On the ambulance, Lin Yang took Liang Qiuyan's hand and pressed it gently.

Although his technique is very delicate, but after a few passes, Liang Qiuyan's face is obviously much better, and her complexion is also slightly restored.

However, in the view of Su Yan, this is the result of some measures taken by these medical staff.

"Which hospital are we going to?" At this time, Lin Yang suddenly asked.

"The most recent one is the Municipal People's hospital. The patient's condition is quite urgent. We must have an operation as soon as possible. It is more appropriate to go to the people's hospital." Said one of the doctors on board.

"Is the Municipal People's hospital very good in Yanjing?" Lin Yang asked.

"It's OK, but the best hospital is the First Affiliated Hospital of Yanda, but it's far away from here."

"Except for Yanda?"

"That's the Chinese Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. It's close to the people's hospital. But if this hospital wants to see famous doctors, they have to make an appointment in advance. After all, there are too many people from all over the world to seek medical treatment."

"Then send the patient there." Lin Yang opened his mouth.

He didn't plan to let those doctors see him. He decided to go to see Liang Qiuyan himself. Since it is a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, the facilities should be relatively complete.


The doctor said hello to the driver and sent him to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Su Yan heard the voice, some anxious, quickly whispered: "Linyang, to the people's hospital is not very good? If we go to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and don't ask famous doctors, it's very difficult to treat Ganma's disease. But if we hire a famous doctor, we don't have so much money. "

Su Yan naturally took into account the economic situation. Although she did not know how much money Lin Yang had, she guessed that Lin Yang's money would not exceed 10000 yuan.

"Don't think about it. I'll take care of it." Lin Yang road.

"I tell you, Lin Yang, don't mess around, and don't spend the money indiscriminately. You can treat it as you want! Now the situation is so serious that there are more places to spend money. You have to save a little, understand? " Su Yan said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I know."

"That... If the money is not enough, you should tell me in advance, I this... I still have..." Su Yan hesitated.

Lin Yang looked at her unexpectedly, and nodded with a faint smile: "thank you."

"No thanks. I'm just doing my duty as a wife. When I get divorced, it doesn't matter who she is." Su Yan shook her head.

Although this is somewhat ruthless, it is not unreasonable.

It's really hard for a person to be as principled as she is.

The car drove into the outpatient department of traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and the medical staff immediately lifted Liang Qiuyan down.

"Go straight to the emergency department."


After communicating with doctors in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, Liang Qiuyan was pushed into the emergency room.

At this time, a suit man who just came out of the outpatient department saw this scene and immediately stopped.

After a moment's silence, he followed him, staring at the man on the shelf bed. After a moment, he frowned, walked out of the outpatient building, took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone.

"What's going on?"

There was a dull, dull voice over the phone.

"Sir, I took medicine in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine today and saw a man enter the emergency room." The suit man whispered.


"Liang Qiuyan!"

There was an immediate silence over the phone.

A moment later, a silent voice came out.

"Get Liang Qiuyan out of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and find out who sent her to the hospital. No matter who he is, break his legs."

"Yes, sir."

The suit man hung up the phone and dialed another number again.

At the moment, doctors have pushed Liang into the emergency room.

"Sir and miss, you can't go in." The nurse stopped Lin Yang and Su Yan outside the door.

"I'm a doctor, too." Lin Yang Lian was busy.

"Are you a doctor?" The nurse had an accident.

"I know everything about the patient at the moment. I can help."

"Well, I hope you'll keep quiet and follow the doctor in charge." The nurse said, then gave Lin Yang a dust-free clothes.

Su Yan is waiting outside.

Liang Qiuyan was diagnosed and treated by a doctor in his late thirties. After all, the academic hours of doctors in this profession are much higher than those in other industries. If they can get to this position under the age of 30, they must have some special skills and be promoted.

After a little examination, Dr. Li's face became heavy, and he said in a low voice: "immediately prepare the needle, take the medicine, and then bring the pacemaker. The patient's organs are failing very badly, and the situation is very bad."

"Yes, Dr. Li!"

The surrounding medical staff immediately got busy.

At this time, Dr. Li saw the silver needles on Liang Qiuyan's arm. He was stunned and looked at them. His eyes showed a touch of wonder.Although he is young, he has little attainments in silver needles. Although these silver needles look ordinary, he is surprised to find that these silver needles have locked the vein of the patient and restrained the deterioration of the disease. It is like a bandage to stop bleeding, which makes the patient's condition no longer worse.

"Who gave the needle?" Dr. Li asked subconsciously.

How would the medical staff know?

But at this time, Lin Yang, who had just put on his dust-free clothes and masks, had come over.

"That's the needle I gave!"

Dr. Li Leng, strange looking at Lin Yang: "Sir, who are you?"

"This is not the time to talk about it. Prepare the needle quickly."

Lin Yang walked past, took out a silver needle, again tied in Liang Qiuyan's neck.

Liang Qiuyan fainted immediately.

"Ma point?"

Dr. Li lost his voice.

He wanted to stop Lin Yang, but he immediately hesitated to see Lin Yang's skill of silver needle.

"Hot needle!"

While pressing his arm for Liang Qiuyan, Lin Yang raised his hand and sank.


the medical staff nearby were hesitant.

They don't know who Lin Yang is at all, and it's really rude to be so negative.

But Dr. Li gritted his teeth and directly picked up the silver needle. He burned the candle on the side for a while and handed it over.

Lin Yang received the needle and immediately stabbed Liang Qiuyan's elbow.

His silver needle gave very quickly, the opportunity to pick up the needle and prick it down.

Next to the nurses are frowning, secretly broken up.

"What's the matter with this man? Did he find the right acupoint

"What's more, what are the places he's stabbing? Is there an acupuncture point there? "

"Dr. Li, you can't let him mess around. If there is an accident, our hospital should be responsible."

However, Dr. Li didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he focused on Lin Yang's acupuncture. The eyes on the mask were straight and straight at every move of Lin Yang. A pair of eyes were completely glued to it.

"Dr. Li, Dr. Li?"

The people nearby called for a few times, but they could not call Dr. Li back from his concentration www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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