Looking at the people in black around, Su Yan was completely flustered.

Lin Yang was very cold, but his face was very calm.

He didn't know what his stepmother had done to the Liang family, but in any case, a living person became like this. Why did the Liang family kill all of them? Isn't her surname liang?

Lin Yang clenched his fist to death, his eyes full of senhan and fury.

This justice, he must recover!

"Are you Lin Yang?" A man with sunglasses glanced at Lin Yang and asked coldly.

"It's me."

Lin Yang patted Su Yan on the back of his hand, then said without expression: "what do you want to do, do it as soon as possible, but I have to remind you that once you move your hand, there is no regret that the medicine can be taken!"

"Hum, how crazy!"

"I've seen a lot of hard talking trash like you. Now it's you who stand here shouting, and it's you who will scream on the ground later. We've seen too much. There's no need to say any unnecessary nonsense. Let's see how many you can fight!"

Wearing sunglasses, the man shook his head and then started.

"Stop... Stop! Big brothers, don't mess around

Su Yan, with a pale face, quickly stopped the crowd.

"Girl, we don't beat women! Get out of the way. " The sunglasses man said.

"Big brothers, what's wrong with me... My husband? Shall I take him to apologize to you? " Su Yan trembled.

"You don't have to apologize. We just need to knock off his legs. This is the task assigned by the above. Get out of the way. Otherwise, we won't be blamed for not abiding by the principles." Sunglasses man said without expression.

Break your legs?

Is that ok?

Su Yan didn't know that these people were sent by the Liang family. How could she know the rules and regulations?

Su Yan opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Lin Yang stopped her.

"Come back, you little man

"Don't be impulsive again!" Su Yan suddenly turned around and glared at him and said, "can't you see this situation?"

Lin Yang frowned and didn't want to explain to this woman.

He also does not want to reveal his identity with Su Yan, because there is no need for this.

"Do it!" At this time, the sunglasses man made a voice without emotion.

The moment the voice fell to the ground, all the people around him came up.

Su Yan's face changed in horror and suddenly closed her eyes.

As soon as Lin Yang's breath sinks, he wants to do something.

But at this critical juncture, a drink cry sounded.

"Stop it!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was stunned.

But see a woman wearing professional clothes quickly walked over, horizontal in front of Lin Yang.

People were stunned.

"Miss Hongying." The sunglasses man breathed out.

"What are you doing? Spread it out for me Liang Hongying had a big drink, full of momentum.

Around the men in black have retreated.

Obviously, they all know Liang Hongying.

"Miss Hongying, this person is required by the above authorities. If you intervene, I'm afraid you will not be able to explain to the authorities." The sunglasses lowered his voice and said.

"Family side I will explain, you don't mind, I want you to get rid of me immediately, immediately!" Liang Hongying drinks and shouts.

"This..." Sunglasses man hesitated.

"What? You don't even listen to me? Well, I'll tell my grandfather at once, I'll see who's worse off! " Liang Hongying drinks and shouts angrily.

Hearing this, the man in sunglasses hesitated and bit his teeth: "well, since Miss Hongying said so, let's go!"

The voice fell to the ground, and these people in Black got on the car and went straight away.

Su Yan saw this, and immediately relaxed.

The face of Miss Liang is really big enough...

"thank you, Miss Liang." Su Yan said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Liang Hongying shook her head.

"Miss Liang, do you know these people? I listen to what you say to him as if they are members of your family? " Su Yan asked in confusion.

"It's just their bodyguards." Liang Hongying said with a smile.


Su Yan's heart was slightly shocked.

It seems that Miss Liang is not an ordinary person.

Su Yan had a little thought in her heart. She must have a good relationship with Miss Liang.

But Lin Yang doesn't care.

"Miss Liang, can you arrange for my godmother? She's in a very unstable situation. Can you help me transfer her to another hospital?" Lin Yang said in a deep voice.

"Lin Yang, I have already said that the big hospital can't go, so she can only be arranged to a small clinic. If you go to any hospital, she will be expelled!"

"Then go to the small clinic!" Lin Yangli drinks."Well, get her on my back right now!" Liang Hongying stands on the road.

Lin Yang nodded and immediately carried Liang Qiuyan onto the bus.

Liang Hongying quickly sat in the driver's seat and started firing, which was to step on the accelerator.

But at this time, Liang Hongying's mobile phone vibrated.

Liang Hongying frowned slightly, picked up the phone, scanned the caller ID, and immediately her face changed.

"So fast?" She murmured.

"Miss Liang, what's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

Liang Hongying did not say a word, hesitated, then pressed the call button.

"What's wrong with granddad?"

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