I don't know how long it took, and Lin Yang finally gave up his hand. He took a hard breath and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

At the moment, Liang Qiuyan's arms are full of silver shaking needles, gently shaking, which makes people feel numb.

Seeing this, Dr. Li seemed to have regained consciousness and quickly handed a towel by the side.

Thank you very much

Lin Yang wiped his face.

And such a move, it can be said that the surrounding medical staff were stunned.

This doctor Li is a talented doctor in the hospital, and his master is the one who has always been arrogant. Why is he willing to be a supporting role today?

The health care workers around were eager to talk but stopped.

"Sir, what doctor are you from? It's really eye opening for me to do such needling. I'm glad to meet you." Dr. Li was very happy. He took off his gloves and wanted to shake hands with Lin Yang.

"I'm not a doctor. I just know a little bit about medical skills. This doctor Li, the patient's condition has not been completely stabilized. We can't relax. We should make soup and medicine quickly and feed it to her." Lin Yang took out a silver needle and pricked it in Liang Qiuyan's abdomen. Then he looked at the silver needle.

"Er... OK." Dr. Li was embarrassed, but he still did what Lin Yang said.

The medical staff are all confused.

But Lin Yang didn't pay attention to anyone, just staring at the silver needle.

Liang Qiuyan's internal organs show signs of atrophy. In principle, this sudden change can only be caused by poisoning. However, after he tried with a silver needle, Liang Qiuyan was not poisoned...

if it was not poisoning, what disease was it?

Does this have anything to do with the Liang family?

Lin Yang's mind is full of fog.

However, since Liang Hongying refused to say anything about it, if you ask the Liang family, you won't have any reply. You still have to send someone to investigate.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang will put down the silver needle, ready to take out the mobile phone, call Ma Hai.

However, it was at this time that...

was very earnest.

The door of the emergency room was knocked.


Everyone in the room was in a daze.

The nurse went to the door, opened the small window and looked out. She was stunned and quickly opened the door.

"Who is it?" Dr. Li couldn't help asking.

"It's president pan!" The nurse whispered.

"What? President pan

People were surprised.

After the door opened, I saw a bald, middle-aged man with glasses and a group of people trotting in.

"President pan, what's the matter?" Dr. Li stopped in a hurry.

"Xiao Li, this matter has nothing to do with you. Get out of the way first." President Pan said solemnly.

Seeing the look of President pan, Dr. Li felt something was wrong. He immediately asked, "director Pan, we are rescuing the patient. What's the matter? Can't we wait until the first aid is over? It would be terrible if it delayed the disease! "

"Xiao Li, the patient's condition is not as bad as you said, and we understand that the patient's admission procedures are not regular, she needs to transfer to another hospital urgently. Don't worry about it. Get out of the way." President Pan said with a wave.

The people behind him immediately walked over to pull Lin Yang apart and push Liang Qiuyan out of the emergency room at the same time.

"What are you doing?" Lin Yang immediately pressed the bedstead.

"What's the matter?"

Su Yan also ran in and asked strangely.

"Who are you?"

Pan asked, staring at Lin Yang.

"I'm a family member of the patient." Lin Yang sinks.

"Family members of patients? Don't you know that family members of patients are not allowed in here? security staff! Where's the security guard? Get this man out of here Climbing courtyard grows up to shout, the door directly rushes in a few uniformed security guards, without saying a word will drag Lin Yang to leave.

"Get out of here

Lin Yang's cold look, direct force, two security guards overturned to the ground.


People were shocked.

"Do you dare to resist? Call the police! Call the police Pan pointed to Lin Yang Road angrily.

Someone has taken out the phone.

Lin Yang clenched his fist.

He knew that the sudden appearance of these people must have something to do with the Liang family.

Everything is really like what Liang Qiuyan said... These big hospitals... Can't go!

"Premier Pan, how can you do this? Now the patient's condition is very bad. If you transfer her to another hospital now, how can we afford to be responsible if something goes wrong? " Dr. Li's face was flushed and said excitedly.

"Xiao Li, you have to find out your position! I'm also following the rules! They don't have complete procedures, but they can't stay here. Are you accusing me? " President pan was not polite, staring at Dr. Li.

Dr. Li wanted to open his mouth, but he was stopped by Lin Yang."Dr. Li, don't talk about it."

"This gentleman, this..." Dr. Li looked at Lin Yang in embarrassment.

"I agree to transfer." Lin Yang closed his eyes and said faintly.

If we continue to make trouble, not only will there be no result, but he may also be taken away. Once he leaves Liang Qiuyan's side, she is afraid that her life will be in danger.

So... No more.

If in the past, Lin Yang would never swallow his anger, but for Liang Qiuyan, he had to.

"Well, that's right. If you cooperate with us, we won't take extreme measures." Pan president snorted, then to the side of humanity: "immediately arrange for the patient to transfer to another hospital, and ask the security guard to immediately drive the idle people out of the hospital!"

"Good Dean

And they did it immediately.

Soon, Lin Yang and Su Yan were blasted out of traditional Chinese medicine.

And Liang Qiuyan was also picked up in an ambulance.

Originally thought that Liang Qiuyan would be transferred to other hospitals, but when the car got out of the hospital gate, Liang Qiuyan was lifted down and put on the roadside.


Su Yan glared, then angry and angry: "are these people demons? Do they just ignore the patient's safety? Damn it! These people are such bastards! I want to get in touch with reporters, I want to expose them! "

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoyan. It's not too bad. Let's find a clinic and settle down the dry mother first." Lin Yang seemed to have anticipated this and was not very angry.

"Can't we go to other hospitals?"

"The result of going to other hospitals is just like this!"

"Well, I'll call a taxi right away. Can mother go?"

"I drugged her. I can't leave. I'll carry her on my back."


Su Yan nodded and stopped at the side of the road.

But at this time, several black cars suddenly stopped at the side of the road, and then a large number of people in black with suits and sunglasses rushed down from the car and surrounded Lin Yang and Su Yan...


Su Yan's face changed with fright and looked at these people in horror: "what do you want to do?"

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