
Lin Yang in the back frowned.

Is it her grandfather Liang Weiguo who called Liang Hongying?

If so, it would be easy.

In other words, Liang Hongying knew that Lin Yang was the miracle doctor, and that Liang Weiguo was also cured by Lin Yang. In principle, the Liang family should treat Liang Qiuyan kindly. Why should Liang Qiuyan be so difficult?

Is Liang Weiguo a man who feeds the hand that feeds him?

It's totally unnecessary.

After all, Liang Qiuyan is from their family.

And Lin Yang and Liang family have no grudge.

So what's going on here? What's the secret?

Lin Yang frowned, thinking about the reason.

Liang Hongying pushed open the door and stood on the side of the road, whispering something to the people on the other side of the mobile phone.

I saw her face more and more ugly, eyes in the urgency is also more and more, open mouth want to say what, but always can't say.

Finally, she hung up her mobile phone, and she looked at Lin Yang and Su Yan in the car with a despondent look. Her eyes were full of apology and helplessness.

Seeing this scene, both of them are in a daze. A bad premonition appears in the hearts of Lin Yang and Su Yan.

However, Liang Hongying bit her lips, as if she had made a decision. She suddenly came to open the door and sat in the driver's seat.

At this moment, it is extremely difficult for Liang Hongying to get on her own car...

"Miss Liang, what's the matter Su Yan asked carefully.

"It's obvious!" Lin Yang took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "it seems that Miss Liang can't help us any more."

"I'm sorry... Lin Yang, I really didn't expect things to be so serious..." Liang Hongying mumbled her lower lip, full of apology.

"Serious? Did Liang Weiguo ask for it? " Lin Yang asked calmly.

"How could it be?" Liang Hongying shook her head: "my grandfather has gone to rest for a while. He should not know about it at present."

"Who was the man who called you just now?" Lin Yang asked.

Liang Hongying hesitated, then cautiously said: "is... Is my Liang family in charge of the second room Liang Qingsong grandfather."

"In charge of the second room?"

"My Liang family is divided into three rooms. My great grandfather Liang Huxiao is in charge of the main room, Liang Qingsong is in charge of the second room, and Liang Weiguo, who is in charge of the third room, is Liang Weiguo, who is in charge of the third room. They have a clear division of labor and are highly respected. They are the three pillars of our Liang family! And just called me, is the second grandfather Liang Qingsong... "Liang Hongying whispered.

Hearing this, Lin Yang finally understood why Liang Hongying's face would be so ugly.

It turns out that Liang Qingsong made a speech!

Liang Qingsong, as the head of the second room of the Liang family, must have a higher status than liang Weiguo. He showed up. No matter how arrogant Liang Hongying was, she would not dare to disobey him. After all, she had drunk those sunglasses because of Liang Weiguo's support behind her.

Now that Liang Weiguo is hard to use, she will naturally wither.

"I see." Lin Yang took a deep breath and said calmly, "Miss Liang, I understand your difficulties. In this case, you should not take care of this matter. You can send us to the clinic nearby."

Liang Hongying opened her mouth and said in a low voice: "Lin Yang, at least a dozen pairs of eyes are staring at me around my car. If I take you to the clinic and don't tell me how I am, aunt Qiuyan will be driven out at the first time..."


Su Yan was shocked.

Lin Yang eyes a Lin, sink way: "in this case, that's good, I'll take a taxi to the clinic myself!"

"No use..." Liang Hongying sighed, side head way: "Mr. Lin... second grandfather called me, it means that we have been watched. If you send aunt Qiuyan to any hospital or clinic, no one will take her in!"

"You mean..."

"Linyang... You should carry aunt Qiuyan back to the place where she lives. In Yanjing, only there is aunt Qiuyan's shelter, and there is only one place where the Liang family will not interfere! This is the last way for the Liang family to give aunt Qiuyan! " Liang Hongying said hoarsely.

Lin Yang's pupils shrank and his fist was still clenched.

"What has my godmother done to make you Liang family treat her like this, but she won't give her a way to live?" Lin Yang roared.

"Lin Yang, I'm sorry..." Liang Hongying tightly pursed her lips, and her eyes were full of helplessness and pain. She said hoarsely.

Lin Yang glared at the rearview mirror and Liang Hongying. For a while, he pushed the door open, and then walked down the street with Liang Qiuyan on his back.

Su Yan followed.

"Linyang, I can take you back!" Liang Hongying ran out of the car and headed for Linyang road.

"Don't worry, Miss Liang. Since you are worried that I will implicate you, I won't bother you with this matter. I will deal with my motherfucker's affairs myself!"

Lin Yang said coldly, without looking at Liang Hongying, he left directly with Su Yan.Liang Hongying stood at the corner of the street, staring at the scene, then took a hard breath and closed her eyes full of pain.


as Liang Hongying said, Lin Yang carried Liang Qiuyan all over the streets and small clinics, but they were not treated. These clinics and hospitals seemed to have received news in advance. Before Lin Yang spoke, they just saw them and immediately drove them away!

Su Yan in the back of her face was frightened and white.

She was not a fool and knew that all this was done by the Liang family.

The power of the Liang family is... Big enough!

In fact, Lin Yang didn't really want the doctors in these hospitals and clinics to treat Liang Qiuyan. He just wanted a venue with some complete equipment to treat Liang Qiuyan! He is an excellent doctor. Can he not compare with the doctors in these small clinics?

But Lin Yang didn't expect that Liang family was going to kill them all!

After walking around, he didn't find a place to accept Liang Qiuyan. Lin Yang was so angry that he simply said, "forget it, Xiaoyan, let's go back home!"

"That... That ganniang's disease..."

"let's go back and treat it!"

"Good... All right..."

Su Yan has no choice but to rely on Lin Yang's half skill at this time. Of course, this is what Su Yan thinks.

To their utter despair, when they were about to take Liang Qiuyan back to the basement, they found that not only did the clinic refuse to accept them, but even every taxi in Yanjing never stopped in front of them...

it was clearly marked "empty car", but the driver sped away after glancing at Linyang.

It would be weird if one car, but four or five cars in a row were all like this.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and his face was gloomy and frightening.

He looked under a pier in the distance, and then looked at Liang Qiuyan behind him. Without saying a word, he walked toward the pier with Liang Qiuyan on his back www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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