"You want to use the power of mutant ascension to fight against the land gods?"

In the palace, after hearing Lin Yang's words, Lord Yuan burst out laughing.

"Whimsical, this is absolutely whimsical!"

The Lord also shook his head again and again, and said softly: "Immortal Lord, although the power of mutant ascension is powerful, it cannot compare with the power of orthodox ascension. If you have this idea, I can only advise you to give up."

"Does the ice master think so too?"

Lin Yang asked with a sideways head.


Bingzhu said coldly, without any hesitation.

Lin Yang watched the three of them quietly, and then said calmly: "I know, you are not willing to teach me how to mutate the power of ascension, because you are worried that I will renege on my promise and not hand over the position of Immortal Lord, and you are worried that I have mastered the mutation method." The power of ascension, you are no match for me!"

"Since that's the case, I can announce to the Immortal Clan people now that I will give up the position of Immortal Lord and restore the situation where the three districts have their own control, how about it?"

When these words fell to the ground, the pupils of the three immediately swelled.

"Immortal Master Lin, what about the matter of finding medicinal herbs that you said earlier?" Yuan Zhu asked immediately.

"You don't need to do it, as long as you teach me the mutation method of the power of ascension, that matter can be voided."

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

He just wants to save Aizen now.

Let's talk about your own injuries...

The three of them looked at each other, and they could see the desire in each other's eyes.

Although the fairy clan is divided into three, they are the supreme leaders of a region after all, and they don't need to look at other people's faces, and they don't need to be superior to dwarves.

They can accept themselves sitting on the throne of the Immortal Lord, but they will never allow others to sit on this position.

As for whether the immortal clan can be unified, the three of them don't care.

"If that's the case, well, we agree to teach you the power of mutation and ascension."

After discussing, the three of them nodded unanimously.

"Okay, then I will draw up the letter of abdication immediately, and I can publish it once I have completed my studies."

"to make!"

"Immortal Lord Lin, come with us!"

The three of them walked out of the palace together.

But the place he went to was very strange, it was actually on the iceberg outside the Tianxian District.

The ice lord led Lin Yang to a pile of iceberg ore, picked up a piece of ore, and threw it to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang took it, looked at it carefully, and frowned.

"There is some kind of unique power hidden in this stone..."

"The mystery of the power of mutation and ascension lies in it."

The ice master said in a deep voice.

"The land of our Frostface Fairy Clan is full of this kind of ore, but it is difficult for us to mine those ores that are frozen thousands of meters underground. We can only mine this kind of exposed mountain ore, similar to this kind of mine, We have one of the three regions, and the division of our Tianxian, Yuanxian and Shangxian regions is also divided by the location of this iceberg."

Shangxian said.

"So, you arrest people everywhere, take captives and throw them here as coolies?"

"That's right, in order to mutate the power of ascension, it is necessary to combine the unique formula of my fairy clan with the energy in this ore. However, the power of ascension of a disciple needs at least three tons of ore to mutate. The three of us There are so many people in this area, and the number is far from enough, so if you have to collect them day and night, there are still many people whose ascension power has not completed the mutation."

Master Yuan explained.

Lin Yang nodded silently.

"However, the purity of these exposed ores is actually not high. Immortal Lord Lin, if you are capable, you can dig out the ores from a thousand meters underground and use the stones there to mutate. It must be stronger and more terrifying, even if the power of ascension cannot be compared with the land gods, it will not be much worse!"

The ice master narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

"How many kilometers underground?"

Lin Yang was startled.

"Master Ice Lord, why make fun of Immortal Master Lin?"

The Lord shook his head: "Immortal Lord Lin, don't worry about this matter. The ice layer in the area where our fairy clan is located is extremely hard, and there are a large number of ore branches. These ice layers are affected by the energy in the ore. Gold and stone are even harder, with your strength, it is absolutely difficult to break through, not to mention a few thousand meters, digging a few hundred meters of ice is as difficult as reaching the sky."

Lin Yang remained silent.

"The purity of the three icebergs is the highest on the Ice Lord's side. Immortal Lord Lin, you can use these ores as you like. Later, we will send you the power of ascension variation formula and mental method. We will teach you for half a day, and the rest is just Look at your own good fortune!"

"it is good!"

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