to prepare as soon as possible!"

"Yes, my son."

"Lin Yang, I will repay this kindness today!"

Dugu Wen closed his eyes and muttered to himself.


A snowy night.

A lonely figure rides a white horse in the white snow world.

The snow-white world leaves only a line of horseshoe prints...

I don't know how long I have been doing this, and an iceberg falls in front of my eyes.

In front of the iceberg, stood three figures.

"Immortal Lord?"

All three of them frowned, their faces darkened.

"You didn't stay in the Qingxuan Alliance, why did you go and come back again? Is it can't bear the position of the Immortal Lord?"

"Are you going to break your promise?"

"If so, you are unjust, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

A galloping killing intent emerged from the three of them.

The figure on the horse raised his head indifferently, stared at the three of them for a long time, and then slowly made a sound.

"The power of does it mutate?"

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