"Lin Yang, where are you going Su Yan looked at her husband in confusion and yelled.

"Look at the weather, it's going to rain, and the situation of ganniang is getting worse. Let's take a rest under the pier of the viaduct first. I'll help ganniang have a look." Lin Yang road.

Su Yan looked at the sky with dark clouds and nodded in silence.

Under the bridge pier, the bridge pier has not been opened to traffic. The bridge pier on the right side is still open to traffic.

Liang Qiuyan's numbness gradually subsided, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Son, is your mother dead?" Liang Qiuyan looked at Lin Yang weakly and asked hoarsely.

"Don't worry, mom. You'll be fine with me." Lin Yang smiles, and then takes a silver needle and pricks it on Liang Qiuyan's neck.

Liang Qiuyan's slightly fluffy breath immediately stabilized a lot.

Lin Yang raised Liang Qiuyan's hand again and called her lower pulse. After a moment, Lin Yang's face became heavy.

"Lin Yang, what's the situation with ganniang?" Su Yan asked.

"There is a trend of deterioration..." Lin Yang said.

"Deterioration?" Su Yan was stunned, silent for a moment, and then said, "Lin Yang, why don't we take the ganniang to Jiangcheng for treatment? This is Yanjing. What kind of Liang's family is so powerful that we ordinary people are their opponents? We'd better get out of here

Lin Yang is angry, but have to admit, Su Yan said very reasonable.

He came in a hurry, not to mention the preparation of the staff. Even if he didn't carry any silver needles and refined pills, Liang Qiuyan's illness would not have been like this if some of the pills he had previously refined could have been there.

It's not good for you to spend it here. You'd better leave Yanjing as soon as possible.

"Xiaoyan, you're right. I'll book a ticket back to Jiangcheng immediately."

"Do you still have money? I'll come. You can save some money. Don't go to see a doctor for others in the future. In addition, ganniang's condition, can you fly? I'm afraid... She will have an accident... "Su Yan inquired.

"Her body is very weak now, and previously in the hospital only slightly suppressed the deterioration of her condition in her body, temporarily stabilized her condition, if these conditions are not further contained, her life will be in danger at any time." Lin Yang sinks.

"Ah? What should I do? "

"I can treat ganniang if I need it. Xiaoyan, go to the nearest hospital and buy me a pair of silver needles, and then buy some simple Chinese Medicine... And some Western Medicine..." Lin Yang explained.

Su Yan listened carefully. After a moment, she nodded and wanted to leave to buy medicine.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly thought of something and called out, "Xiao Yan, wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" Su Yan looked at him puzzled.

Lin Yang thought for a moment and whispered, "forget it, you'd better stay here to help me take care of the ganniang. I'm afraid you'll buy medicine and others won't sell it to you. It's better for me to go."

"That's reasonable. The Liang family will definitely make a stumbling block again... But if the hospital doesn't sell medicine, what can you do?" Su Yan asked.

"Don't worry, I've learned medicine at all, but I can't. I can buy it from those drug farmers. Can the Liang family still threaten them?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan gently nodded her head and pursed her lips. Then she said softly, "well, no matter what, you'd better be careful. Go early and return early. I'll wait for you here with ganniang."

"If you have anything to do, do call me!"

"Don't worry, you go. I'm fine."


Lin Yang nodded and ran to the nearest drugstore.

It's just...

just after Lin Yang's front foot left, a sports car creaked and stopped at the pier.

Su Yan was slightly stunned.

It was a fiery red Ferrari. When the car stopped, the door opened and a woman in a miniskirt and black stockings came out.

The woman takes off her sunglasses and walks up to Su Yan and Liang Qiuyan. She looks down at Liang Qiuyan arrogantly and looks at Su Yan again.

"Oh? Isn't this our aunt Qiuyan? What's up? How can you be a beggar on the street The woman's voice was full of sarcasm.

Liang Qiuyan raised her head with some difficulty and took a look at the visitor.

Su Yan frowned, stood up and glared at the woman angrily and said, "this young lady, what can I do for you?"

"Who are you?" The woman's eyes with thick eyes were jealous of Su Yan's face.

She had noticed Su Yan for a long time. Although Su Yan was not wearing a famous brand, her face was a masterpiece of Tiangong. No matter which woman saw it, she would be mad with jealousy.

"I'm Liang Qiuyan's daughter-in-law!" Su Yan said seriously.

"Daughter in law?" The woman was stunned and suddenly realized something. She pointed to Su Yan and laughed: "ha ha ha, I remember. I remember. You are the stupid woman who married the abandoned son of the Lin family! Ha ha, it's funny enough! ""Abandoned son of the Lin family?" Su Yan looks confused. She doesn't know what Lin family is not.

"When Liang Qiuyan was in Liang's house, she talked about Lin Yang's rubbish every day. I also heard that after her husband came to your house, he basically depended on you to support him every day. Ha ha, you can bear such useless things. If you were me, I would have said goodbye to such incompetent things." The woman glanced at Su Yan, covering her lips and sneering.

Su Yan is full of anger, but she is also helpless, because the woman said is the truth.

Seeing that she can't refute, Su Yan simply doesn't pay attention to this woman. She just stands beside Liang Qiuyan and accompanies her.

But how can a woman let go of Liang Qiuyan easily?

"Well, girl, go back to her nest with this mouse! This is not the place for her to stay! " The woman said to Su Yan Nunu.

"Lady, please be polite." Su Yan couldn't stand it any more, and she said to the woman again.

But as soon as she said this, the woman's backhand was a slap, directly fanned on Su Yan's face.


A crisp slap sounded.

Su Yan's white face immediately appeared a red palm print.

Su Yan is muddled, the person covers the face, brain burst of blank.

Liang Qiuyan was also anxious. She stood up and called out, "Nanfang... Live... Stop..."

her voice was very weak, but the woman didn't listen.

"You son of a bitch, are you here to talk? And what kind of thing are you to ask me to talk politely? Do you believe that I can't let you out of Yanjing today The woman directly opened her throat, pointing to Su Yan's nose and swearing.

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